The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1074 : The arrival of Kintaro (2)

"Is this Tokyo?"

Kintaro was lying on the car window, looking at the bustling street outside, his eyes gleaming.

"Is it more prosperous than Osaka?"

Kenichiro laughed.


Kintaro nodded quickly.

"Tokyo is the number one city in Asia. It can be ranked in the top three in the world. It is still a peripheral area. You can really feel its prosperity when you walk inside!"

Kenichiro smiled.

Although Japan has no capital.

But in a certain sense, Tokyo is the economic and cultural center of Japan.

As the third city in the world, it is naturally impeccable in terms of its prosperity.

"Then Senior Zongshen is here too?"

Kintaro asked curiously.

Although Tokyo is very prosperous, he has not forgotten his purpose of coming here.

"I don't know, no "Nine Zero Three" I can take you to Youth Gakuen!"

Kenichiro shook his head.

Although he has heard of Zongshen's name, he has only heard of it.

As for where Zongshen is, he doesn't know.

Fortunately, Seigaku is very famous. You can find the location of Seigaku on any digital map.

"Brother Kenichiro, take me there quickly!"

Kintaro became excited.

"Do not worry!"

Kenichiro laughed, and when he stepped on the accelerator, the RV flew out of the trial.

Twenty minutes later.

The two came to Seigaku.

But as soon as he walked in, he was stopped by the doorman.

"People from outside the school are not allowed to enter!

The doorman said blankly.

"I'm here to sign up!

Kintaro hurriedly took out the registration procedures.

"Sign up?"

"Why did you sign up so late?"

The doorman was taken aback.

However, he took what was in Kintaro's hand and turned it over.

After seeing Seigaku's admission notice, he nodded.

And told them that the registration ended three days ago.

If you want to enroll, you must first go to the admissions office and report your name.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Kintaro nodded, then said excitedly: "Brother Kenichiro, let's go to the tennis club!

He couldn't help it anymore.

Want to find Zongshen, and then compete with Zongshen again.


"Shouldn't the name be reported?"

Kenichiro hesitated.

"I'll talk about this later!"

Kintaro said excitedly.

Then ran in one direction without looking back.

"and many more!"

Kenichiro covered his head.

Because neither of them knows which direction the tennis club is in, running around like this is a waste of time.

"That boy wants to join the tennis club too?"

The doorman asked curiously.


"Kintaro is from Osaka. The reason why he went to Tokyo to study was because he wanted to join Seigaku!"

Kenichiro nodded hurriedly.

"That was really a correct decision!"

The doorman smiled, and then explained: "The Seigaku Tennis Club is the best in the country. I heard that 400 people have signed up to join the club this year!"

"Four hundred people?!"

Kenichiro was taken aback, somewhat unbelievable.

It was the first time he heard of so many people signing up for a club since he was a child.

"Ha ha!"

"You'll find out later!"

"By the way, the tennis club is in that direction, don't go wrong!"

The doorman smiled and pointed to the position of the tennis club.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Kenichiro nodded, then shouted to the front: "Kintaro, you are going in the wrong direction, the tennis club is on the other side!"


Kintaro, who hadn't been far out, stopped.

Then he rushed to the other side vigorously.

Kenichiro had no choice but to keep up with this.

Seigaku Tennis Club.

Echizen Ryoma lay on the ground, letting sweat slip from the corner.

He looked towards the sky a little godlessly, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He lost!

And the loss was extremely miserable!

Just like last time, he was sealed by others, and there was no force to fight back.


"Do you want to cry because you lost the match?"

A frivolous laughter came.

Echizen Ryoma was a little annoyed when he heard it, and knew who said it without looking.

But before he could reply, he saw a black shadow rushing straight forward.

Looking closely, it turned out to be an orange.

I didn't react for a while, and the orange hit his head, making him a little bit painful


Echizen Ryoma looked at his brother angrily.

"If you want to cry, cry out loud, we won't laugh at you!"

Echizen Ryoga sneered, his tone full of runs.


Echizen Ryoma curled his lips.

He was just a little unwilling. If he cried when he said he lost, it would be impossible.

Because it's not the first time he has lost.

He lost to his own old man since he was young, and lost to his hand last year.

So this defeat will not have much impact on him.

I just feel very depressed.

"Then stand up quickly!"

Echizen Ryoga breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that his brother was not hit.


Echizen Ryoma pouted.

But he climbed up from the ground immediately.

Then he raised his head to look directly at Fuji, his eyes burning with fiery warfare.

Fuji is the fourth person besides Nanjiro, Zongshen, and Shoujia to make him miserably defeated.

He was obviously about the same age, but completely crushed himself.

That kind of powerful strength shocked him and yearned for it at the same time.

"Next time I must win!"

Echizen Ryoma clenched his fists and made up his mind secretly.

"All right!"

At this time, Shoujia stood up and looked straight at everyone: "Does anyone still want to challenge? If not, then continue training with 5.1!"

All the team members shook their heads hurriedly when they heard this.

Echizen Ryoma just experienced a fiasco.

The strength of the election is obvious to all, and they dare not continue to challenge.

"I come!"

"I want to challenge!"

Just as everyone was preparing to return to training, an urgent voice came from a distance.

Everyone was taken aback, and turned their heads in a bit of amazement.

Then I saw a thin figure rushing from a distance.

The figure is like a quick little cheetah, but it takes a few seconds to come in front of everyone.

"I want to challenge!"

"Compete with me!"

The thin figure hurriedly stopped, and then shouted loudly.

All of Seigaku's players looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Echizen Ryoma had just finished the challenge, and another seemingly new player was about to challenge.

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