The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1322 :The Conspiracy of Xia Zhiguan Team (1)

Xia Zhiguan Republic team rests in the hotel.

In a dimly lit room.

More than 20 team members gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

"what should I do now?"

A whisper sounded.

The tone was full of tension and hesitation.

"What else can we do? The Japanese team must be resolved, otherwise we can only stop at the top 16 of the tournament."

Nongpudilu gritted his teeth.

The light shot of Byodoin was still fresh in his memory.

Even when dreaming every night, I would dream of myself being bombarded by a ball.

This incident has always been regarded as a shame by him, and he wants to get back in revenge.

But he also understood that with his own strength, Zongshen's opponents were not at all.

So even if you are not reconciled, you can only endure it.

I thought that this happened like this, but I didn't expect the two teams to meet in the "Zero 63" tournament.

If you come, even if you don't want to revenge, it won't work.

"But "

Haruhart frowned.

The Japanese team ranks second in the world and is the most promising team to win the championship.

And what about their Xia Zhiguan Republic team?

It's just a weak tennis country. It's all luck to enter the tournament.

If you meet the Japanese team, you can't be your opponent at all.


"We can't compare positively, but we can think of other ways."

Nongpudilu sneered.

"Other methods?"

The players looked over.


"The match is the day after tomorrow. As long as the members of the Japanese team can't participate in the match, won't we be able to win?"

A touch of cruelty flashed in Nong Pudi Lu's eyes.

"The Japanese team can't participate in the match? Is it possible?"

The team members were a little unbelievable.


"I don't believe that Zongshen will stay in the hotel all the time. As long as they get out of the hotel, we will send all the Japanese team members to the hospital!"

The corner of Nongpudi Road's eyes has a hideous look.

At the same time, he said his plan.

After listening, the team members were stunned, and then looked at Nong Pudi Road in horror.

Unexpectedly, Nongpudilu would come up with such a vicious method.

"As long as we spend some money to get a member of the Japanese team into a car accident, we will be able to walkover."

Nong Pudi Lu sneered.

"If they really have a car accident, they will definitely conduct an investigation. What should we do when they find us?"

A team member shook his head and felt that this method was unreliable.

Let’s not talk about where to hire a driver.

In the unlikely event that a Japanese team member calls the police after a car accident, with the police's ability to detect, it is easy to find the man behind the scenes.

"I'm not going to kill them, as long as they get hurt."

"Who will know that the driver did it on purpose?"

Nong Pudi Lu sneered.

In his opinion, this method is perfectly feasible.

After all, only they know the plan.

Therefore, the Japanese players will definitely feel that they are not careful after being injured.

And more importantly, this is Australia, not Japan.

If it is really investigated, it will not happen in a day or two at all.

When the time comes for a long time, it will never stop.

All the team members face each other.

Although they wanted to win, they didn't dare to do such a thing.

If it really hits someone to death, it will be troublesome.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Don't you want to win? Don't you want to return home with glory?"

Nong Pudi Lu saw his teammates hesitate and questioned a little angrily.

The players hesitated hearing this face.

It took a full minute before one of the team members spoke: "Yes, as long as we do it secretly, things will never be revealed!"

When other people heard this similar glance, they seemed to have made up their minds.

"That's the decision!"

Nongpudilu sneered.

I even imagined that Zongshen was hospitalized in a car accident.

When I thought that my grievance was about to be repaid, there was a sense of excitement in my heart.

Japanese rest hotel.

The players are still training hard.

I didn't know that Xia Zhiguan would be so vicious and wanted to send them to the hospital.


There was a loud shout.

One by one team members ran on the field, performing various exercises.

Tachibana Kippei is learning to hit the ball with light, and Atobe is also learning to hit the ball in the dark.

After more than a day of practice, good progress has been made.

"The day after tomorrow is the tournament, so there is only one and a half days left, everyone hurry up and train."

Yukio Kurobe shouted.


The players responded with a slam, and their enthusiasm increased by another point.

"The progress of middle school students is really amazing.

"As long as we hurry up, maybe we can learn to hit the ball in light and in the dark before the tournament."

Irie sighed.


Zongshen nodded, and then shouted to the court: "The Kurobe coach will help us deal with the trivial matters of life these days, so everyone hurry up and train. "


The team members responded again.

The middle school students of all countries are even more excited.

Because the next match is the tournament.

There is a fundamental difference between tournament and group matches.

Among them, the group match is played by recording, while the tournament is broadcast live all over the world.

This approach has a fatal attraction to middle school students.

So everyone wants to train hard and show their skills in the tournament.

In this way, his strong posture can be broadcast all over the world through live broadcast.

"Seeing that they are so active, I can't help but step up training."

Tanegashima exhaled.


Zongshen smiled and nodded, then looked at Tanegashima: "Let’s get started quickly, but don’t be surpassed by middle school students."


Tanegashima nodded.

Wave the racquet again and do 5.2 own training.

When the Japanese team was training in full swing, the Xia Zhiguan team also started their own conspiracy.

But what they didn't expect was.

Zongshen and his party did not go out the next day.

The conspiracy and tricks I thought of before are like a joke at this moment.

"how so?!

Nong Pudi Lu looked angry.

In order to make Zongshen several people injured, they spent more than one million.

This is more than 80,000 yuan when converted into Chinese currency.

Paying such a high price is to prevent the Japanese team from participating.

But it's all right now.

The Japanese team did not go out at all, and the previously thought-up strategy was completely ineffective.

And the more than 80,000 yuan paid can not be recovered.

It can be said that stealing chicken does not lose rice.

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