The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1038 : Unfathomable Zongshen (3/3)

ten minutes!

fifteen minutes!

twenty minutes!

The two stood in a stalemate on the court for a full twenty minutes.

During this period, one person attacked and the other defended, dazzling the surrounding audience.

A variety of stunts were used, and then they were cracked, which shocked everyone.


Corey was sweating profusely, and deep fatigue appeared in his eyes.

He changed his tactics twenty minutes ago.

I want to explore the depth of Zongshen through probing.

But twenty minutes later, he felt how stupid his decision was.

Because Zongshen is a bottomless pit.

Zero ball, light shot, dark shot, and five senses!

All kinds of stunts were used, so that he could not get any information.

After such a long time, he still doesn't know what Zongshen has.

On the other hand, continuous receiving and defending consumes a lot of physical energy.

"Only people who have been compared with Zongshen know the horror of this guy!"

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly.

Although he is also a comprehensive player.

But to compare with Zongshen's stunts and skills, he can't match it even if he shoots a horse.

25 "Huh!"

"This guy has learned a lot of tricks!"

The corner of Byodoin's mouth twitched.

He found that his stunts were all learned by Zongshen.

Egyptian phoenix, American pirates, Spanish bullfighting and so on.

"The key is better than you!"

Irie smiled.

Echizen Ryoga's mouth twitched.

Some of the stunts used by Zongshen did come from them.

But the most annoying thing is that even if you learn it, you can still use more power than them.

These few people are a little discouraged.

In the discussion, the match on the field continued.

Corey's face became more and more ugly.

He doesn't want to test anymore, he just wants to make a quick battle.

Because it was discovered that Zongshen is not only unfathomable, but his physical strength is amazing.

Twenty minutes later, sweat was dripping from his forehead.

The jersey on his body was also saturated with sweat.

Breathing is even more short-lived, all indicating that more than half of his physical strength has been consumed.

But what about Zongshen?

I saw a smile on Zongshen's face, except for some sweat stains on his forehead, nothing else changed.

It seems to be warming up for just twenty minutes.

"Is this guy a pervert?"

Corey cursed secretly, knowing it couldn't go on like this.

If the protracted war continues, he will be the first to fall.


Struggling to hit the ball out.

The tennis ball flashed as fast as lightning.

The speed of the ball has exceeded the limit of the naked eye, and even Zongshen can't see it clearly.

"But not seeing it doesn't mean you can't fight back!"

Zongshen chuckled.

There are many ways to hit a high-speed ball, and the sixth sense is the best way.

He closed his eyes directly and opened the sixth sense.

The sixth sense is a sense of foresight, which can predict where it will fall.

But in an instant, Zongshen sensed the direction of the tennis ball and rushed out quickly.


Racquet swept across, the voice rang.

The tennis ball that disappeared reappeared, and then flew back.

"Is the high-speed ball also invalid?!"

Corey gritted his teeth, and the pressure in his heart increased.

But he reacted immediately and rushed towards the tennis ball.

The two touched, and immediately felt a strong sense of rotation.

But he ignored it. Instead, he dragged the tennis ball to high altitude and dunked his arm.

The speed of the impact increases in vain when the ball hits the ground quickly.

Muscle power burst technique.

But this time the effect is on the smash.

Want to pass a surprise smash and score a point.


A look of surprise appeared on Zongshen's face, which was obviously unexpected.

But this surprise disappeared quickly.

Then motionless!

The spectators around saw this stunned, and then their eyes widened.

"Stop, stop?!""

"How can it be!"

"The tennis ball stopped in the air!"

The audience exclaimed, not knowing what happened.

Cory, who had just landed, was taken aback, looked up, his eyes shrunk into needles.

Because tennis is stagnant in the air!

And a spiral vortex spread out under Zongshen's feet.

The whirlpool swept all around, stopped the unexpected ball, and pulled it to his side.


Corey sucked in air.

As a professional player, he naturally knows this trick in the field.

But what he didn't know was when Zongshen created the field.

But soon he understood what was going on.

Recalling the ball just now, it seemed ordinary but contained a strong spin.

"This guy actually created a realm in one shot?!"

Corey was a little shocked.

He has also met masters in the field before.

But like Zongshen, he has never seen it before.

"Since you want to have a protracted battle, I will naturally accompany you!"

Zongshen smiled and spoke.

Racquet swept across and hit the ball in the diagonal position.

Corey's face changed slightly when he saw the ball, and he knew that Zongshen was going to consume himself.

But if he doesn't want to lose points, he can only bite the bullet and fight back.


Catch the tennis back attack.

But the ball rushed through halftime and came to Zongshen's side again under the influence of the field.

Zongshen hit another diagonal kick, allowing Corey to run back and forth.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Match reached a second stalemate 877.

Tennis balls flew back and forth on both sides, and there was roaring noises.

ten minutes!

twenty minutes!

thirty minutes!

After half an hour, a heavy gasp spread throughout the audience.

I saw Corey sweating and Lin Li running on the court.

He has already cracked the field and scored a few points from Zongshen.

But the long time consumption still caused a huge loss of his physical energy.

"This match should also be over!

Zongshen whispered.

It is the time when Corey is at his weakest. As long as he conducts a fierce attack, he can definitely defeat his opponent.


The black light emerged.

A figure appeared behind him.

This figure was wearing wrong armor, and flames were burning on it.

His face was vague, but he had sharp eyes.

Different dimensional gods!


Racquet waved, the golden light lit up the court.

The power of light hitting!

The power of different dimensions!

The two forces merge to produce the ultimate ball.

The air was torn apart by the tennis ball, and there was a series of sonic booms.


Corey's eyes narrowed.

Seeing the figure standing behind Zongshen and the terrifying ball flying towards him, a flash of despair flashed in his eyes.

He knew he couldn't hit the ball back.

At this moment, the outcome of the match is also fully known. .

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