The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1035 : Second in Japan (3/3)

PS: This book is basically written to the later stage. I just took a look at the outline, and then predicted the chapters. There are about one or two hundred chapters left before it is finished.


A hotel in Tokyo.

"This is all the information of Zongshen!"

A fat middle-aged man came over with a laptop and clicked on a file.


Takai Xiongfei was taken aback and looked at the screen.

He is a Japanese player, so naturally he has heard of Zongshen's name.

But I have heard of it, but if you want to say it is familiar, it is obviously impossible.

After all, in the eyes of many people, no matter how powerful U-17 is, it cannot be compared with a real professional player.

However, as the match progresses, Zongshen's reputation is getting louder and louder.

Three rounds of qualifiers crush your opponents!

Three rounds of round robin crush your opponents!

Sixteen enters eight, eight enters four and crushes the opponent!

According to some statistics, Zongshen has experienced a total of 14 matches in this tournament, but none of them lasted more than fifty minutes.

Whether it's an ordinary player or some of the world's top masters.

They were all easily defeated by Zongshen, not opponents at all.

"Have you never heard of Zongshen before? 877"

The broker Cross asked with some confusion.

"I've heard it before, but who will look at a fledgling kid?"

Takai Xiongfei shook his head and said.

After all, Zongshen is only invincible at U-17.

For someone like him who crosses the world arena and ranks 75 in the ATP, it is not worth noting.

But he didn't expect Zongshen to grow so fast.

In just one or two years, he became a professional player.

Now he has become the enemy of this match.

"Then you have to pay attention!"

"Now the media all over Japan are talking about you and Tezuka Zongshen!"

"There are even more malicious media who say that once you meet, a new era will replace the old one!"

Cross said in a deep voice.

If it's other players, the media will definitely not care so much.

But Takai Yuhi is Japan's No.2.

And Zongshen is a newly emerging super genius.

Now everyone hopes that the two will compete.

See if the old masters are good, or the new geniuses are good.


more importantly.

With Zongshen leading the team to win the World Cup championship.

Some time ago, he defeated Edmund to obtain the title of the world's number one high school student.

In terms of fame, it is several times louder than Takai Yutoi who is No. 2 in Japan.

Some people even call Zongshen the first genius of the current era.

If Takai Xiongfei meets Zongshen, he will definitely fail miserably.

"I know!

Yufei Takai nodded.

"You don't even know the seriousness of the matter!"

Cross said in a serious tone: "Once you lose the match, your reputation will definitely plummet, and Zongshen will step on your head and become the new Japanese No. 2!"

"Don't forget, your resources and advertising endorsements come from your winning percentage and reputation!"

"If you lose to Zongshen, you will definitely lose a lot!

When he said this, Takai Yuufei's face became gloomy.

At his level, victory or defeat can no longer refer to victory or defeat alone, it is also related to many aspects.

Once stepped on by Zongshen and rendered by the media, big things will indeed happen.

"Let me see his information first!

Takai Xiongfei thought for a while and said.


Cross nodded.

He knew that Takai Xiongfei actually wanted to compete with Zongshen.

But as a broker, he doesn't allow this.

It's okay to win, but once you lose, the impact will be too great.

After all, Yufei Takai is no longer a child, and he can shout dreams as he pleases.

Behind him is a team of great interests.

Takai Xiongfei looked at Zongshen's information materials.

With Zongshen, he broke his reputation one by one.

His information was naturally published.

In addition to the results of this tour.

The results of the World Cup, the expedition and even the national competition have also been turned out by interested people and announced.

"This is really a high school student?!"

Taking a few casual glances, Takai Xiongfei's eyes widened.

Although I have heard of Zongshen's name.

But he never specifically inquired about Zongshen's results.

Looking now, it made him feel frightened.

Because he discovered that Zongshen has defeated several world-class professional players in addition to defeating Edmund.

Moreover, those who were defeated by Zongshen were among the best geniuses.

The combination of these information is sufficient to explain Zongshen's strength.

Even if you meet him, you will have the power to fight.

After all, the world professional level is no ordinary player.

Players who can reach the world professional level are all qualified to compete in the world arena.

The strength of this player is strong, even if it is him, it can't be small.

But in the data, Zongshen defeated several.

"Cross, are you sure this information is true??"

Yufei Takai asked incredulously.

"I personally checked it, there will never be anything wrong!"

Cross nodded heavily.

He was a little unbelievable when he got this information, but after repeated investigations, he finally believed that all this was true.

"Really think of U-17 having such a sky!'

Takai's eyes were heavy.

He also joined the training camp when he was young.

It is precisely because of joining, so I know the gap between U-17 and professional tennis.

I didn't expect Zongshen to be so perverted.

Being still the main general of U-17, he has such a terrifying strength.

"I need more detailed information!"

Takai Xiongfei said solemnly.

His ATP ranking was not picked up.

Now that you know the opponent's strength is good, naturally you must be fully prepared.

"Don't worry, I will get everything ready!"

Cross nodded, but quickly said: "But before preventing Zongshen, you should get to know the other player first, after all, you are about to match!"

Takai's hand stopped for a while, and then he sighed.

His luck is not as good as Zongshen.

In addition to him in the AB group, there is another world professional class.

If you want to make it to the final, you must defeat this player.

Compared to him, Zongshen can be said to be smooth sailing, and the world's professional strength can basically enter the finals. .

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