The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1366 :The horror of Camus (3)


The loud impact sounded.

The tennis ball hit the ground heavily and then bounced out.


Camus won the seventh game.

"how so?

"Why did that guy become so powerful that even Zongshen can't fight it?"

Tohno Atsukyo yelled in disbelief.

Although Gango Kamiu is strong, Zongshen is able to stabilize the voltage regulation.

But now?

The strength seems to have doubled.

Regardless of speed, strength, physical stamina, technique, explosion, reaction.

Everything was improved several times in an instant.

What's more terrifying is that the other party seems to be able to see the future, and Zongshen's every move is seen through.

No matter where Zongshen hits the ball back.

No matter what stunts are used.

The other party seemed to foresee "Zero Nine Zero" in advance and cracked it easily.

"Camus's current state is very much like the sixth sense under the seamless clothes."

Shoujia said solemnly.

"The sixth sense that is seamless?"

Everyone heard this shock.

Then I recalled the match just now, it was really like this.

The perfect fit can make the potential of the players explode, and the various functions of the body can be greatly increased.

The sixth sense is a sense of foresight, which can predict the opponent's actions in advance.

Camus's state is really like this state now.

"Did the French master secretly learn from selflessness?"

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

"No? How did Camus learn it?"

Shiraishi looked surprised.

Let’s not talk about how hard it is to be without me.

This stunt can only be learned in Japan.

Camus has always stayed in France and has never been to Japan.

So even if I want to learn, I don't have this opportunity.

"Camus's state is not perfect at all!"

Echizen Moonlight spoke coldly.

He didn't feel the power of selflessness at all.

I didn't even see the light that bloomed from the state of no-self.

So he guessed that this is just a state of selflessness.


"Shut up to the old man!"

Mifune on the side snorted coldly, feeling that the more the players talked, the more outrageous they were.

No-self is a Japanese stunt, how could Camus be.

"The coach knows what this is?"

Yukimura asked quickly.

"Byodoin, you have competed with Camus, should you know what this is?"

Mifune entered the road and took a sip of wine, but did not answer directly.

When the words fell, everyone looked at Byodo-in Temple.

"This is Camus's listening!

Byodoin said solemnly.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

They already know something about listening to tennis.

In the final analysis, it is a perceptual skill, through infinite amplification of various factors, so as to find out the dead corner of tennis.

But Camus's stunt now is obviously different from listening.

"Do you think Camus's listening has only that power?"

Byodoin snorted.

Who is Camus?

To be called a revolutionary is a genius no weaker than Luke.

Since his debut, he has been called a generation of geniuses who can change French tennis.

If listening only magnifies various factors, Camus is not worthy of the title of revolutionary.

"So this is another form of listening?"

Echizen Ryoga turned the orange upside down and asked curiously.


Byodoin nodded, and then added: "We can merge the two stunts, and Camus can do it naturally.

"As long as the other party merges the listening and loving world, it can produce different results."

Listening to tennis is a perceptual ability.

He listened not only to the sound of tennis, but the sound of everything.

So Zongshen's every move was exposed under listening.

This caused Camus to see through the future.

Even more terrifying is.

The power of the world of love is enhanced, forming a stronger spiritual infection.

This infection did not make Zongshen feel guilty.

But it affected Zongshen's thinking and nervous system, causing his ability to react significantly.

"So it's not that Camus gets stronger.

"It's because of mental infection, Minister became weaker!"

Oni Jujiro's eyes were heavy.


When this word fell, everyone was shocked.

After thinking about it for a while, I only felt the creeps.

They rely on their eyes to watch the match

But everything that the naked eye sees is not completely true.

If at first the two are evenly matched, then one becomes weaker and the other remains unchanged.

Such changes often give people the illusion that those who have not changed will become stronger.

"No, no?"

Kirihaya swallowed.

Look on the court and observe carefully.

Then I found that it was so.

Camus' every move is actually not much different from before.

On the other hand, Zongshen's reaction and speed have slowed down.

"So even the brother himself doesn't know that he has become weaker, not that Camus has become stronger?

Shoujia's eyes narrowed.

This kind of stunt is very difficult to find without knowing it.

If you don't notice it, perhaps by the end of the match, one party will think that the opponent has become stronger.

Instead of becoming weaker!

"what should I do now?"

Kintaro asked anxiously.

"Zongshen can only find out by himself. If he finds out this situation, he will naturally find a way to crack it."

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

This attack attacks the spirit and creates illusions by influencing thinking and neural responses.

As long as Zongshen discovers this situation, he will be able to crack it.

"But what if you can't find it?"

Irie pushed his glasses.

"If you can't find out, Zongshen's strength will become 5.2 weaker and weaker in the decline of thinking and reaction nerves."

"In the end, it was like being deprived of five senses, unable to even return the ball.

Byodoin said solemnly.


A group of people opened their mouths when they heard this, but they couldn't say a word.


The match continues.

Under the influence of the world of love, Zongshen's reaction became slower and slower.

In the end, even he himself discovered this.

"It's like carrying a stone on my back, making it difficult for me to even move."

"This should be the ghost of you, right?"

Zongshen gasped.

Every time he swung a pat, he felt as if he was pressing on something.

When you strike back, you have to do your best to deal with it.

This change made him alert and found something wrong. .

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