The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1190 : Shiraishivs Kintaro (1)

"It's Kintaro!"

"Sure enough, this kid, I don't know who he is going to challenge."

"But it's a bit reckless to rush out now. Excessive physical exertion is not a good thing."

Everyone saw this discussion.


"Why? Just one person? Don't you even have the courage to challenge?"

Mifune was a little dissatisfied with entering the road.

Some players thinking about picking up leaks even made him disdain.

Players who have missed the first place will be blown up even if they participate in the World Cup.

The words fell, and the players looked at each other.

"Let me do it!"

A voice sounded.

I saw Echizen Ryoma walk out of the team.

He is also a person who is not afraid of the sky, and when he sees that Kintaro is ready to challenge, he is naturally unwilling to be weak.

The other team members froze for a moment, and then gave a wry smile.

"Nine-eighty-zero" "These two brats!"

Everyone looked at each other and stood up helplessly, ready to challenge.

They are senior students.

Now Kintaro and Echizen Ryoma both have the courage to challenge. They still dare not stand up. That is really shameful.

"Choose the player you want to challenge!"

Mifune snorted in the way.

"Hee hee~"

"Senior Shiraishi, compare me with me."

Kintaro had a big smile on his face.

He chose to challenge Shiraishi, naturally after thinking.

As a result, Shiraishi's ranking is not low, ranking sixth in the provisional establishment.

Secondly, Shiraishi is not very strong, he is confident to defeat.


"I challenged Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who is very good at the beginning."

"Although it's a bit reckless, Kintaro, who has a seamless and light shot, is really likely to beat Shiraishi."

Everyone talked a lot. .

"Since Xiaojin wants to challenge me, I will naturally accompany him."

Shiraishi nodded, and then came to the arena.

"Senior, I won't be merciful!"

Kintaro hugged the back of his head and said with a smile on his face.

"Then let me see Xiaojin your strength!"

Shiraishi smiled.

Although Kintaro is a national one student, his strength is not weak, so he doesn't underestimate the opponent.

"Junior High School First Army Trial, Shiraishi Kuranosuke serve!"

"The match begins!"

Referee determined the right to serve of the two, and then shouted.

Shiraishi listened to this and walked towards the baseline position, tapping the tennis ball lightly.


The tennis ball was flying, and then it was slapped into the air.

This ball is just a standard mid-court ball and looks ordinary.

"Is this the Bible tennis of Shiraishi-senpai?"

Kintaro was curious.

But curiosity returned to curiosity, and the movements on his body did not stop.


Moved a step to the right, easily returning the ball.

The seemingly simple counterattack, but the force was beyond imagination, the tennis ball rushed towards Shiraishi like a bullet.

"It's really Xiaojin!"

Shiraishi exclaimed.

I know that Kintaro's seemingly thin body actually contains the power of a beast.

However, the expression on his face did not change, and he was still confident.


The body receded.

The arm was swung quickly, and he hit back before the tennis ball hit the ground.

"Senior Shiraishi, I'm going to go!"

Kintaro yelled, then rushed to the net.

Stomped on the ground with both feet, leaped up, and struck down with both hands.


A ball just past the net was hit by racquet.

Under the huge blow, the tennis ball burst out like a bullet in the barrel.

The sonic boom that pierced the air exploded at an extreme speed.

"Although Xiaojin is in the first grade, his strength is not weaker than that of the third grade.

Shiraishi's eyes narrowed.

Back quickly, wanting to use a buffer to dissolve part of the force.

After the tennis ball rushed to the baseline, racquet struggling to cut past with a pressure on his arm.


There was a sharp rubbing sound.

However, with a flick of his arm, the force of the smash turned into nothingness.

Shiraishi seized this opportunity and hit back immediately.

call out!

The tennis ball flew, but before the ball fell, a figure blocked in front.


Kintaro had a big smile on his face.

The moment the tennis rushed through halftime, racquet gave a sharp light.


The beam of light flashed across, and the afterimages flashed.

Shiraishi was startled, and then he heard a dull crash.

When I looked up, I found that the tennis ball fell on a diagonal position and rushed out with extreme speed.


"Xiaojin's foundation is getting more and more solid."

Yukimura's eyes lit up.

When Kintaro joined Seigaku, although his strength was not weak, his foundation was not very good.

Now after a year of training, the basic foundation has surpassed most players.

"And Xiao Jin no longer simply uses brute force to attack.

Shoujia pushed the frame and said in a deep voice.

In the past, Kintaro had a shortcoming.

I like to use powerball no matter what.

But now he has learned all kinds of skills and is no longer as reckless as before.

"With Xiaojin's current strength, the probability of defeating Shiraishi is 80%!"

Inui Sadaharu's eyes flashed.


People heard this shock, because the probability is not low.

In the discussion, Shiraishi has served again.

call out!

The tennis shot exploded.

But Kintaro rushed out like a cheetah, but rushed to the landing spot in the blink of an eye.

At the moment the tennis ball bounces, swing the racquet vigorously.


The crackling sound exploded.

The tennis ball flew like a cannonball.

Shiraishi's eyes shrank, and before he could react, the ball fell to the ground in a rush.


" impressive!"

"Has Kintaro's strength reached this level?"

"Shiraishi won't lose to Kintaro?"

The surrounding junior high school students looked surprised. 5.1

You know, Shiraishi joined the training camp a year earlier than Kintaro.

Although they are not as powerful as Sanada, they also firmly occupy the third ladder position.

But now, against Kintaro, who was in the first grade in the country, he lost two points in a row.

This makes them feel incredible.

"Genius cannot be measured by common sense!"

Sanada said lightly.

It didn't take long for Kintaro to join the training camp.

But a genius is a genius. Even after joining the training camp, they learn more than most people.

"But Shiraishi is not weak."

Fuji on the side shook his head and said.

"Do not worry!"

"Kintaro has a seamless and light shot, and he will definitely win in the end!"

Yukimura smiled softly.

Compared to Shiraishi, he believes that Kintaro can win. .

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