The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1373 : Emperors and Emperors (2)

"The World Cup semi-final, the Japanese team played against the Spanish team in a doubles two match, and the players from both sides are invited to play."

There was a voice from the radio.

The four who were warming up immediately stopped their movements and walked towards the court.

Zongshen sent Sanada and Atobe.

The Spanish team also-sent two middle school students.

One is called Ulysses.

Ulysses is tall and tall. Although he is a grade three student, he has a height of over one meter to eight.

With sharp eyes and long blond hair, he looks extremely fierce.

The other is called Malthus, who is also a third-year student.

However, compared to his companion Malthus, he was much shorter, only 1.6 meters tall.

And he doesn't have a strong body, and looks a little thin.

"It's Ulysses and Malthus brothers!"

Akuto whispered after seeing the two.


The group of people was stunned when they heard this.

Because the two are not alike at all, there is a huge gap between their posture and appearance.

"They are not only brothers, but also twins."

Akuto said again.


Now even Zongshen was a little surprised.

As we all know, the biggest feature of twins is their long images.

But Ulysses and Malthus have no similarities no matter how they look at them.

"The two are indeed twins, but the younger brother Malthus was ill when he was a child, so there is such a big difference in the posture and appearance of the two."

Akuto explained.

"I see!"

All the team members suddenly realized this when they heard this.

"Since the two are twins, they can cooperate very well, right?"

Irie asked.

Twins doubles are not difficult to see in the tennis world.

These brother doubles combinations have one characteristic, that is, they work closely together.

Just like Mutsu Yuho and Mutsu Yuma.

The overall strength is not very strong, but it ranks first in the training camp in terms of cooperation.

If homology is turned on, the strength shown is absolutely amazing.


"The older brother Ulysses is a strength player, while his younger brother Malthus is a speed player."

"When two people match, they can always make up for each other."

Akuto nodded.

"It looks like this will be a tough fight."

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

With the strength of Sanada and Atobe, they will certainly not be weaker than each other.

However, in terms of cooperation, the two will never be opponents.

"Don't worry, they won't lose."

Zongshen shook his head.

Atobe and Sanada are called the emperor and the other is called the emperor.

Both of them are arrogant people.

Facing players of the same age, he will definitely show his strongest strength.

Under absolute strength, even if Ulysses and Malthus cooperate closely, they cannot be opponents.

on court.

After the four shook hands, they formed an L formation.

"The Japanese team played against the Spanish team, doubles two match, and the Japanese team served."

"The match begins!"

The referee blew the whistle.

After hearing this, Sanada immediately took out a tennis ball from his pocket and patted it gently on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An orderly bounce sounded, and the surroundings gradually became quiet.

Although this match was a duel of middle school students, it was the first round of the two teams.

This victory or defeat will affect the morale of the team to a certain extent.

So it is very important for both the Japanese team and the Spanish team.


After slapped for a while, Sanada grabbed it fiercely, and then threw the ball into the air.

A clear beating sound spread.

The tennis ball was whipped out and fell to the ground like a bolt of lightning, with a dull sound of impact.

"What a fast speed!"

The people around saw this shock.

Unexpectedly, Sanada shot this kind of high-speed ball.

"Brother, leave it to me!"

The thin Malthus laughed.

The next moment he rushed out like a cheetah.

The speed was so fast that an afterimage was drawn and it came to where the tennis ball fell in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!

"I came to the drop point almost instantly!"

"That Spanish player is also a speed master?"

The people present only felt a light and shadow in their sight, and when they came back to their senses, Malthus was already standing in front of the tennis ball.

This extreme speed shocked them.

After all, Malthus is a middle school student, not a high school student.


Malthus swings.

The tennis ball passed halftime like lightning.

……………Please ask for flowers...

Sanada and Atobe stood there and didn't react at all.

call out!

The ball bounced quickly and rushed out.


From the start of the match to the present, only half a minute, Malthus of the Spanish team scored a point.

"This is a point?"

"The ball just rushed out of bounds without seeing it clearly."

"Is that kid really a middle school student?"

The audience was dumbfounded.

When Sanada made a powerful goal, they thought it would be a fierce and protracted battle.

Unexpectedly, only half a minute passed before Malthus scored a point.

"The speed is at least 240KM/H or more!"

Sanada's eyes sank.

I didn't expect this thin Spanish player to hit back this kind of high-speed ball.

This speed of return shots has surpassed most high school students.

"Hee hee~"

"You must be surprised."

Malthus closed one eye, pointed his finger at Sanada in a gun-like motion, with a smile on his face.


Sanada snorted coldly.

He was really careless, he didn't expect the opponent to have this kind of strength.

But if he suffered a loss once, he wouldn't eat it a second time.


Raise the ball again.

Following the fall, the racquet in his hand swept down.


A burst of noise stirred the audience.

The tennis ball roars out like an arrow feather, which contains unstoppable power.

But Malthus is faster than tennis.

Just belittle the eyes and rush to the spot.

Racquet swings and cuts the ball.

The rush ball just bounced back and was hit hard by him.

The light beam drew across again, and the speed reached its extreme.

"Don't think about it!"

Sanada drank, then rushed out.


Racquet held high and chopped down like a katana.

The sharp light flashed, and the cold light exploded.


It's as fast as the wind!

Facing the amazing speed of Malthus, he directly used his own stunts.

The fierce light swept across the field, making people close their eyes subconsciously.

The tennis ball was also nailed through the air and shot out. pill.

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