The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1012 : Long live Uncle Atobe


Saito sushi restaurant in Tokyo.

"The reason why Seigaku can win three consecutive championships and set a new record is thanks to everyone's hard work!"

Zongshen looked at the team members and praised without extravagance.


"Although I said that, if I were better, I wouldn't lose the match, so Seigaku would win the match perfectly!"

Kirihara Akaya looked regretful.

There were four matches in the finals, but he lost.

If he can win that game, Seigaku's victory would be perfect.

"So give me a hard time in the future!"

Sanada snorted.


Kirihara Akaya replied loudly.


"Unexpectedly, we won three consecutive championships in the blink of an eye, I really can't believe it!"

Kikumaru smirked.

Although it has been a long time since "August Six Three", he still feels excited.


"But don't let up, because we haven't completed the goal of four consecutive hegemonies!"

Shoujia smiled rarely.


All the team members responded in a sudden.

"Okay, don't sigh!"

"Since you have won the championship, eat with your belly open today, count me as a treat!"

Zongshen chuckled and interrupted the conversation.

"Long live Minister!"

The team cheered.


"Cheers to Seigaku's three consecutive championships!"

Zongshen raised his cup and laughed.


The players cheered again.

And plates of sushi were also brought up and placed in front of everyone.

"It looks so delicious!

Momoshiro Takeshi's eyes lit up and swallowed.


"Today I must have a full meal!"

Kirihaya drooled.

He can't usually eat such a rich sushi. Today, he finally had a dinner together, so he naturally had to eat a big meal.

"This seafood sushi should taste good, right?"

Yukimura picked up a piece of sushi and tasted it, then his eyes lit up.

"Is it tasty?"

Everyone asked curiously.


Yukimura nodded and smiled satisfied.

"As far as I know, this Saito sushi restaurant is a famous sushi restaurant in Tokyo. There is no location at all. You must make a reservation in advance to eat it."

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses.


"I booked a spot before the match!"

Zongshen smiled and nodded.

Now Seigaku can be said to be unstoppable, so he prepared a place to celebrate in advance.

"The minister is still thoughtful!"

Momoshiro Takeshi smiled, and then savored the delicious sushi.

"Okay, hurry up and eat!

Zongshen said.

As soon as the words fell, afterimages passed by, the sushi on the plate was swept away.

"Good, fast!

Momoshiro Takeshi was stunned.

Then it was discovered that Zongshen and Yukimura were moving the chopsticks.

And he, Kirihaya and Kaidoh Kaoru didn't react at all.

"Eating is also a match. When I talk about eating, the match has already begun!"

Zongshen said with a smile.

"Too cunning!"

Kirihaya yelled, then stared at the newly served sushi.

But Yukimura did not speak.

Because they have been tortured by high school students, knowing that if they don’t move their chopsticks quickly, they will end up hungry.

"Do it!"

Kikumaru and Oishi spoke first.

I saw two rays of light emerged, connecting the two together.



The arm turned into an afterimage, and the chopsticks moved towards the sushi.

On the side, Zongshen and the hands of the family were not to be outdone, and started together.

But within a second, the sushi on the plate disappeared again.

Several people in Kirihaya were dumbfounded, their faces full of incredible.

Especially Kikumaru and Oishi, in order to eat a piece of sushi, they turned on both.

"Predecessors, what have they experienced?!"

Kaidoh Kaoru murmured.

"You are too young!"

Shoujia said in a deep voice.

When he was studying in National One, he was as innocent as the others in Taocheng.

But in the end, I could only watch the high school students taste the delicious food, but I couldn't get it at all.

From then on he swore that he must eat fast in the future.

"This time we will definitely grab it!"

Kirihaya shouted unwillingly.


Momoshiro Takeshi's eyes are burning with flames, full of fighting spirit

"You are too tender!"

Just as several freshmen were ready to go, an abrupt voice sounded.

Seigaku's team turned their heads to look.

I saw schools such as Rikkai University, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, Yamabuki, Lion Music, etc. come together.

And it was Tachibana kippei who spoke just now.

"Eating not only requires prevention, but also takes care of the time and does it instantly!"

"You have a lot to learn!"

Tachibana kippei said seriously.

"Is that so?"

"As expected of Senior Orange!"

Kirihara Akaya slammed his fist on his palm, his face suddenly realized.

"Since all are here, let's be together!

Zongshen looked at the group of people and smiled.


"Is it the leader of the party again?"

Mōri Juzaburō didn't know what was polite, and just sat down.

"Isn't Atobe coming? Just let Atobe treat!"

Zongshen said without blushing or breathing.


"Why do you want this uncle for a treat?!"

Atobe's mouth twitched.

He didn't realize that every time he had a party, he paid the bill in the end.

"This little money is nothing to Uncle Atobe, right?

Kite Eishirou's eyes flashed and he deliberately complimented: "With the strength of the Atobe consortium, even buying Saito Sushi Restaurant is a breeze."

"Humph!" 5.1

"In that case, let this uncle treat you!"

A smile was drawn at the corner of Atobe's mouth.

Although he knew this was Kite's deliberate compliment, he still felt very happy.

"Long live Uncle Atobe!"

The team cheered.

And Atobe also waved his hand and ordered several tables of sushi, letting everyone open their stomachs to eat.

"By the way, we are going to England on the 25th, so you'd better leave for U-17 tomorrow!"

Zongshen suddenly thought of something and said.


Everyone nodded.

Although they were in a hurry, now that the national competition is over, they have nothing important to do.

And they have been looking forward to this expedition to England for a long time, so naturally they have no objection. .

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