The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1047 : The first professional championship (3/5)

"The Minister won!"

Seeing the scene on the court, Kikumaru cheered suddenly.

"The Minister really is the strongest!"

A smile appeared on Yukimura's face.

"From today, Zongshen is the new Japanese no.2!"

Irie pushed his glasses and said.

Although the two only competed, this match is enough to explain a lot.

For one thing, Zongshen is smaller than Takai.

Secondly, the experience is not so rich.

But in the end, Zongshen won.

As time goes by, the gap between the two will not diminish, but will get bigger and bigger.

Because Zongshen is heading towards the golden period.

However, because of the increase in age, Yufei Takai has continuously fallen from the golden age.

So just a match, the strength of the two has been determined.

"No. 2 in Japan?

A touch of beauty flashed in the eyes of Byodoin Temple in "August Three".

He also has the desire to become a Japanese star, but unfortunately he has not reached the world professional level, so he dare not dream.

"Going back to the training camp this time, we must break through the world professional level!"

Oni Jujiro said in a deep voice.

In middle school, he could still fight Zongshen.

But now only two or three years of effort, Zongshen far surpasses him.

"Then come and break through faster than anyone else!"

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

The excitement of this tour was not small, and it gave him the idea of ​​becoming a professional player.

"Everyone, come on together!

"Take advantage of one year's work, train hard!"

Tanegashima said with a smile.

He also has his own goal, which is to step into the world's peak field before the start of the next World Cup.


Irie nodded.

He has made up his mind that after returning this time, he must break through the world class.

"World professional class?"

Tokugawa's eyes flickered, and his heart became hot.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It seems that I can't be weak!"

Duke Watanabe laughed.

"It's the same with us. One year later, this uncle will show off his skills in the world arena!"

Atobe pressed his fingers between his brows and said proudly.


"We can't relax!"

Sanada nodded heavily.

There is still a year to go, and there is enough time.


All middle school students nodded at the same time, with flames burning in their eyes.

on court.

Takai Xiongfei has been taken to the medical room, and Zongshen has also returned to the lounge.

The staff on the field are setting up the award platform.

In just half an hour, the temporary award platform will be set up.

And Zongshen and third runner-up Alexander also walked out of the lounge and came under the podium.

As for Takai Yuuhi because of his injury, he could only receive the trophy on his behalf.


Alexander reached out his hand, a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Before the match, he also said for sure that Takai Xiongfei would win.

I didn't expect Zongshen to be so good.

He defeated a professional veteran at the age of 15 and became the champion of this tournament.

He knew that the rise of Zongshen was unstoppable.


Zongshen nodded.

At this time, the award-giving guests came to the podium.

After taking out the list of winners, the result was announced immediately: "Now, please come to the stage to accept the award, the third place winner of the tour, Alexander!"

Alexander listened to this and walked up.

Although he failed to win the championship, the third place was not bad, so there was not much disappointment.

"The runner-up, Yufei Takai!

The presenter shouted again.

Because Takai Yui was injured and hospitalized, his agent accepted the award.

The opponent hurriedly walked down after receiving the trophy.

He knew that the protagonist this time was not them, but another talented player.


"Please invite Zongshen, the champion of this year's tour, to take the stage to accept the award."

The voice of the award-presenter was a bit more passionate.

And Zongshen was also on the podium under the spotlight.

"Hands Zongshen!"

"The world's first high school student!"

"No. 2 in Japanese tennis!"

Cheers came from the audience, and the voice went straight into the sky.

And Zongshen also took the championship trophy under everyone's attention and raised it high.

At this moment.

The cheers went straight into the sky, almost overturning the entire arena.

Zongshen became the focus of the audience, and the other two completely became foils.

At the same time, the brilliant footage of Zongshen on the tour was shown on the big screen.

A famous opponent appeared but was easily crushed by Zongshen

The final picture freezes in the scene where Zongshen wins the championship trophy.

The atmosphere of the audience also reached a climax at this moment.

"The Minister is really amazing!"

Kikumaru shouted excitedly.

Although the tour is a relatively low-level international competition.

But no matter how low it is, it is also facing the world and facing the entire tennis world.

Zongshen can defeat a lot of professional players and win the final championship, which is enough to prove his strength and greatness.


The other team members nodded, and there was excitement on their faces.

"The final champion really belongs to Mr. Zongshen!"

Shiba Saori kept pressing the shutter to record this scene.

She has a hunch that this group of photos she took will definitely become a precious piece of information.

"A hero is born a boy!"

"I seem to have seen Nanjiro, the second samurai!"

Mori Inoue exhaled his breath.

Back then Echizen Nanjiro was the same. He swept his opponents when he participated in a professional match for the first time and shocked the whole world.

Now Zongshen has done the same thing as Nanjiro.

It even surpassed Nanjiro.

Because Echizen Nanjiro was 17 years old when he participated in the professional match.

Zongshen is only 15 years old, two years ahead of schedule.

"Senior, Zongshen will definitely become a great player, right?"

Shiba Saori asked excitedly.


"Perhaps he is already an amazing player!"

5.1 Inoue Mori smiled.

Zongshen has defeated Takai Yuufei and replaced the opponent's No. 2 position.

One person belongs to the rising period and the other belongs to the down period.

It can be said that Takai Xiongfei will never defeat Zongshen again.

To become the No. 2 in the national tennis world, one can naturally be called a great tennis player.


Shiba Saori nodded heavily, and then continued shooting.

``Maybe you can really surpass senior Yue Nanjiro!'

Looking at Zongshen, who was holding the championship trophy high on the field, the eyes of the guard flashed infinite expectations.

In the cheers of everyone, the tournament came to an end.

However, although the match is over, the impact is far from that simple.

The news of the tour spread all over the world in an instant.

Caused a sensation in the world of tennis. .

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