The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1327 : Annoying Ryoga(3)

On the field.

The two woke up with ugly faces.

The ball just now was so horrible, they couldn't afford the courage to fight back.


Pianina swallowed and continued to serve.

But the tennis ball bounced past the net, and Yukimura blocked it.


racquet swept past.

A sharp light cut through the court, and before Pianina could react, he felt a tingling pain on his cheek and blood flowing down.


There was a dull impact, and the tennis ball had crashed to the ground.

After the ball bounced, the speed did not decrease, and it went straight out of bounds.


match comes to game point!

"how come?"

"Why does this kid in this country have such strength?"

Pianina looked at Yukimura blankly.

They really don't understand why Yukimura, a junior high school student, is so good.

He was unable to react even as a high school student when he hit back.

"Is this kid really a junior high school student?" 25

Ahab gritted his teeth.

I found myself as Echizen Ryoga said, even junior high school students can't compare.

Pianina opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Press the shock in your heart and continue to serve.

The sound of the beating spread, and the tennis pierced the court.

"too slow!"

Yukimura smiled softly.

He rushed out quickly, almost in front of the net in the blink of an eye.

Racquet swept across, and the bounced tennis ball was like an active collision.


The power surged, all released.

A ball hit by a huge force burst out, and a loud impact sounded after it landed.


"Don't underestimate us!

Ahab growled.

The body rushed out quickly, and racquet waved naturally.


The backhand strikes and the tennis ball flies backwards.

"It's really boring.

Yukimura looked at the flying ball and couldn't help shaking her head.

He originally wanted to use the dream to end the match as quickly as possible.

But Echizen Ryoga wanted to warm up, so he could only continue.

"Do not worry."

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

He didn't want to spare Xia Zhiguan's team members so easily, otherwise how could he be worthy of the opponent's noise plan.


He rushed out.

Afterimages scratched people's retinas.

But in the blink of an eye, before the tennis ball was stopped.

"Fast speed!"

"Echizen Ryoga really deserves to be a professional player, no matter which direction the opponent hits the ball, he can catch up instantly."

"Xia Zhiguan's two people competed with the Japanese team. They are not at the same level.

The audience watched with gusto.


The beating sound rang.

Echizen Ryoga has already waved racquet.

An afterimage passed by, and a sharp sound of breaking through the air rang around.

Because the tennis ball rubs violently with the air, the surface of the tennis ball produces red light.

"give it to me!"

Ahab growled.

The muscles of the arm holding the patting bulge, and the strength of the whole body is mobilized.

At the moment the tennis ball flew, it swung vigorously.


The two touch.

The turbulent power is transmitted along the racquet to the arm.

Ahab's face changed. He didn't expect that Echizen Ryoga's random shot would have a terrifying power.

"Is this guy a monster? This ball is obviously just a flat ball.

After feeling this power, he yelled frantically in his heart.

Then he quickly put his other hand on the racquet and tried his best to fight back.

"Although I want to warm up, this kind of strength is too bad, right?"

Echizen Ryoga seems to be a bit distressed.

Speaking of conscience, he really just wanted to sweat and warm up.

So in order to prevent the match from ending so quickly, he has suppressed most of his strength.

But I didn't expect that even so, it would be difficult for the opponent to fight back.

This made him wonder whether the two of them had the qualifications to warm him up.


The impact sounded.

The tennis ball has hit the ground and bounced at high speed.

However, Ryoga is still the same as before, quickly blocking the front.

With some suspicion in his heart, he increased his strength to see if the two were qualified to do sparring.


Thunder sonic boom exploded.

The tennis ball roared out like a cannonball.

The air was torn apart, and there was a series of explosions following the collision.

"So fast!"

The two of them narrowed their eyes.

Before I could react, I heard a crash.

When they turned their heads to look around, the tennis ball had already rushed out and hit the wall behind them.


Echizen Ryoga won the first game.

"No difficulty!

The hand frowned.

He really couldn't understand how this kind of team entered the tournament.

"The luck of the Xia Zhiguan team is really amazing."

Irie pushed his glasses and smiled.

Met two teams from the bottom in the group stage, and then entered the tournament by luck.

This kind of luck can be called against the sky.


"It's a shame for this kind of team to enter the tournament!"

Byodoin snorted coldly.

The three teams they met in the group stage, no matter which one can easily crush the summer management team.

But because of luck, it stopped in the group stage.

So in his opinion, the strong team stopped the group stage and the weak team entered the tournament, which is completely a shame of the World Cup!

"Although that is said, the group stage system is already considered the fairest.

Zongshen shook his head.

It is indeed luck for the Xia Zhiguan team to enter the tournament.

But sometimes luck is more important than strength.


"At the end of the game, the two sides exchange venues!"

When several people were discussing, referee had already blew the whistle.

The four people on the field immediately walked to the opposite side, and 067 exchanged the ball at the same time.

In the second round, Ryoga serve.


"The ball just used only one-tenth of my speed. If you think it's too fast, do you want me to slow it down?"

Echizen Ryoga carried racquet and said with a smile on his face.

When this word fell, the entire court was quiet.

Not to mention the two Pianina, even the other Xia Zhiguan members flushed.

One-tenth the speed?

If you think it's too fast, you can slow it down?

Is this surely humiliating?


"This guy is so arrogant, he really thinks he is invincible?

"To dare to despise our Xia Zhi management team, we must make him pay the price."

The members of the Xia Zhiguan team shouted angrily, their eyes fixed on Ryoga.

If the eyes can kill people, Ryoga is estimated to have died a hundred times.

"This guy Ryoga is really bad."

Tanegashima smiled.

"Echizen is right. Even if it is only one-tenth the speed, the other party can't catch it."

Tsukimitsu Ochi spoke coldly.

"But Ryoga's interest is really high, and I can continue to play against this kind of player."

Omagari yawned, lacking interest in this match.

"Let him go!"

Zongshen smiled.

First tease the opponent, then destroy the opponent.

This effect is more effective than defeating the opponent from the beginning. .

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