The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1339 : Son of God and Emperor (3)

The two teams stand far apart across the net.

The original frenetic atmosphere instantly became depressed, and the eyes of the players on both sides delayed the confrontation.

This is the tournament.

For both teams, they can only win but not lose.

"Please advise!"

Camus took a step forward and stretched out his hand.


Zongshen nodded and clasped his opponent's hand tightly.

The two looked at each other and then looked back, and then led the team off the field.

"You two hurry up to warm up!

Mifune yelled rudely in the way.


Yukimura and Sanada looked at each other and immediately picked up racquet and walked aside.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

The sound of the broadcast came, sounding the horn of match.

"The quarter-finals of the tournament, the Japanese team played against the French team, doubles two match."

"Please play both players!"

The voice of "Zero Seven Seven" fell, and the players from both sides walked towards the arena.

Zongshen dispatched Yukimura and Sanada.

Camus dispatched Barthes and Molo.

The two of the French team went on the stage as if walking on the runway, making all the audience exclaim.

"The French team members are so stylish!"

"The two used the arena as a stage, like a Paris fashion show."

"It's really a French player from the romantic capital."

There was a lot of discussion in the surrounding audience, and some even took out the camera to shoot continuously.

"Next is the moment for our performance!"

After Barthes and Morrow arrived on the field, they immediately waved to the surroundings while also posing in various poses.

These actions immediately caused the audience to exclaim.

"Is this really the French team?"

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

In his thoughts, the strong French team should be the same as de country, and the atmosphere is serious and serious.

But when I look at it now, it's completely different from what I imagined.

"Do these two guys think this is a runway?'

Atobe's mouth twitched.

"I seem to hear the envy.

Niou Masaharu's eyes flashed.

"Say something stupid!"

Atobe retorted without a smile.

He was indeed a little envious, but how could he admit it.

During the discussion, the players from both sides came to the net and looked at each other.

"Speaking of which, the Japanese team is kind to me."

Barthes looked at Yukimura and Sanada, and then added: "I was almost expelled from the training camp at the beginning. Thanks to the help of Captain Zongshen, I can stay in U-17."


"Have this happened before?"

Molo on the side looked curious.


Barr turned his head and looked at the two Yukimura: "After the match is over, thank Captain Zongshen for me, okay?"


Yukimura nodded.

Then, in a glance at each other, he formed an L formation.

"The players on both sides are ready, the French team starts, the match begins!

The referee blew the whistle.

"It's time for us to perform!"

Moro shook his hair and smiled what he thought was charming.


The tennis ball is thrown up.

Step on the ground with your feet and swipe quickly.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball fell beside Sanada in a flash.

"give it to me!!

Sanada spoke in a deep voice.

Raised racquet without any hesitation, wanting to strike back.

But after the ball bounced, it did not follow the original trajectory to eject. Instead, it changed its flight trajectory and went straight to the right sideline.


There was a percussive sound, and the tennis ball bounced out.


The French team scored a point.

"A perfect ball!"

Moro put his hair in a shape, looking extremely proud.

Sanada opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

He clearly predicted the path of the ball.

But when the tennis ball bounced, it rushed in the other direction, making him too late to react.

"Don't be careless!"

Yukimura spoke softly.

The French team is no better than other teams.

Ranked among the top five in the world all the year round, it is the top strong team in the World Cup.


Sanada nodded heavily.

Knowing that the opponent is not a small shrimp, and there are high school players in the combination, if you are not cautious, you may really lose.

"You should give up!".

Moro cut his hair and smiled confidently: "Because this match will become our unique show.


"Hurry up and serve!"

Sanada snorted coldly.

He would not be affected by such words.


Moro shook his head, then violently tossed the ball up


The beating sound rang.

The tennis ball made a beautiful arc and swept across the net, and then landed in front of Sanada.

This time Sanada was more cautious, and only swiped back after confirming the route.


Racquet swept and the tennis ball flew upside down.

But at this time Barthes was already online.

The body leapt up, racquet dragged the tennis ball to high altitude, his arm dunked.


The sound rang.

The tennis ball shot like a bullet, passing by Sanada in an instant.

"So fast!"

Sanada's eyes narrowed, and there was no time to react.

"give it to me!

Yukimura surfs the Internet quickly.

The arm swung fiercely and knocked the ball into the air.

But as soon as the tennis crossed the net, Moro rushed to the net and caught the ball easily.


The tennis ball flies to the left near corner.

Sanada and Yukimura were both in the front court position on the right, and there was no time to react.

In the end, I could only watch the tennis ball bounce out.


Moro scored the second point.

"This is the Paris show!"

Barthes chuckled, his arms raised in a pose, causing all around to scream.

‘The French team is stronger than in the original.

Zongshen thought to himself.

Barthes and Molo are not very strong in the original book.

Even if they met Kimishima and Shiraishi, they were only 50-50, and finally won by luck.

But now they can score two points from Yukimura and Sanada.

From this we can know the approximate strength of the opponent. 5.2

After all, Yukimura is world-class, and Sanada is also half-step world-class.

"Various changes!"

Sanada looked serious.

The two goals just now showed him some problems.

Both Barthes and Molo are physically flexible players, able to deceive through fake moves.

The reason why they lose points is because of this.

"But as long as we see through the other's intentions, we can fight back."

Yukimura smiled softly.

It seems that the loss of points just now is nothing.


Sanada nodded and assumed a defensive posture again.


After Moro scored two points, he looked very energetic.

Throwing the ball up again, racquet swung vigorously.


The beating sound rang.

The tennis ball flew out like a bullet.

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