The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1406 : Son of Lightning vs. Beast (4)


Ralph shook his head and said.

The strength of Shoujia and Yukimura is not weak, and most of the players from the national team can defeat them.

But unfortunately, the two met professional masters.

So regretful defeat.


Camus on the side nodded.

If Frankensteiner’s partner was not Bourcu, the result would be another.

"No matter what, now the national team is leading.'

Amadeus said solemnly.

"Not only that, but Burku did not form doubles with Schneider, so Schneider is likely to be the doubles one."

"If the Japanese team still sends the same lineup, the doubles will probably lose too.

Du Du of the US team reminded.


Everyone nodded.

At the same time looking at the court, I want to know what lineup the Japanese team will send.

on court.

The players from both sides shook hands and walked down the court.

"Feel sorry."

Shoujia and Yukimura came to Zongshen, a flash of money flashed in their eyes.

With their defeat, the team fell into a disadvantage.

"You can't be blamed for this, but we can only say that our prediction was wrong."

Zongshen shook his head and said.

Before the match, they predicted that Schneider 120 and Burku will serve as doubles one, and then two middle school students will serve as doubles two.

But who would have thought that Q-P would be so decisive and would directly separate the two of them.

Because of the judged Turnover, the match was lost.

"But Schneider is very likely to be the next doubles one."

Yukimura frowned.

Schneider is known as the son of lightning.

His strength is still above Burku, and he is faintly the second player in the national team.

If he is the doubles, Yajujin and Yanagi Renji have little chance of winning.


"I won't lose!"

Ajiuzin snorted and stood up from his seat.

He picked up racquet and walked towards the warm-up area.

"Leave it to us for the next match."

Yanagi Renji narrowed his eyes and said.

He knows that the match list has been submitted, and now he can't change anything.

Since it can't be changed, you can only let it go.


Zongshen nodded.

In fact, he thought about the loss of doubles before the match.

It is also for this reason that he put Echizen Ryoga on singles three.

So even if two doubles (cffc) lose, don't worry too much.


Ten minutes later.

There was a voice from the radio.

The warm-up players on both sides stopped and walked to the court.

However, when people saw the two members of the national team, there was an uproar immediately.

"Sure enough, it's Schneider."

Ralph's eyes narrowed.

"It seems that the Japanese team is about to lose streak twice!"

Camus shook his head and said.

Schneider is No. 2 of the national team, and his strength is still above Burku.

Unless Zongshen is on the court, no one can fight him.

However, the Japanese team did not send professional players, but instead sent Ajutsu and Yanagi Renji.

He didn't know the two of them.

But they know that they are definitely inferior to Shoujia and Yukimura.

Even world-class masters like Shoujia and Yukimura are not professional opponents.

Not to mention non-world-class.


"Maybe there can be a miracle?"

Du Du laughed.

But after saying this, even he himself didn't believe it.

If miracles can defeat professional players, don't practice hard.

Staying at home and waiting for a miracle can defeat everyone.

"Sure enough, it's Schneider."

Irie sighed.

Knowing that this match is far from good.

"Don't have this expression, trust Yajujin and Yanagi Renji."

Tanegashima laughed.


"you are too naive!"

Byodoin police gave Tanegashima a glance and said lightly.

Although Yajutsu and Yanagi Renji are members of the team, he doesn't think they can beat the professional players.

"Regardless of the outcome, we must win the next singles.

Zongshen's tone was more serious.

If this match loses, they are two losing streaks.

If you lose one game, you will miss the championship.

So the next singles must all win to win the championship.


A group of people nodded their heads when they heard this.

on court.

The players on both sides face off across the net.

With the referee's whistle, the four of them formed an L formation.

"Ajujin, please ask you for the previous match, I need to collect the opponent's information!"

Yanagi Renji whispered.


"Don't order me!"

Akutsu looked rebellious, and then stared at Schneider.

The reason why he chose to serve as doubles one is to fight against professional masters.

As for other things, what does it matter to him?

"Don't forget this is a match!"

Yanagi Renji frowned.

Knowing that Ajiujin's stubborn temper is coming again.

"I said don't order me!

Yajujin turned his head fiercely and stared at Yanagi Renji coldly.

"Infighting broke out before the match started. It's really your Japanese team!"

A sneer sounded.

The two were alarmed and looked up.

I saw Seyfried standing in front of the net, looking at the two with sarcasm.

"Do you want to die?"

A hint of danger flashed in Yajujin's eyes.

Looking at Seyfried was like looking at a dead person.

"you …

Seyfried's heart beats.

Being stared straight at by Akuzu made him feel terrified.

"Don't talk so much nonsense!"

"You stand aside, I will be enough for this match!"

Schneider put his hands in his pockets, put racquet under his hands, and said coldly.

"But "

Seyfried was taken aback and just wanted to say something.

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Schneider's cold eyes.

Feeling this gaze, he could only walk to the side.

"All right."

"Hurry up and serve it."

Schneider took the racquet and assumed a defensive stance.

"I will kill you!"

A coldness flashed in Yajujin's eyes.

He felt ignorance in Schneider's tone.

Just like the two are children, they can be defeated at will.

After speaking, he slapped the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew from the fingers, and the racquet swept down.

A ball hit by a huge force burst out and the target was directed at Schneider.

If it is other players, they will definitely avoid professional players.

But Ajiuzin had no plans at all.

Instead, he took the initiative to attack and wanted to have a head-on duel with Schneider. .

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