The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1090 : Zongshen: If you don't agree, you can leave (3)


"Even in the training camp to talk about fairness, I thought there were a few smart people in this session, but they were all stupid!

A sneer sounded.

The originally puzzled new students raised their heads.

Then I saw a group of people standing on the balcony of the front villa.

And Zongshen and his hand are on the list.

The sentence just now came from Kaji Kazena.

"Little ghosts!"

"If you want to be fair, then get me home!

Tohno Atsukyo sneered.

He knew that he could never show any kindness to these freshmen.

Otherwise, this group of freshmen will only be lawless.

Now is the time to disarm, just to suppress the arrogance of the freshmen, so naturally they will not be merciful in speaking.

"It's an army member!"

"Haha, they really are here too!"

"Of course, every time a new recruit is recruited, it is a good show!"

The surrounding high school students laughed.

"Why can't we talk about fairness in the training camp!"

Kamio 25 said with an angry face, and then pointed to the high school students: "They have come to the training camp a long time ago, and they are stronger than us."

"We and high school students have no advantage at all in vying for tennis!

"So I will never accept it!"

He would never say a word if he lost a tennis match with a middle school student.

But their opponent is not middle school students, but high school students.

These high school students came here several years earlier than them, and the strength of the two sides is no longer at the same level.

Now that he has lost, how can he be willing.


Several people nodded at the beginning of the month.

Obviously, he didn't obey Kurobe Yukio's orders.

"Not satisfied?"

"Then you can opt out of the training camp."

There was a gentle laughter.

Everyone looked at them and saw Zongshen leaning on the railing, smiling at them.

When this word fell, the expressions of the few people in Kamio were stagnant.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

They finally got this opportunity, how could they withdraw from the training camp.

The reason for saying so much is to stay.

"It's really not as good as one session!"

"It's better to get this garbage in, it's better to just eliminate it!"

Byodoin, standing upright with his arms folded, suddenly opened his mouth, looking at the unwilling new student below, his eyes flashed with disdain.

Although there were some people who were dissatisfied in the Shoujia class.

But at least half of the people were convinced that the strong should be respected in the training camp.

But this year's freshmen, they all have the idea of ​​fairness to match.

This disappointed him.

"Although it is a bit ugly, the training camp is not a fair place!'

Tanegashima chuckled slightly.

He has participated in international matches and knows that there is no fairness in the world.

Where the strength is supreme, the weak can only be eliminated.

And no one sympathizes with the weak.

This is U-17.

Its purpose is to train the strongest players.

So there is no fairness here, just look at the strength of the players.

As long as you have the strength, you can become No.1.

What Kamio said just now is not fair, and it is indeed correct to put it elsewhere.

Can be put on U-17 but it doesn't work.

Because here is always the supremacy of strength, only masters can survive and represent the team in the match.

"Everyone is listening!"

Zongshen spoke slowly, his eyes swept like a sword: "This is U-17. It exists to train the strongest players."

"The players who can stay here are better than others.

"As for those who are inferior in strength and pay attention to fairness, I advise you to leave early."

"Here, only the strong and powerful people are accepted, and no waste is accepted."

"The eliminated players will leave within ten minutes.



The bright light broke out.

I saw an extra shiny tennis ball in Zongshen's hand.

With the toss up, racquet swept across.


With a roar, the tennis ball tore the air like a meteorite, and then fell fiercely on the court.

The court shook fiercely, and the solid ground burst instantly.

Countless debris splashed.

The surge of air swept the dust up, and then hit the middle school student.

"At your own risk!!!""

Majestic words came to everyone's ears.

Not to mention junior high school students, even high school students are stunned.


The few people who wanted to talk about fairness at the beginning, their faces turned blue and white at the moment.

But seeing the broken ground, they dare not say a word.

Because everyone can tell, Zongshen is not joking.

If they don't leave after ten minutes, Zongshen might really make a move and force them out of the training camp.


Under Zongshen's fierce gaze, the eliminated middle school students began to pack their things.


A touch of anxiety appeared on Kintaro's face.

At the same time, he looked at Zongshen and wanted to plead for Fuji Yuta.

"do not speak!"

Echizen Ryoma spoke suddenly.

He knows that the elimination of players is not only Zongshen's idea, but also the idea of ​​training camp and all coaches.

Even if they stop it, it is of no use.


"Isn't Zongshen-senpai Seigaku's minister? Why rush Yuta-senpai to leave!"

Kintaro said angrily.

After he came to Seigaku, he was taken care of by 917 to Fuji Yuta.

Naturally, I don't want Fuji Yuta to leave.

"The Minister is not only Minister Seigaku, but also the main commander of the U-17 training camp!"

Kirihaya whispered.

Maybe Zongshen was Minister Seigaku before.

But now the opponent is the main U-17, the first high school student to lead the team to the World Cup championship.

It is Zongshen's duty to eliminate the weak and leave the strong.

So they are not qualified and have no reason to blame.

And Fuji Yuta's departure is not Zongshen's responsibility, but the other party's own responsibility.

Insufficient strength, leading to being eliminated.

"Is this U-17 training camp?"

"Don't be swayed by anything, everything is in line with strength!"

Momoshiro Takeshi murmured.

Before coming, he still dreamed of showing off his skills in the training camp.

But after this incident, I found that the training camp was far more cruel than imagined.

They came here only to get the qualifications.

As for whether you can stay in the future, you have to rely on your own efforts.

"Maybe it is for this reason that Minister Zongshen can lead the team to win the championship!'

Kaidoh Kaoru looked serious.

At this moment, he deeply realized what the supremacy of strength is.

Especially in training camps, strength is everything. .

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