The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1133 : Inui Sadaharu's Horror Progress (2)

"Then how to arrange the lineup?"

Kai Yujiroh asked.

"Kite and you are doubles two, Chitose and I are doubles one."

"Ryuta served as singles three.

"These three matches are very important, you can only win without losing!"

Tachibana kippei said in a deep voice.

All four of the two doubles were U-17 players.

As long as it's not for the debut of the hand and Yukimura, no one in Seigaku dare to say that there are four people.

As for Ryosuke Ryuta, he is the main singles of Lion Music.

Although he is not a member of the training camp, his strength is also good.


Several people nodded.

They know the gap between Shiraku and Seigaku.

If you want to win, you can only take risks.

Seigaku lounge area.

A group of players are also discussing the lineup.

"Our goal this time is to dominate the country for four consecutive times, so let's send the "Nine Four Three" to make the strongest lineup!

Sanada spoke in a deep voice.

He is not in the mood to play with Lion Music.

I just want to end the match quickly and create an unprecedented record.


Shoujia nodded.

Although the strength of Lion Music is good.

But now Seigaku can be said to be unstoppable.

Since he can crush the opponent, he naturally won't give the opponent any chance.

"Then singles three, leave it to me!"

Inui Sadaharu stood up.


Shoujia nodded.

Lion Music is a team famous for doubles.

Kyushu Lions are among the best in the field of doubles.

On singles, only Kite and Kai support.

But even if the two will serve as singles, it is estimated that they will be one or two singles.

So the singles three sent Inui Sadaharu to play without any problems.

"If it is the senior leader who will be on the stage, he will be able to easily defeat the opponent."

Kintaro said with a smile on his face.

"Let you auspicious words!"

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses and walked to the court.

"It turned out to be Inui Sadaharu?"

Chitose Senri saw the player Seigaku walked out, and said with some surprise.

"It's ok!"

Tachibana kippei shook his head.

It doesn't matter whether Inui Sadaharu or Echizen Ryoma.

It doesn't make much difference to them.

As long as it is not the four of Handicraft, Yukimura, Sanada and Fuji.

"Ryuta, this match is up to you."

Kite Eishirou said in a deep voice.


Ryosuke Takata, who has short brown hair, a handsome face, and a slender figure, nodded.

He walked toward the court as he said.


The players from both sides came to the net.

After shaking hands with each other, they retreated to the baseline position.

"Seigaku vs. Lion Music, singles three match, Inui Sadaharu serve."

"The match begins!"

The referee blew the whistle.

serve area.

Inui Sadaharu patted the tennis ball lightly.

The gaze under the glasses glanced at Ryosuke Takata.


The tennis ball flies from the fingers.

After pulling out an arc, it quickly fell to the ground.

"So fast!"

Ryosuke Takata was taken aback.

But he reacted immediately and rushed out quickly.

An afterimage swept across, and racquet hit the bouncing tennis ball.


There was a crisp sound, and the tennis ball went through the court.

"180KM/H per hour!

"The landing point is the right corner position"

Inui Sadaharu's eyes flickered.

Through the gesture of the opponent swing, the direction of the tennis ball was judged.

Stepping forward, racquet in his hand caught the ball easily.

"Ryosuke Ryuta's reaction is good, but the strength of the counterattack is not enough, so it is not a power player, but a speed player!"

The brain turns quickly.

Combine the power of this ball with Ryosuke Ryuta's reaction to calculate the data.


Racquet waved and the tennis ball flew across the net.

Ryosuke Ryuta predicted landing, and the racquet in his hand swept across to catch the bounced ball.

The tennis ball flew out as soon as the arm was hard.


A crisp, grass-green tennis ball spins quickly.

And the rotation force is extremely amazing.


Inui Sadaharu watched this scene silently.

But instead of rushing to score, he secretly collected information.

Be prepared to wait for the data to complete, and then counterattack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ball hits constantly, and the tennis ball flies back and forth on both sides.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly.

In these ten minutes, the two sides didn't even get a point.

"The data is complete!

Inui Sadaharu's eyes flickered under his glasses.

As he said, his body jumped up, and racquet hit the tennis ball in his hand.


The crisp sound of beating rang.

The tennis ball flew like an arrow from the string, and fell heavily to the ground

The air wave rolled, and the ground was covered with dust.


Ryosuke Takata drinks low.

The speed was extremely astonishing, and an afterimage passed by and appeared before the tennis ball.


The arm flicked and the tennis ball flew back.

"The topspin ball, at a speed of 190KM/H, is located diagonally to the left of the landing point, and has a bounce height of 1.5 meters."

Inui Sadaharu spoke lightly.

He rushed in that direction as he said.


Blocking the front, racquet waved.

The tennis ball is like actively hitting the racquet, and with the rotation of the arm, it flies back.


Ryosuke Takata was taken aback.

Because what Inui Sadaharu said is exactly the same as the flight path of tennis.

The other party seemed to see through the future, foreseeing everything.


Facing the flying ball, Ryosuke Ryuta did not care so much and rushed out quickly.

But at the moment he waved the racquet.

Inui Sadaharu's voice sounded again.

"Racquet presses down at a 45 degree angle, so this ball is cutting spin."

"Because it is not a power player, the ball's landing point is the left mid-court, the time it stays on the ground is 2 seconds, the bounce speed is 180KM/H, and the height is 1 meter!


As soon as the words fell, Inui Sadaharu's figure rushed in the direction he said.

Racquet waved in advance, not afraid of making mistakes.


The roar sounded and the tennis ball fell to the ground.

The ejection direction is exactly the direction of Inui Sadaharu's swing.

The dull crash sounded.

Under Ryosuke Ryuta's shocked 5.1 gaze, the tennis ball hit the racquet precisely.

"You are a speed player, and the reaction is amazing!"

"But from the start of the match, your highest ball speed is 190K/H, so as long as my return shot exceeds 200KM/H, the probability of you being unable to react is 69%!"


Inui Sadaharu swings.

The tennis ball turns into a light yellow beam that runs through the court.

After landing, the first trial was extremely fast.

Before Ryosuke Ryuta could react, the tennis rushed out of bounds.


"The match is over!"

"You who have lost your data have no hope of winning!"

Inui Sadaharu spoke lightly.

Continue to serve.

In the case of data loss, Ryosuke Takata was under control of every move, and he had no ability to resist.

After a while, the match comes to the match point. .

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