The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1094 : Miscalculated Mifune Entry (4)

"It's smarter than the trash!"

Mifune entered the road silently watching everything outside.

He opened the hut and showed the food in the house to everyone, just to let the team members snatch the food from him.

Rather than obey the rules honestly, without a little aggressiveness.

But the high school students let him down.

He chose to accept it and went down the mountain to the forest.

But these ten freshmen found something was wrong, and they were still talking in a low voice.

"But I'm not so courageous!"

Mifune snorted in the way.

If it were Zongshen's gang, where would they be discussed here, I am afraid they would have been surrounded by bandits like the bandits a long time ago.

In order to give Zongshen and others a good start, he also adopted various methods.

However, the players of Zongshen's generation are not afraid of anything.

Regardless of the scheming of the "Nine-Twenty-Nine" scheme, he hit the central court directly from the 16th court.

Punch through the entire training camp.

He admired this new born calf's character that he was not afraid of tigers.

The courage to go forward without fear of fighting also made him agree.

So seeing the high school students accept it, but the junior high school students hesitated again, and suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

Ten freshmen are still whispering.

However, when reminded on the first day of the month, several people hesitated.

Because what I said at the beginning of the month is correct.

Mifune is a player who has retired from the professional stage. Even if his physical fitness declines in old age, they cannot deal with it.

And this is only Hiyoshi Wakashi's guess.

Once Mifune entered the Tao, there was no such idea, but they grabbed food.

Those ten people are likely to lose their last chance.

Thinking of this, everyone fell silent.

"Should we go to the hut in the forest?"

Tian Ren Zhihui couldn't help but said.

"If we want coach Mifune's guidance, we must not go to the forest lodge!"

Hiyoshi Wakashi said solemnly.

He believed that the seniors in the ministry didn't joking with him.

And combined with Mifune's move just now.

He can be sure that this Head Coach does not like to follow the rules.

"My brother once told me that coach Mifune doesn't like players who follow the rules!"

Fuji Yuta added a sentence.

"this "

Others hesitated when they heard this.

Because their tennis club has no U-17 players.

So I don't know the temperament of Head Coach at all.

"What is there to be afraid of?"

"If you are really blamed, you will leave the training camp."

Aoi Kentaro couldn't help but say.

He is from Rokkaku.

The philosophy in Rokkaku is happy tennis.

So for him, he just needs to be happy about anything. Why should he worry so much?

"I agree!"

Kamio said in a deep voice.

He had been fed up with this kind of targeting a long time ago.

If you don't want to continue to be submissive, you will be eliminated.

"Risk and reward are equal!"

Saeki Torujiro's eyes flashed.

If so, as Hiyoshi Wakashi and Fuji Yuta said, Mifune is a person who doesn't like rules.

Then their behavior will certainly not arouse the other side's disgust.

If they succeed in capturing food, a few people may still be appreciated by the coach.

"Make a choice!"

"Those who want to grab food can stay, and those who go to the forest hut can leave!"

Shinji Itake said lightly.

Guanyuechu and others frowned.

They naturally want to snatch food, but because they have too many concerns, they are a little afraid.

But if they really leave, a few people will be a little unwilling.

"Since there is no one, then start to develop a strategy!"

Shinji Itake said quickly.


Several people who had hesitated heard this gritted teeth and made a thorough decision.

Ten people began to discuss the battle plan for grabbing food.

But what a few people didn't know was that their behavior was seen by the coach in the room.

"Have you decided?

Mifune whispered into the road.

At the same time, there are some expectations that these little ghosts will use any method to snatch food.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door.


Mifune's eyes flashed when he entered the road.

Then pretended not to know and opened the door.

Then he saw a group of people?

That's right!

Hiyoshi Wakashi did not hide at all, all appeared in front of him.

"What the hell are these kids doing?"

The corner of Mifune's mouth twitched.

But I still didn't know what to do, and looked at a few people with cold eyes: "What? Don't you want to eat anymore and stay here?"

"Isn't there food in the coach house?

"If we give it to us, we don't have to go to the forest at all!"

Shinji Itake said blankly

They did discuss the battle plan.

But in the end they were overthrown.

Because everyone knows that Mifune, who has retired as a professional player, is definitely not something they can deal with.

Instead of formulating messy tactics, it is better to speak directly and then take the opportunity to move.

"Give you food?!"

Mifune entered the Dao and looked at the freshmen with a sneer: "You are so courageous, do you want to be eliminated?

"Since the coach doesn't want to give us food, let's have a match!"

"The winner gets everything in the house!"

Aoi Kentaro shouted.


"Just because you rubbish want to challenge me?!

Mifune entered the road and roared.

The gaze scanned all the players like a blade, and the momentum exploded.

The few people who had been hitting Xiao Jiujiu felt the breath and breathed stagnant, as if there was a huge boulder in their hearts.

" very scary!""

"Is this the breath of U--17 Head Coach?"

"You can know the strength of a person from the aura, this kind of master is simply not something we can deal with!!

The group swallowed your saliva.

At the beginning of the month, a few people regretted it even more.

I have known that Mifune is so strong in the way, and 5.1 does not follow the routine.

Even if he killed him, he didn't agree to the plan of several people to snatch food.

"Do it!"

Hiyoshi Wakashi let out a low growl.

Knowing that the plan has already begun, if they shrink back like this, they will definitely be eliminated.

The only turning point now is to grab it.

Only in this way can there be a piece of life.

"Stop the coach!"

Kamio rushed out first and hugged Mifune into the road.

Aoi Kentaro, who had been waiting for the opportunity to prepare, rushed to the window of the hut, trying to enter the hut to snatch food.

Others also formed a human wall, blocking Mifune into the road.

"These idiots"

The corner of Mifune's mouth twitched.

He also thought about what the middle school students would use.

But he thought for a long time, just didn't expect these little ghosts to be so low.

You don't need tennis, but you can do it directly?.

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