The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1019 : Weak England (1/3)

White Hart Lane Tennis Hall.

Deafening cheers resounded across the sky, hundreds of people shouted together, and the atmosphere on the court was extremely warm.

The practice match between Japan and England will be held soon.

The two teams walked out of the passage, shook hands with each other and then returned to the rest area.

"Although England's strength has declined, it is a world strong team after all, so I hope everyone will not take it lightly!"

Zongshen said solemnly.


A group of players responded in a sudden.

England ranks seventh in the world, but its strength is far more than that of seventh.

In previous years, this team ranked among the top five in the world.

It fell to seventh because of the defeat in the World Cup last year.

"Speaking of this match is the high school group and the junior high school group together?"

Tanegashima glanced at the court.

I saw the arena was divided into two, and there was a court on each side.

Obviously, I want to let the match of junior high and high school together.


Zongshen nodded, then looked at Mifune and entered the path.

"For this kind of team, the order of appearance is up to you!

Mifune entered the path and waved a big hand.

Since winning streak in the Japanese team, he has been a bit "expanded".

Except for the top five teams in the world, other strong teams are not in his eyes.

The usual lineup arrangements are completely left to Zongshen's decision.

Zongshen was speechless, but did not refuse: "If this is the case, then we will confirm the roster!"

"The list is divided into junior high school group and high school group, let's talk about junior high school group first!"

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and the middle school students' eyes flashed with desire, and they obviously wanted to make a comparison.

"Doubles two: Atobe Keigo, Oshitari Yuushi!"

"Doubles One: Inui Sadaharu, Yanagi Renji!"

"Singles three: Kite Eishirou!"

"Singles two: Yajujin!'

"singles one: hand Kunimitsu,...!"

Zongshen quickly set the list.

The few players on the field were all players who hadn't appeared in the previous practice matches.

After all, some people should not be allowed to sit on the bench, and some people often play.

"Finally it's my turn!"

Atobe pressed two fingers between his brows, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Professor, we have to form a team again!"

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses.

"Then let England look at our data tennis!

Yanagi Renji squinted his eyes, fighting spiritedly.

"Next is the high school group!"

"Doubles two: Omagari, Kaji Kazena!"

"Doubles one: Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yuho!"

"Singles three: Mitsuya Akuto!"

"Singles two: Tsukimitsu Ochi!"

"Singles One: Oni Jujiro!"

Zongshen quickly announced the roster for the high school group.

Regardless of the junior high school group or the high school group, it is not the strongest lineup.

But this is a practice game, and England will certainly not send all the top players on the field, so this lineup is enough to deal with everything.

"It's been a long time since I played a match, I don't know who my opponent is!"

Oni Jujiro smiled.

They worked hard in the back mountain for four months, and this match can be said to be the first real match since April.

"No matter who it is, the doubles two players hurry up to warm up!'

Zongshen said.


The four members of the middle school responded immediately, and then walked aside with the racquet.

The whistle for the start of the match blew, and the match started.

As Zongshen guessed, England didn't send any strong players, so the two sides were completely half-hearted.

The second doubles in the middle school group are Atobe and Oshitari.

The two are not only teammates, but also powerful.

"Leo, do you think this is before? This uncle has already surpassed you!"

Atobe's public laughter resounded throughout the audience.

And his opponent is surprisingly his companion in elementary school-Leo!

But as Atobe said, as his eyes evolve, Leo is no longer his opponent.

With the cooperation of the two, they won the match.

"The match is over, the Japanese team won, 6 to 4!

The referee blew the whistle.

An army member immediately cheered upon seeing this.

On the other side, Omagari and Kaji Kazena also won the match.

One person's endurance is amazing, one person is good at speed.

One defense and one attack left the English players helpless and eventually lost the match.

Winning the two matches greatly boosted the morale of an army member.

"England's strength is really not as good as before!"

Byodoin shook his head.

If it is the past, the match will definitely be fierce.

But now he couldn't see any fierce appearance, and was easily defeated by them.


Zongshen nodded.

This is true in England in the original work.

In a battle with the French team, he was bald by his 6:0 brother.

From this we can know how much England's strength has fallen since Zidir left.

as predicted.

After the start of the second match, the first army players won again.

Inui Sadaharu and Yanagi Renji's data tennis completely blocked the England players.

A match only scored one point and was defeated by two people.

This is especially true for the high school group.

The Mutsu brothers are faintly named as the first doubles in the world.

With the cooperation of the two, the victory was easily won.

The England players fell silent.

Before the match started, they thought they would have a fierce match with the Japanese team.

But who could have imagined that the result would be such that it would be easily crushed by others.

""1 This is the home court of England, we must not be defeated like this!"

Chief Croft said in a deep voice.

It can be said to be ashamed and thrown home by being beaten and defeated on the home court.

(Qian Wang Zhao) If you continue to lose, the entire U-17 will lose face.

"Leave it to us next!"

The two team members stood up.

After speaking, the two of them took the racquet and walked towards the courts on both sides.

"Finally it's my turn!"

Kite Eishirou pushed his glasses, a flash of warfare flashed in his eyes.

This is his first time on the world stage, so this match is extremely important to him.

"Come on!"

Akuto chuckled.

Speaking, the two walked to the court, and the match began with the whistle.

A fierce battle started.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Kite Eishirou relied on Shuchi method to win the match.

But Akuto lost to a player from England.

Now the middle school group has three games and the match is over.

However, the high school team had to continue fighting because they lost one game. .

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