The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1014 : Revenge on the tennis world (2/3)

at dusk.

Surrounded by many thorns and roses, an ancient castle stands on the ground.

The old castle is very old. The tall gray city walls are covered with dark green vines. There are so many that they almost surround the windows.

The green vines spread, and some even got into the windows, revealing a bit of gloom.

This castle is called Kings of the Kingdom.

It used to be the residence of a plutocratic son, but later left, so the castle was also deserted.

But as night fell, the originally abandoned castle turned out to be bright.

If you don't know, think it's haunted inside.

"Have you heard?"


"September 1st U--17 training camp will have a practice match with the Japanese team, and that group of miscellaneous pieces will also play!

"Damn it, why do those wastes represent the team!"

"They appeared upright in front of people, but we hid like mice!"

"Why! Why!"

An angry voice came from the castle, full of depression and pain.

The camera turns.

A dozen people gathered in a hall of the castle.

Everyone had a hideous look on their faces, and they were obviously very angry.


"This should be an opportunity, a chance to avenge the tennis world!"

A cold voice came, and the tone was full of hatred.

When a group of people looked at it, they saw a tall figure slowly coming from outside the hall. His handsome face was rendered hateful, and the corners of his eyes faintly revealed a bit of hideousness.

"What do you want to do?!"

A young brown-haired man in the crowd opened his mouth, frowning.

"If the Japanese team is attacked and injured, there will be no way for this match to proceed, right?"

"Moreover, I came to another country to match, but encountered an attack. This may cause disputes between the two countries!

The handsome young man laughed in a low voice, his eyes gleaming with hatred.

That's right!

He wants to avenge the English tennis world.

The method is to attack the Japanese team.

If a member of the Japanese team is injured, the other side will definitely pursue it.

In this way, not only will the practice match be impossible, but the two countries will also forge hatred because of this matter.

"Do you know the consequences of doing this /.?'

The brown-haired youth frowned, and then said coldly: "Once you do this, you will never want to play tennis openly, the English tennis world will completely reject you!"

"Reject me?"


The handsome young man laughed, and the ferociousness in the corner of his eyes was even worse: "I have never given them any hope for a long time!'

"Calm down!"

The brown-haired youth drank.

He knew that once he did this, the consequences would be disastrous.

Usually they will also take action against the school and club members, but that is just a trifle.

Once a member of the Japanese team is attacked, it will rise to a conflict between the two countries.

After all, U--17 is not a non-governmental organization without any background. It means going to another country to match on behalf of one country.

If someone is attacked and injured, this may rise to a diplomatic accident.

Don't talk about the Japanese team at that time, I am afraid that even the England team will not let them go.

"Are you scared?!"

The handsome young man spoke, his eyes cold.

"I just hope that you can consider the consequences and don't regret it then!"

The brown-haired youth said solemnly.

"As long as I can avenge them, I will never regret it!"

The handsome young man replied coldly, his tone did not fluctuate, and he was obviously determined.

The brown-haired youth fell silent and gave each other a deep look.

Although he also resents the English tennis world, but he does not reach the level of a handsome young man.

And he knows that attacking a national team is far from comparable to attacking school members.

Once this is done, they will be thrown up by the tennis world and never have a chance to return.

"The Japanese team will arrive in London tomorrow!"

"This time the match will be held at Bailu court, so the place where they live must be there. When they settle down, we can act!"

A young man with dark skin and purple hair spoke with excitement.

"Then we will act tomorrow night!"

A coldness flashed in the handsome young man's eyes, and he looked at everyone in a deep voice.


The crowd responded with a slam.

They don't have the scruples of the brown-haired youth.

Now everyone is excited to see revenge on the English tennis world.

The brown-haired youth fell silent.

Although he deliberately stopped, no one here listened to him, so he could only be silent.

Early the next morning.

An airplane slipped slowly from the sky.

Mifune entered the road and led a group of team members off the plane, and then walked out of the security checkpoint.

The England players have already been waiting outside.

"...1Welcome to England!"

"I am General Croft!"

The new chief, Croft, stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face.

"Hands Zongshen!"

Zongshen nodded and shook hands with each other.

"The hotel and the like have been arranged, come with me now!"

Croft laughed.

"Then please!"

Zongshen nodded.

Then took a group of team members to board the bus that had already been prepared, and headed towards the hotel.

The group came to the hotel and settled under the leadership of Croft.

"The match is at 8 o'clock in the morning on September 1st, and the venue is Bailu Alley Tennis Stadium. I hope you won't be late!"

Croft reminded before leaving.


Zongshen nodded, then watched the group leave.

But what everyone doesn't know is (Good King Qian), their every move is being monitored by others.

"Is that a member of the Japanese team?"

Under a big tree, two ghosts and ghosts Chongchong whispered.


"Otherwise, how could Croft personally greet him!"

One of them said.

"But is it really okay?"

"I heard that Zongshen is a professional master, he must be very good!"

The other person said with some worry.

Usually they just bullied some school members and never played against the national team players, so they don't know how good the national team members are.

"This boss should be able to deal with rain!"

The person hesitated for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

"Forget it, let's send the news back first!"


The two talked in low voices, and then crept away. .

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