The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1388 : Zongshenvs Medanore (2)

"Win easily!"

"As long as we win the final singles one, we can enter the finals.

"Next Minister Zongshen will come on stage and he will definitely win."

Several people in Kikumaru were talking excitedly.

"The final match will determine the team's outcome.

Mifune entered the road and took a sip of wine, then looked at Zongshen.

Since the establishment of U-17, Japan has experienced two golden periods.

The first golden period was the Echizen Nanjiro era. At that time, the Japanese team entered the World Cup quarter-finals, but unfortunately lost the Swiss team.

The second golden period is the period where Zongshen is.

Under the leadership of Zongshen, the Japanese team broke the record and won the championship for the first time.

And now is the third golden age!

After winning the World Cup championship, the new generation of players has not withered, but prospered even more.

Handmakers Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Atobe Keigo, Sanada Genichiro.

One by one, talented players appeared to create the third golden age.

If Zongshen can win the final singles one, the Japanese team can enter the final.

Maybe another record can be created at that time.

So even if it was him, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Leave it to me for the next match!"

Zongshen felt the look of expectation, and the corners of his mouth were curved, and then slowly stood up from the position.

He knew that his opponent was Medanore.

But it doesn't matter, because no matter who it is, the final victory belongs to him.

This is the end of my thoughts.

The invisible aura erupted from his body.

As he walked toward the court, the turbulent atmosphere swept across the court.

The audience who was still cheering instantly quieted down.

After feeling this horrible atmosphere, they looked at Zongshen one by one.

"Hands, Zongshen!"

"The world's number one high school student, the strongest player in the World Cup!"

"Sure enough, it was him. He appeared on the field in order to win the final victory and wanted to end the last hope of the Spanish team!"

"If it is him, who can compete with him?

"Even Medanore is not his opponent, right?"

There was an uproar from the audience.

"Minister Zongshen is finally going to play!"

Taocheng stood up with a sigh, and then exclaimed excitedly: "If it is the minister, no matter who the opponent is, he can win!"

"The probability of the minister winning is 100%!'

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses.

In his memory, Zongshen has never lost.

So the victory this time will be the same as before, ending in victory.

"As long as we win this match, we can enter the final!"

Oishi looked expectant.

"We will definitely win!"

Oshitari Yuushi's eyes flashed.


The other team members nodded.

In their hearts, Zongshen is always invincible.

It used to be so, and it is even more so now.

on court.

Zongshen took the next step in the much-anticipated.

His eyes scanned the position of the Spanish team like a blade.

At the same time, the breath of the body surged wildly.

"Hands Zongshen!"

The Spanish team has a serious face.

Zongshen now is not a nameless junior.

In the French competition, he defeated the main players of all countries.

This World Cup swept three professional masters, Polk, Amadis, and Camus, and they are known as the world's number one high school student.

It can almost be said that he is the strongest player in the World Cup.


Ignaz whispered.

"give it to me!!

Medanore stood up slowly, with absolute confidence in his eyes.

He knows that there are so many players in the entire Spanish team, and he is the only one who can deal with Zongshen.

So he must shoulder this important task.

And more importantly.

He studied hard for more than a year, so that he would return to the court and compete with Zongshen again.

So whether it is for the team or for yourself.

He will play in this match!


Ignaz nodded.

The next singles are crucial for both teams.

Because the scores of the two teams are even, this match will determine the team's outcome.

Won and entered the finals.

Lost, stop the semifinals!

So this match can only win, not lose!

"I will definitely win!"

Medanore whispered.

Then grabbed racquet and strode towards the court

The moment he left, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's Medanore!"

"The strongest genius in Europe, it is said that he is superior to Polk."

"It's him who is the singles one. I don't know if he can fight against Zongshen, who is known as the world's number one high school!"

Seeing Medanore, everyone was in an uproar again.


"The single one is Medanore!"

Tanegashima has a serious look on her face.

Before the match started, they were thinking about what lineup the opponent would send.

The biggest guess about singles is Medanore.


"So what? Victory must belong to us.

Byodoin snorted coldly.


Oni Jujiro, who had just left the field, nodded, full of confidence in Zongshen.

on court.

Zongshen and Medanore face off across the net.

The eyes are facing each other, as if there is lightning in an invisible clash.


The breath on the body collided.

The dust all over the ground was picked up by this terrifying breath.


"The most intense semi-final match is finally about to begin!"

"It's terrible breath, just from this breath you can know how strong the two are."

The surrounding audience swallowed, both in horror and excitement.

"I've been looking forward to this match for a long time!"

Medanore said 5.2 in a deep voice.

Two years ago, he was called the number one genius in the world.

And he was the first newcomer to enter the professional level among all high school students.

But the result?

He lost to Zongshen, who was still a junior high school student.

From then on, he made up his mind to defeat Zongshen.

So this match is not only related to the team's victory or defeat.

It's even his battle for revenge!


"Then are you ready to lose?"

The corners of Zongshen's mouth were curved, and the originally gentle gaze became more depressed and aggressive.

"It's not necessarily me who loses!"

Medanore vie against each other.

The two confronted each other again, and the breath on their bodies kept colliding.

Although the match has not yet started, the confrontation between the two has already begun!

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