The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1086 : Huacun Kwai (2)


The former overlord of Kanto, Rikkai University, is located in the northeast corner of the county.

What everyone doesn't know is that apart from Rikkai University, Kanagawa has a good strong school.

That is Chengcheng Shonan!

Kanagawa's No.2, because it was crushed by Rikkai, its reputation is not obvious.

However, everyone who has played against this school knows that Chengcheng Shonan's strength is definitely not weak.

Inside the tennis club.

There was a shout.

The players are using a variety of machines to train wildly.

"Sure enough, with all kinds of training equipment, the players can make rapid progress!"

A woman smiled.

The woman is about 30 years old and tall, with white trousers wrapped around her slender legs, which outlines a fascinating curve.

The upper body was wearing a small suit, the buttons on the top were unfurled, and the pleated collared village clothes were a little taut, seeming to tell the plump breasts of the woman.

A long red wavy hair was casually draped over his shoulders.

At this time, the white face bloomed like a flower, and a beauty mole on the corner of the mouth added a bit of seductiveness.

The woman is called Huacun Aoi.

He is also the coach of Shonan Seongsei.

Came to this school three years ago and has his own unique theory in training tennis intensifiers.

I often like to call tennis players a work.

However, with the defeat of the Kanto Contest.

She also recognized her shortcomings.

Understand that while strengthening the players, we must also maintain their love of tennis.

So after the competition, she changed her approach.

On the one hand, let the team members release their own nature and show their uniqueness.

On the other hand, various instruments are used to strengthen the players' bodies.

I want to combine the two methods to cultivate the strongest players.

"Excuse me, is this Chengcheng Shonan Tennis Club?"

A hesitant voice sounded.

Then I saw a man wearing a postal costume approaching.

"This is the tennis club. I'm the coach of the club. What's the matter 1.?"

Huacun Kwai asked with some doubts.

"Here is your email!"

The postman said hurriedly, and then took out three letters.


Huacun Kwai was taken aback.

But he reached out and took the letter.

After a casual glance, I found that the letter was addressed to Kamishiro Reiji, Kajimoto Takahisa, and Wakatohiro.

As for who sent it, it was not stated.

"Time out first, you have your letters for a long time!"

Huacun Kwai shouted.


A group of players responded, stopped their movements and walked over.

"Coach, whose letter?"

Wakatohiro came with a hat.

"I don't know, but there are also yours!

Huacun Kui shook his head.

At the same time, give the letter to the three.


Kajimoto Takahisa and Wakatohiro were a little confused, but Kamiki Reiji had a calm face.

Opening the envelope, the three glanced at the contents.

After reading it.

Not only Kajimoto Takahisa and Wakatohiro had their eyes widened.

Even the robot-like Reiji Kamishiro's eyes stunned, and his fingers clenched subconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

The tall Tongshan Earth asked curiously.

"Coach, this is the call-up letter for U-17 training camp!"

Captain Takahisa Kajimoto took a deep breath and said with surprise in his eyes.

The U-17 is now famous.

Since the reform of the International Tennis Federation, the training camp began to recruit middle school students, and it has become a holy place in the eyes of middle school players.

But what he didn't expect was that he would be called one day.

"The call letter in my hand is also!"

Ruo Renhong also shouted with surprise on his face.

In the Kanto contest, Shonan Shonari and Seigaku had a match.

But it was completely crushed by Seigaku.

The fundamental reason is that a group of Seigaku players joined U-17 and got the best training.

He also thought about whether he would have a chance to join there.

Unexpectedly, this dream would come true so soon.


Huacun Kui heard this shock.

She has long known the news that the training camp is fully enrolling junior high school students.

However, the team members have not been called up, so she was deemed not selected.

No one could have imagined that things have turned around.


Takahisa Kajimoto held back the excitement in his heart and handed the letter to Hakura Aoi.

Huacun Kui took a quick look.

Sure enough, it was a convening letter.

At the bottom there is the autograph of Kurobe Yukio, the official seal of U-17 and the official seal of the Internet Association.


"The U-17 training camp is the sacred place of Japanese tennis. This year, it has won two consecutive World Cup championships. If you can join there, you will definitely get better training!"

Huacun Kui said with a sigh.

Although I am confident in my teaching ability.

But I understand that there is still a big gap between myself and the U-17 coach.

One is that U-17 coaches are all professional players.

The second is that U-17 has the best and most advanced equipment.

If the team members can enter there, the strength will be greatly increased.

It's much better than staying here and being guided by her.

"...1 I don't know if we have a chance!"

Sho Ota said with envy.

There are only three letters, which means that only three people have been summoned.

As for the others, they are not listed here.

"As long as you work hard, you will get this opportunity one day!'

Huacun Kui comforted.


The team members nodded.

"I do not want to go!

Just as several people were discussing, Kamishiro Reiji spoke coldly.

Going to the training camp can really increase your strength.

But he knew that once he went, he would leave Huacun Kwai.

This is something he will never accept.

That's right.

From the day Huacun Kui came to Chengcheng Shonan, he (Nodehao) had a crush on the coach who always praised him.

So he didn't want to leave school because of the convening letter.


The smile on Huacun Kui's face disappeared, and her expression became extremely serious: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"The opportunity to go to U-17 is not available to everyone!'

"It's the holy land of Japanese tennis, it's a place that everyone yearns for!"

"I don't want to hear you say something like this again!"

She understands how difficult this opportunity is.

It may be a lifetime dream of some players.

If Kamishiro Reji refuses now, U-17 will definitely not call him a second time.

So she didn't want her team members to miss this opportunity.

"coach "

Kamishi Reiji still wanted to speak.

But before finishing talking, Huacunkui's stern look stopped the post.

In the end he opened his mouth and could only accept this reality silently. .

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