The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1390 : Boom Fei Medanore (4)


The deep gloom became the only one in the world.

The terrifying breath swept across, the air was trembling violently, and a series of sonic booms continued to explode.


The tennis ball fell.

The solid ground burst instantly.

Countless dust flew up, covering half of the court.

The speed after the bounce was even more astonishing, and Medanore was not given a chance to react and bounced out quickly.


Zongshen took the lead in scoring.

The audience fell silent, and everyone looked face to face.

No one thought that Zongshen would use the power of another dimension.

But when they saw the big hole in the wall behind Medanore, everyone felt a chill.

Know how amazing the power of the ball just now is.

Even if Medanore catches it, he may not be able to fight back.

"A different dimension?"

A look of fear flashed in Medanore's eyes.

He knows how strong the different dimension is.

A ball that contains the power of different dimensions is even more amazing. Once it is forcibly received, it is very likely to be injured.


Take a deep breath and beat the tennis ball.

With the arm raised, the ball was thrown into the air.

The slightly side of the body jumped, and racquet waved down.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball turns into a crimson light running through the entire court.

The horn of charge!

The ultimate ball hit the ground, causing a mighty air current.


Zongshen's hair and clothes are flying.

Although the tennis ball hasn't rushed to the front, the turbulent air wave has hit hard.

Feeling the strength of the ball, he immediately took a step back.

Swing the racket immediately after the tennis ball bounces.


The fusion of different dimensions and light shots produces the ultimate power.

The tennis shot exploded in a golden light, tearing the entire arena in an instant.

Air, ground, playing field.

Everything trembled and rumbling.

"This ball...

Medanore's eyes shrank into needles.

A fatal threat was felt from this ball.

I just wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

So I can only lift racquet, trying to catch the flying ball.

But he still underestimated the power of Zongshen's ball.

This ball is a fusion of the power of light hitting and the power of different dimensions, and it was played with Zongshen's full strength.

After touching the racquet, the power burst out instantly.

That terrifying force swallowed him, and his feet could no longer hold on to the ground.


Medanore flew out.

Under a dull sound of impact, it hit the wall hard.

A depressed cry of pain sounded, and the body fell to the ground.


Ignaz stood up with a squeak, shocked on his face.

He never dreamed that Medanore was beaten out by Zongshen not long after the match started.


"Why is Zongshen so strong?"

Panya's face kept changing.

You know Medanore is a professional player in the world.

He also defeated the top players on the ATP rankings and is the strongest player in the Spanish team.

In his thoughts, Medanore can definitely defeat Zongshen.

But who would have thought that Zongshen would be blasted off by Zongshen in less than ten minutes from the start of the match.

"Is Zongshen really unbeatable?"

Malthus swallowed.

"To shut up!"

"Maida won't lose."

Zenati gave a cold cry, interrupting the player's words.

Malthus opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head, never daring to say more.


Medanore endured the pain and quickly supported his body.

He was careless just now, but he didn't expect that Zongshen would show such terrifying strength at the start, and he would not give him a chance to prepare.

After taking a couple of breaths, he walked back to the arena.

After all, he is a world professional master.

To beat him with one goal is simply a dream.

"Aren't you ready to fight with all your strength?"

Zongshen said in a deep voice.

"Full force?"

Medanore narrowed his gaze when he heard it.

He originally wanted to test Zongshen, and then slowly win.

But Zongshen didn't give him this opportunity at all.

But if Zongshen wants to let go of a fight, he will not be afraid.

"In that case!"

"Then as you wish!"


The tennis ball is flying and the racquet is waving.

The tennis ball that was bombarded by a huge force flew soaring as if two bulls were trampling the void, crushing the void to pieces.

World-class stunt-Spanish bullfighting!


A ball of terror fell and then bounced quickly.

Zongshen immediately swung back when he saw this.

But the moment he hit the tennis ball, he noticed something was wrong.

Looking down, I saw a red light on the tennis ball.

The horn of charge!

It turned out that Medanore combined the horn of the charge with the Spanish bullfight.

call out!

The rapid impact made Zongshen's arm tremble.

Without giving him a chance to react, he penetrated racquet thoroughly.

"1 bad!

Zongshen narrowed his eyes and quickly avoided.

And a ball that penetrated racquet swiftly rushed to the side, and hit the wall of the stand.


The stands trembled,

Debris splattered, making marks.

"so close!"

Zongshen saw this gaze condensed.

The ball was so well hidden just now that he didn't even notice it.

If it hadn't been for the vigilance that he had exercised all the year round, he would have been hit by the opponent's tricks and injured.

"This guy really can't be underestimated!"

Byodoin said solemnly.

"That's right!!

"If it's other players, I'm afraid I've been tricked by that trick."

Echizen Ryoga nodded.

For the average player, it takes time to slow down after injury.

But Medanore went the other way, and immediately fought back in this fierce way when he returned to court.

Had it not been for Zongshen's quick response, I'm afraid (the Zhao) would have been injured.


Zongshen took a deep breath.

After changing the racquet, put on a defensive stance.


Medanore breathed out and continued to serve.


The ultimate one shot hurriedly.

The horn of the charge and the Spanish bullfight are fused, and the two forces are intertwined.

The aura of destruction permeated, shaking the entire court.

"bring it on!"

Zongshen's eyes were sharp.

He proposed the full battle.

So in the face of Medanore who is going all out, he naturally won't be afraid.

The fierce battle between the two sides seems to have begun.

Medanore uses Spanish bullfighting, while Zongshen uses light to hit the ball.

The two Xeon's world-class stunts continue to roar.

After landing, crush the ground, making the court pitted.

The spectators around watched in cold sweat, and even some spectators left the sidelines for fear of being affected. .

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