The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1193 : A seamless light shot (4)

on court.

Kintaro looked depressed.

But he is not a fool, and he noticed some problems even after losing four points.

"No matter the speed and power of the senior's shot, the only powerful thing is the rotation!

The brain turns quickly.

I found that Shiraishi uses spin regardless of serving or hitting back.

After a long meditation, a flash of light flashed through his head.

"I see!"


The depression on Kintaro's face disappeared, replaced by a bright smile.


Shiraishi was taken aback.

Looking at Kintaro, he found a look of excitement.

"Senior, serve!"

Kintaro shouted.

He knew that Shiraishi used the sweet spot rotation, and only in this way could his strength be eliminated.

He can also sweet spot technology.

As long as Shiraishi uses this trick again, he can definitely take it.

"Did you find it?"

Shiraishi frowned.

But the movement in his hands did not stop.


The tennis ball flew from between the fingers, and at the moment of falling, racquet swept down.

A crisp sound rang.

This ball looks like just a flat ball.

It bounced quickly after passing halftime, the same as before 983.

"Senior Shiraishi, I have discovered your secret."

Kintaro laughed.

The body rushed out like a cheetah, and racquet lifted up.


The arm swept across to catch the tennis ball.

But instead of swinging directly, he used the sweet spot to cut.

The tennis stalled and the spin disappeared.

at the same time.

A golden light flashed, and an aura of destruction swept across.

Just hit the ball!


There was a deafening roar.

The tennis ball has been shrouded in golden light, like the bright Suns, releasing an aura of destruction.

"Senior, take it!!

A long laugh.

Kintaro tried his best to swing.


The tennis ball burst out, like a meteorite, containing terrifying power.

The air was torn to form air masses, and a series of sonic booms were emitted during the collision.

Because of the violent friction, the scorching smell permeated the audience.


Shiraishi's eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, his sweet spot cutting was really cracked.

And Kintaro also hit back with a light shot.

Seeing a ball hit fiercely, he immediately reacted and rushed towards the tennis ball.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The racquet is tilted 45 degrees, and then the sweet zone is cut.


The two touch.

The picture of light hitting everything destroying everything did not appear.

Under the sweet spot cutting, the light slowly dissipated, and finally turned into an ordinary ball.


"The light shot was cracked by Shiraishi?"

"How can it be!"

The surrounding audience exclaimed with incredible faces.

"It's not surprising. After all, light hitting is a sweet spot. Now Shiraishi uses sweet spot cutting, which naturally resolves the light hitting."

Yukimura shook her head.

There is no invincible skill in the world.

Light hitting was born in the sweet spot, and naturally it is bound by the sweet spot.

Shiraishi of the precise sweet zone is naturally not afraid of this trick.


racquet swept.

The light hits the ball and flies backwards.

"I hit back, I'm really getting more and more excited!"

Kintaro was not surprised but rejoiced.

Seeing a ball rushing towards him, a bright light burst from his body.

The limit of seamlessness!

At the same time, racquet bloomed with golden brilliance.

Looking at the flying tennis ball, he grabbed his arm again.


A more violent ball blasted out.

Shiraishi saw this surprise.

Knowing that the perfect light hitting is even more terrifying, and it can no longer be resolved by simply cutting the sweet spot.

Hastily put his other hand on the racquet.

At the moment the tennis ball flies, swing it quickly.


The arm trembled.

The huge force came like a raging wave.

Shiraishi gritted his teeth and quickly pressed down the (cffb) racquet, using sweet spot cutting at the very moment.

But Kintaro never thought it would end like this.

In a loud laugh, he rushed out again.

The seamless light and the light hitting the ball blend together.

Waiting for the tennis ball to pass halftime, racquet fought hard.


There was a loud noise.

Tennis is like a big day.

The atmosphere of destruction swept across, shocking everyone.

"The power of this ball is no weaker than the light shot of a world-class player!"

Tanegashima took a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, Kintaro was so fierce under the seamless clothes.

"The perfect fit can instantly explode the potential of a player, which may not be the limit of Kintaro!"

Zongshen chuckled lightly.

"Isn't it the limit?"

Everyone heard this shock.

Look quickly on the court.

Shiraishi looked solemnly, then gritted his teeth and shot back.

Use all your strength to fight back this terrifying ball.

But Kintaro was like a monster, and he let out a cheerful laugh without any pressure.

The body is galloping like a cheetah, and the light shots are constantly blasting out.

Shiraishi was able to stop at first.

But in the face of this continuous attack, he was in a hurry.


The ear-splitting sound exploded.

The tennis ball blasted down like a cannonball and then bounced out.


Kintaro scored a point.

"This kid

Shiraishi gave a wry smile.

The arm holding racquet was shaking slightly.

He does master the sweet spot proficiently.

But this proficiency also has certain limits.

If it's just an ordinary light shot, he is naturally not afraid.

But Kintaro is now using a seamless light shot.

In addition to the power of the sweet spot, the power of Kintaro himself is also extremely amazing.

In this case, the ball is continuously received, and the arm is under unimaginable pressure.

"Senior, I'm going to go!"

Kintaro's heartless laughter sounded.

The words just fell.

A roar sounded through the audience.

I saw Kintaro, who was enveloped by the seamless light, hit the ball again.

Shiraishi's mouth twitched.

But watching the rushing tennis ball, he could only bite the bullet and hit back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The loud beating sound continued to oscillate.

The tennis ball flew back and forth on both sides, setting off dust all over the floor.

Kintaro became more and more courageous, Shiraishi was completely suppressed, and he could only watch the tennis ball blast out.

Shiraishi was naturally unwilling to see this scene, and wanted to find a way to fight back.

But Kintaro's aggressive offense did not give him any chance.


The last ball hit the ground.

The ground trembled, and the dust bounced.

Shiraishi's arms trembled, and could no longer stop the ball, so he could only let the tennis rush out.


The match is over!

Kintarou Tooyama wins!.

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