The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1159 :The Stunt of the Son of God (2)

The two came outside the pavilion.

Ryoma and Kintaro were behind him.

"Ahead, Yukimura-senpai will definitely win, right?"

Kintaro asked in a low voice.

"The senior is called the son of god, so naturally he is not afraid of any players!"

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

Although he has never compared with Yukimura, he rarely sees Yukimura making a shot.

But everyone said that Yukimura is not weaker than his hand.

If only one person said so, he would naturally not believe it, but if everyone said so, it can only be said~ Ming Yukimura is really amazing.


Kintaro nodded.

He didn't have a good feeling for Ajutsu who injured Kirihaya.

Naturally, I hope Yukimura can teach him a lesson.

"Little gold?"

"Why are you here too, don't you need to match?"

At this moment, a voice came.

The two turned to look.

I saw several figures walking out of the passage on the other side, and it was Shiraishi and others.

"Seniors also come to watch the match?"

Kintaro asked curiously.


"Compared to doubles, Yukimura and Akutsu's match are undoubtedly more attractive."

Shiraishi smiled and nodded, then asked again: "You guys came out, don't you have to play?"


"It is Yukimura's senior and minister in charge of singles two and singles one."

"The doubles are again held by Sanada-senpai and Fuji-senpai, so there is nothing to do with us."

Kintaro replied somewhat depressed.


"The second singles is Yukimura?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Yukimura was so bold, it was his turn to match soon, and he even faced Akutsu.

"It turns out that Yukimura, who has a gentle personality, has such a side too!'

Chitose Senri smiled.

Everyone knows Yukimura's temper.

The other party is always a gentle appearance, and he is not surprised when faced with everything.

The actions like this all show that Yukimura is really angry.

"Of course, that guy injured Kirihaya-senpai, it's really damn!"

Kintaro replied angrily.

In the tennis club, Kirihaya took good care of him.

Seeing that the respected senior was injured, he had the urge to teach Ajujin.

"Okay, hurry up and keep up, the match is about to start."

Atobe spoke.

After Xiao Jiu turned around, he walked towards the court outside the hall.

Others nodded when they heard this, did not continue to chat, and quickly followed up.

A group of people came to the court outside the museum.

At this time, Akutsu and Yukimura were standing on both sides.

One is fierce and evil, and the other has a calm complexion.

"I must kill you this time!"

Ajujin's eyes were cold.

Last year's fiasco and Yukimura's contempt.

Either way, it made him think of destroying Yukimura.


"This may be your only chance to touch a tennis ball!"

Yukimura spoke lightly.

"What did you say?!"

Ajujin laughed angrily when she heard this.

Looking at Yukimura, there was a ray of hatred in his eyes.


Racquet rattled with the smell of his pinching, and a dangerous breath came out of his body.

Yukimura's contempt over and over again has completely angered him.

"I didn't expect Yukimura to have such a sharp side!"

Oshitari Yuushi pushed his glasses.

"I just don't know what hole card Yukimura has, can Akutsu really not be able to touch the tennis ball!"

Tachibana Kippei has a serious face.

He knew that Yukimura would not aimlessly.

Now that he said such a thing, he must have something to rely on.

"Xiaojin, do you know any special skills Yukimura hasn't used?"

Shiraishi turned his head and asked.

"do not know.

Kintaro shook his head.

Regardless of training camp or tennis club, Yukimura rarely shoots.

Even the dream trick is rarely used.

So that no one knows how strong Yukimura is now.

"Senior Yukimura and Shoujia are known as the strongest. Now Shoujia has a half-step world-class strength, should Yukimura have it too?"

Otori Cyotaroh couldn't help but said.


"But even if you have half a step of world-class strength, you can't solve Ajutsu in ten minutes, right?"

Kite Eishirou's eyes flashed.

Ajiujin is not a nameless person.

Although there is no half-step world-class strength, it still firmly occupies the second ladder position.

Yukimura wants to solve Akuzu in ten minutes, but the difficulty is not so great.

"this "

Everyone hesitated.

………Please ask for flowers…

I don't understand what Yukimura has.

on court.

Ajujin slapped the tennis ball, his eyes cold.

With a glance, he finally aimed at Yukimura's head, and the corners of his mouth formed a dangerous arc.

Since I wanted to destroy Yukimura, I wouldn't be merciful.

"Give me to die!"


The tyrannical breath rose.

The tennis ball between the fingers is even more straight up.

At the moment of the fall, racquet waved down.


The loud knocking sound rang.

The tennis ball exploded like a bullet, splitting the air in an instant.

The ball landed quickly, bounced and hit Yukimura's head.

Violent tennis!

"Sure enough!"


Kite shook his head when he saw this, and seemed to know that Ajujin would do it.

"It seems that Yukimura's words have already angered Akutsu. I don't know how Yukimura will respond."

Shiraishi was curious.

"Senior, you must teach this guy a good lesson!"

Kintaro shouted loudly.

"Do not worry!"

"Senior will not lose!"

Echizen Ryoma's eyes are full of trust.

On the field.

The tennis ball hit like a bullet.

But Yukimura looked calm.

Facing this kind of ball, he didn't take a look at all, and he turned his body sideways.

Just the moment the tennis rushed out.

He finally moved!

Obscure spiritual energy spread, and racquet caught the ball in a sweeping motion.

A wave of fluctuations turned into ripples and spread, covering the entire court.

"Ajutsu, experience the hell-like pain in your dreams!"

Whispered softly.

Yukimura waved the racquet.


The tennis ball exploded and landed heavily.

Although Ajutsu wanted to kill Yukimura, he didn't dare to underestimate him knowing that the opponent was strong.

Looking at the bounced ball, he was ready to swing back.

Can't wait to swing.

He discovered that changes had taken place in the surroundings.

The court is still the court, but the opponent is no longer Yukimura, but Zongshen.

At this time, Zongshen was looking at himself coldly and hit the ball with a terrifying light.

Dream Skills Dream Demon!

Appear! タ.

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