The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1056 : Ryoma returns home (3/4)

Tokyo Shinkansen.

Echizen Ryoma looked at the phone silently.

After getting off the plane, he had made several phone calls, but none of them could get through.

"The old man is really unreliable at all!"

Sighed, put the phone away.

However, Echizen Ryoma had this hunch for a long time, so before returning to China, he signed up for a match.

Now that the phone can't get through and can't find the way, he can only go to the match location first.

He pressed his hat and rested with his back leaning on the seat.

Maybe it was a little sleepy just after getting off the plane, and after a while, he fell asleep.

It wasn't until a loud noise rang that he woke him up.

"Ha ha ha ha!

"You don't even understand how to hold racquet?"

"To hit the topspin ball, you need to use a western-style grip, so that the surface of the racket is perpendicular to the ground, and the grip must be like a handshake!"

A high school-looking man smiled triumphantly, waving racquet in his hand.

"As expected of Sasaki!"

The companion next to him saw this exclaimed.


"This is just the most basic common sense!"

A smug flashed in Sasaki's eyes, and he shook racquet pretendingly.

And in front of him, there is a middle school girl who is hiding from racquet with horror on her face.


Echizen Ryoma happened to see this scene, then raised his head and said lightly, "You guys are so noisy!"

When the train was quiet, several high school students turned their heads at the same time.

I want to see who is so disappointed.

"Western grip is not like that, but the correct western grip is to grab the racquet from above!"

Echizen Ryoma said calmly, "And the grip you just used is actually the Eastern grip!

"There are so many people who can't distinguish between the two grips!"

Calm and sarcastic words sounded in the carriage.

Several high school students looked at each other and then laughed low.

Sasaki, who was still proud of his face just now, flushed, staring at Echizen Ryoma ferociously.

He didn't expect that this kid would not give him face so much.

Just when he was about to refute, the train stopped.

After Echizen Ryoma glanced, he got up and walked outside.

Just as he was about to get out of the train, he looked back at Sasaki: "Don't remember it wrong next time!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The high school students who had been holding back suddenly burst out laughing.

Sasaki's face became even more blue.

I just wanted to talk to Echizen Ryoma about nosy, but found that the other party had disappeared.

"Ah, I want to get off too!"

Sakurano, who was almost hit by racquet just now, reacted and hurriedly grabbed his bag and rushed into the car.


" court, where should I go?"

When Sakura was looking for her grandma, a calm voice came.

She looked up for a moment, and suddenly realized that it was the boy who had just rescued her.

"Do you know where to go to the court?"

Echizen Ryoma saw the girl in front of him not answering himself, and asked again.

"I'm sorry!"

"Just go straight out of the South Exit!"

Sakura hurriedly apologized, and then said the location.


Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down and turned to leave.

Following the girl’s instructions, he quickly ran out of the south gate, but he saw a commercial street.


He was taken aback, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

But I still walked forward, but I didn't find any courts after I walked out of the commercial street.

Seeing this, Echizen Ryoma could only continue to ask passers-by.

"Persimmon court?"

"This is Nankou Commercial Street. The court you are looking for is on the North Street side. You have gone the other way!"

A passerby kindly replied.


Echizen Ryoma's face went dark.

He didn't expect that girl to be so unreliable.

As a local, you can even point the wrong way.

There is no way to go back the same way.

However, when he came to the court of, the time had already passed and he was refused entry because of his lateness.

"What a bad day!"

Echizen Ryoma curled his mouth.

Once back in Japan, the old man couldn't get through on the phone.

Originally, I participated in a match to see the level of Japanese tennis.

But before he participated, he encountered an unreliable girl who pointed him the wrong way, which caused him to be late and unable to participate in the competition.

……For flowers………

"I just hope the old man can think of me soon!"

Echizen Ryoma found a lawn and lay down, putting his hat on his face.

It may be that I didn't wake up just now and fell asleep again.

But soon he heard another exclamation.

Lifted the hat, and then saw a girl with a panic face.

"Excuse me, have you caught up with the match?"

Sakura asked with a flushed face.

After pointing the way for Ryoma, she immediately learned from her grandmother that she was pointing in the wrong direction.

Seeing Echizen Ryoma lying here, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I was disqualified for being five minutes late!"

Echizen Ryoma glanced, and replied neither salty nor salty.


"I'm sorry, it's my fault!"

Sakura hurriedly bowed to apologize.

"It's not you who else!"

Echizen Ryoma sat up, a little helpless.


"Isn't this the kid just now? Did you lose the match and prepare to go home?"

Just as Sakura was about to continue apologizing, a strange voice of Yin and Yang sounded.

The two turned their heads and looked, and found that the speaker was the high school student who had just been on the train.

"It's really troublesome!"

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

"Didn't you feel very proud just now? Why? Didn't win a match?"

Sasaki burst out laughing.

However, Echizen Ryoma obviously didn't want to deal with this kind of goods, and he just carried the bag and wanted to leave.


Sasaki's face twitched, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Walking to the front and back of the two of them, he lifted the racquet directly and beat him towards Echizen Ryoma.

"what "

Sakura screamed in surprise.

But Echizen Ryoma didn't avoid it, or didn't look at the other person.


Sasaki snorted when he saw this.

Although his temper is not very good, he doesn't really beat up children.

He ridiculed a few words and prepared to leave.


"Do you remember how to hold the racket?"

"If I have time, I can teach you how to play tennis!

Echizen Ryoma raised his head, showing a proud smile. Xi.

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