The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1305 : Black-faced Zongshen(4)

Two hours later.

Akuto walked in from outside the gate.

"How is the situation in the group stage?"

Zongshen asked immediately.

"The group stage has all ended, and I have compiled the 16 teams that have advanced in a table. Everyone will come and have a look."

Akuto smiled and shook the form in his hand.

The team members immediately surrounded them.

Just a casual glance and found the name of the national team de.

"The de national team is still so strong, and all three matches ended 6-0."

Irie glanced at the standings of the national team and couldn't help sighing.

"Don't worry about these, it's okay to be promoted.

Zongshen shook his head.

For him, the score is not important at all.

Instead, using match to train the players is more useful than simply winning.

"Except for the national team, all the top-ranked teams have advanced."

Byodoin said solemnly.

In addition to them and the national team.

The Spanish, French and American teams all entered the tournament.

And they all advanced with three winning streaks.

"In addition to the well-known strong teams, England, Argentina and Belgium have also successfully advanced."

Oni Jujiro added.

Although these teams in England do not have their strength.

But the ranking is also high, and the strength should not be underestimated.

"Ordinary teams have been eliminated."

"The teams that can enter the top 16 are worthy of attention."

Echizen Ryoga smiled at the orange.

"I don't know who our next opponent is?"

Tokugawa said coldly.

"No matter who it is, the final victory must belong to us!"

Zongshen gave a chuckle.

In the exhibition and group stage, they defeated the country and Switzerland.

So there is no fear of any opponent at all.


"After the end of the group stage, the official simultaneously gave a new world ranking, and our ranking has also risen by one place."

Akuto seemed to remember something.

Quickly took out another form and placed it in front of everyone.

"The new world ranking?"

The players' eyes lit up and they looked quickly.

Then it was discovered that the top ranking is still the national team de.

"Why are they still?

Echizen Ryoma couldn't help but said.

Since the start of the World Cup, they have successively defeated the national team de and the Swiss team.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength of the Japanese team is strong.

"The national team de is the king's team that has won eight consecutive World Cup championships. It has dominated the world for a full 16 years. Only losing one or two games will not affect their status at all."

Zongshen shook his head, not surprised.

Although they won streak in consecutive battles, their rise time was too short.

From the time when France won the World Cup, it took more than two years.

Compared with the de national team, a full 14 years have been lost.

In all fairness, if he were a judge, he would not rank the Japanese team first.

"Although it is not the first, but the second is also good!"

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

That's right.

Although they are not ranked first, they have also moved up one place in the ranking.

It replaced the Swiss team and became the new second in the world.

"Make persistent efforts, as long as we can win this World Cup championship, we definitely have the hope of becoming the number one.

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.


Everyone nodded, and there was more yearning in their eyes.

It is an unprecedented glory to become the world's best team.

"In addition to us, the rankings of other teams have also undergone some changes."

Tanegashima looked down.

The Swiss team lost a place in third place.

The fourth place is not the French team, but the Spanish team.


"The Spanish team actually replaced the French team?"

The players were a little surprised to see this.

"Medanore is rumored to have returned strongly, showing an unimaginable strength."

"On the other hand, the French team lacks top-notch combat power, so they dropped one place.

Akuto explained.

"A strong return?

Everyone's heart shuddered when they heard this.

No one doubted the truth of this incident.

Because at the French competition two years ago, Medanore was the first newcomer to enter the professional level.

Although he was injured in the back, he defeated the top players on the ATP rankings as soon as he came back.

Although I don't know the specific strength of the other party.

But there is a high possibility that it is even better than Amadeus and Polk.

"In addition to the increase in the ranking of the Spanish team, the ranking of the England team has also improved."

Omagari looked down and said.


The players took a quick look at this.

Sure enough, I saw England rise to seventh place.

Argentina, which was originally seventh, became eighth.

"England's Lin Xiu and Keith made a big splash in the group stage, and Keith was even known as the second Zidir, which added a lot of popularity to the team."

Zongshen smiled.

Who is Zidir?

The last England main general, a world's pinnacle master.

Because of his existence, the England team is firmly ranked fifth in the world.

Unfortunately, as the opponent fouled out, the senior high school students also left one after another, and the team's ranking plummeted.

In the original book, it was completely crushed by the French team.

The name of the strong team has also become a joke.

However, the plot of this world changed, Lin Xiu and Keith joined the team.

Among them, Keith and Zidir are masters of qi.

Many people think that Keith will become the second Zidier, leading the re-emergence of the England team.

In this case, the England team was promoted by one.

""1 So that's it. "

The team suddenly realized.

"So as long as we don't meet these teams, we can easily advance to the quarterfinals."

Tanegashima chuckled.

"It's not that simple."

(Li Hao) Echizen Ryoga shook his head, and then looked at Zongshen with a smile but a smile: "With Zongshen's luck, when the lottery is drawn, he will definitely be drawn to a strong team."

"Woolen cloth "

Everyone heard the corners of the mouth twitching.

The national team was drawn to the exhibition match, and the Swiss team was drawn to the group stage.

Zongshen's luck is indeed unmatched.


"Or I will bring someone to the lottery tomorrow, and then I won't be on stage."

Zongshen was a little embarrassed.

He also couldn't understand why his hands were so stinky.

This was the case during the French Grand Prix, and it was the same during the Australian World Cup.

"If you draw lots, you can take Sengoku."

Fuji said in a mouthful.

"Thousand Stones?"

Zongshen's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Sengoku Kiyosumi is the lucky winner of Prince of Tennis.

If you take him to draw lots, will you still be afraid that you won't be able to draw a good lot?

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