The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1342 :The Horror Son of God (2)

"But …

Doron opened his mouth.

Although Camus explained the cracking method very clearly.

But this kind of will is illusory, and it depends entirely on the players themselves.

As a junior high school student, Moruo is definitely not as good as a high school student in terms of will, so wouldn't it be impossible to crack the five senses?

"This is Moro's match. We can't help you except cheer and pray.

Jonal couldn't help but said.

The words fell, and all the team members fell silent.

Because Jonal was right.

Everyone has a match for everyone, and their respective strengths are also different.

Now that Moro has the five senses, the only thing they can do is to pray that the other party will wake up soon.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

on court.

Moro stood still, fear rising in his heart.

But Yukimura didn't give him time to react at all, and threw the ball up again.

"Next is vision!"

A gentle voice sounded.

Although Moro couldn't hear it, he sensed something.

A sense of tension suddenly emerged in my heart.

But before he could think about it, the tennis ball had landed and bounced, rushing towards him.

Losing his sense of touch and hearing, he can only rely on visual response.


Swing hard and las the tennis ball.

He lost his sense of touch, and now he can only increase his strength to prevent a turnover where the net 077 cannot pass the net.

"It's useless!"

Yukimura chuckled lightly.

Get online quickly and wave racquet.


The beating sound rang.

The tennis ball flew out like a bullet.

Molo held racquet tightly, his heart was extremely nervous.

But soon, he found a black spot in front of his eyes.

And this black spot gets bigger and bigger, eventually swallowing all the light.

Extinguish the visual deprivation of the five senses!


The tennis ball rushed past Morro in a flash, but the opponent did not respond.


The match comes to the game point.

And more importantly, Molo lost his sense of touch, hearing and vision.

The whole person seems to be in an illusion.

No objects can be touched, no sound can be heard, no picture can be seen.

in the dark.

Molo opened his eyes slowly.

But what caught the eye was darkness, and there was nothing.

"Where is this?"

There was a tremor all over, and fear rose in my heart.

Want to take a step to leave this nih place.

But there seems to be a scourge hidden in the darkness, (cffc) As long as he takes a step, it will tear him to pieces.

This fatal sense of crisis made him afraid to take a step, and could only stand in place in fear.


Bart hurriedly shouted in reality.

But no matter how he shouted, the other party didn't respond.

Moro still stood there blankly, his body trembling slightly, it seemed that something terrible had happened.


Yukimura laughed softly.

"It's you?!"

Barthes finally reacted and looked at Yukimura fiercely.

He can be sure that the reason why Molo is doing this is absolutely related to Yukimura.

"rest assured!!

"It will be your turn soon."

Yukimura stood there calmly, but what he said made people shudder.

"Spiritual stunt?!

A dread flashed in Barthe's eyes.

Knowing that Molo has fallen into the five senses, the next match can only rely on himself.


Yukimura serve again.

The ball rushed through halftime and hit the ground quickly.

"Don't think about it!

Barthes gave a low yell, and quickly fought back.

But Sanada, who was in the front court, jumped up and racquet slammed down.


Aggression is like fire!

Tennis unleashes its ultimate power under a powerful smash.

Quickly bounce out after landing.


The score is flat!


Barthes lost the confidence he had before.

Now Moro has lost the power of the first battle. If he is alone, he can't fight Yukimura and Sanada at all.

"Barthes don't give up!"

Dorron's voice came: "Believe Molo, he will be able to recover."

"Don't worry, Duolong, I won't give up easily!

Barthes took a deep breath and held racquet tightly.

Although Moro could not continue the match, he chose to trust his teammates.

So before his teammates wake up, he will resist the attack of two people alone.

The match continues.

The fierce battle started again.

Tennis balls flew on both sides, and there was roaring noises.

The scores of the two sides are constantly being opened.


"Game, Shinichiro Sanada, 2 to 1!


"Game, Seiichi Yukimura, 3 to 1!"


"Game, Shinichiro Sanada, 4 to 1!

Twenty minutes later, Yukimura and Sanada scored three games together.

"Molo, wake up quickly!

Barthes panted, sweat steadily slipping from the corner of his forehead.

Although he is a high school student, his strength is not bad.

But don't forget, Sanada and Yukimura are not ordinary middle school students.

One person has world-class standards, and one person has half-step world-class standards.

Under the sniper of two masters, even if he is a high school student, he couldn't get a point.

If Molo is still not sober, they must lose in the end.

in the dark.

Moro was still hesitating.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, fear rose in his heart, making him afraid to take a step.

But he vaguely remembered that he was in a match, and his teammates were still insisting.

"If it's a Bart, surely you can't fight the two?"

Moro clenched his fists.

The hesitant gaze instantly became firm.

Forcibly resisted the fear in my heart and strode towards the darkness.


Two steps!

Ten steps!

As I walked around, the fear slowly disappeared, the darkness also passed away, and the light returned.


The darkness shattered like glass.

When Moro reacted, the voice reappeared in his ears, and the light penetrated into the pupils through the eyelids.

"I recovered?!"

Moro was taken aback, then raised his head sharply.

What I saw was Barthes' face full of joy.

"Molo, you finally woke up!"

Barthes was relieved to see Moro finally wake up.

"Feel sorry!"

A hint of apology flashed in Molo's eyes, and then he looked at the score.

After seeing the 4-1 score, he knew that the situation was already extremely unfavorable for them. If he didn't fight back quickly, even if he wakes up, he can only lose.

"We must step up time to recover the score.

Barthes said solemnly.


Molo returned to his senses, then nodded. .

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