The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1395 : Zongshen: You should lose (1)


In the violent drink, Zongshen fought back.

The power of different dimensions!

The power of light hitting!

The two terrifying forces merge together to produce the ultimate power.

At the same time, the phantom of the gods behind Zongshen also made a swing, seeming to merge with Zongshen.

The ultimate majestic momentum broke out.

Let everyone feel an invincible belief.


Racquet hits the tennis ball.

After being beaten by a huge force, the tennis ball went soaring.

This ball is like a cannonball on the barrel, with the power of destroying the world, running through the entire court.

The air was torn apart and the cyclone collided with a blast.

The dust on the ground was rolled up and filled the air.


The ball of terror landed.

The ground burst instantly, and the tennis ball bounced fiercely.


Medanore gritted his teeth.

A fatal threat was felt from this ball.

But instead of avoiding it, he swung vigorously.


The power exploded and his expression changed drastically.

Infinite power surged like a raging wave, and passed to his arm through the racquet, causing his arms to sting.


There was a cracking sound, and Racquet was broken by a ball.

The tennis ball was also under everyone's shocked gaze, H110 on Medanore's body.


The strong body flew out.

The dull sound rang and hit the wall of the stand.

With a slump, it fell to the ground.


A weak cough sounded.

Medanore supported his body with his elbows and stared at the ground with his eyes.

Soy-like cold sweat continuously slipped from the forehead, soaking the ground.

He was already consumed hugely, and he was about to reach his limit.

Now being hit by a ball almost made him lose the power of a battle.


"Are you OK?"

"Cheer up!"

The Spanish player shouted with a worried look.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Medanore took a deep breath.

Enduring the pain on his body, he struggled to stand up from the ground.

Although the ball caused him great damage, he still didn't want to give up.

After holding back all the pain, he ran back on the court.

"Medanore player, are you really okay?"

referee couldn't help asking.

Because Medanore's current state, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be all right.

His face was full of fatigue and pain, and his body was shaking slightly, as if he had been seriously injured.


Medanore looked determined.

The Spanish team finally made it into semi-final.

And as long as you win two more rounds, you can win.

So how could he give up.

"You should know that this match is about the outcome of the two teams, so I will never show mercy!"

Zongshen said in a deep voice.

The opponent's strength is very strong, and he admires him for his persistence.

But this is not a reason to be merciful.

This match is about whether they can make it to the final.

So no matter what qualities the opponent shows, he must win the match.


Medanore did not reply.

Instead, throw the ball up and swing it quickly.

The ultimate ball rushed through halftime, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Is this your answer?"

Zongshen's eyes were sharp and he knew Medanore's thoughts.


He rushed out quickly and hit back with all his strength.

The horror of the two blasted again.

The tennis ball unleashes terrible power and slams back and forth on both sides of the court.

At this time of the match, neither side has the possibility of retreating, so no matter whether Zongshen or Medanore, they have no reservations.


The arena was shaking, and the dust covered the air.

The audience was shocked.

They never thought that this match would be so intense.

In this kind of confrontation, the scores of the two sides are also rising.

However, it is a pity that Medanore, who has withdrawn from the bullfighter state, is not Zongshen's opponent at all. (cffc)

So this matchup is basically a unilateral score.


"Game, Zongshen, 3 to 4!


"Game, Zongshen, 4 to 4!"


"Game, Zongshen, 5 to 4!"

Twenty minutes later, Zongshen not only pulled the score back, but also allowed match to enter the deciding game.


Cold sweat slipped from Medanore's forehead.

The arm holding the pat was trembling slightly, and his body was even more bruised.

The bullfighter state consumes too much energy on him.

It was so unsustainable that Zongshen got the score back.

Now the situation of the two is completely reversed.

Before he attacked, Zongshen could only defend passively.

But now it was Zongshen attacking, and he was getting more and more courageous, and he could not fight back.

"The probability of winning this match is 100%!

Yanagi Renji's eyes flashed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the situation on the court.

Although Medanore is still able to fight, his state is seriously declining.

Otherwise, Zongshen won't win three rounds in one go.

And more importantly, Medanore's strength became weaker and weaker under continuous consumption.

On the other hand, Zongshen is getting more and more courageous in the battle.

In this case, Medanore lost hope of winning.

"As long as we score another point, we can win this match and we can also enter the final.

Oni Jujiro took a deep breath.

Although the current situation is beneficial to Zongshen.

But there are too many unknowns in professional match, as long as the dust is not settled, everything is possible.

So he didn't say too much.

"Don't worry, Zongshen will definitely win."

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly.

In his opinion, even Medanore has no counterattack in the face of this desperate situation.

The tenth round, Zongshen serve round.


Zongshen took a deep breath.

He couldn't stand the long battle.

But fortunately, his condition is much better than Medanore.


Throwing the ball up again, racquet pressed it down.

A ball containing the power of different dimensions flew out and penetrated the entire court.

"Deadly fight and never retreat!

Medanore gritted his teeth and growled.

There was deep fatigue in his eyes, and his arms trembled even more.

As long as the discerning person can see that he has reached the limit.

However, the belief and pride in his heart made him persevere and wanted to continue fighting.


Looking at the flying ball, he hit back again.

Matador's horn thorn!

The ultimate ball flies through the net, with terrible penetration ability. .

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