The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1421 : The disaster buried by qp (3)

"What a tough guy!"

Bismarck was a little helpless.

I thought that Q-P could rely on black holes and other techniques to limit the opponent after investigating the data of Byodo-In Temple, but I didn't expect that the opponent would have a way to fight back.

"The strength of Byodoin may be higher than Q-P.'

Schneider said coldly.


"It's not very good to say that."

Bismarck coughed.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see this, Q.P is also a teammate no matter what.

Complimenting the opponent in front of the whole team made him feel weird.

"I'm just stating the facts.

Schneider replied blankly.

There are also strong and weak points in the world professional class.

Q-P obviously belongs to players who have just entered the professional level, so it can be said to be the initial stage.

And Byodoin should be stronger, reaching the mid-term or even higher.

Otherwise, Q"-three zero".P cannot be suppressed.

"It shouldn't be this now, right?"

"If the match continues like this, Q-P will lose."

Burku reminded.

The match has entered the deciding game.

If Q-P still can't get back the score, the match will be over.

"Do not worry!"

"Q-P will find a way!"

Polk said solemnly.

He knows that Q-P is not a person who likes to sit still.

Now that the game is in a deadlock, the opponent must be thinking of ways to deal with it.

on court.

Q-P slapped the tennis ball.

The face that was originally calm became fierce.

The current situation is very unfavorable to him. If he does not fight back quickly, the final result can be imagined.

‘Byodo-in Temple is a power and skill type player, but it is average in terms of speed. '

‘As long as I hit a 350KM/H high-speed ball, I can definitely win this round.

Q-P's eyes flickered.

It's not that he didn't do nothing during these hours.

Every time I hit back, I was analyzing the opponent's data.

After a long period of judgment, he probably knew the various values ​​of Byodoin Temple.

Byodoin’s technology, strength, and spirit are completely at the top of the profession.

The speed is relatively weak.

So this aspect is his breakthrough.


The tennis ball flies from the fingers.

At the moment of the fall, racquet waved down.


The beating sound rang.

The tennis ball disappeared on the court in an instant, making it impossible to judge where it was.

"Q-P wants to start with speed?"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

"Professional players have strong abilities, but at the same time they are strong, they also have relatively weak aspects. And Byodoin’s weakness is speed.

Zongshen opened his mouth.

"Not only that.

"The speed of the Q-P ball is at least 350KM/H."

Echizen Ryoga leaned over the orange and said.

As soon as the words fell, a crash sounded.

Everyone was alarmed and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a tennis ball bouncing slightly outside the bounds.


Q-P score!


Byodoin's eyes narrowed.

Turned his head to look outside the court, and then found traces of tennis balls.


"As long as you hit a 350KM/H high-speed ball, you will be able to score points.

Q-P said lightly.


"Then you can try!"

Byodoin's eyes were cold.

He did not react just now.

But it's impossible to keep scoring from him with a high-speed ball.

"If 350KM/H is not enough.

"What about the higher one?"

Q-P replied calmly.

He is not a player known for his speed.

But this does not prevent him from hitting a high-speed ball exceeding 350KM/H.

Because the de national team has Schneider, the speed master.

He learned a lot of serve skills from Schneider.

And this technique is also specially learned to deal with Byodoin and Oni Jujiro.


Toss the ball again.

With the sound of the blow, the light of lightning flashed across.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three overlapping sounds sounded.

By the time the Byodoin Temple reacted, tennis had already appeared out of bounds.


Q-P scored the second point.

"Schneider, that was your lightning strike. When did you teach this trick to Q-P?"

Burku asked curiously.

"At the end of the semi-final."

Schneider replied lightly.

The serve used by Gango Q-P is his unique skill.

This stunt is naturally not as simple as an ordinary swing.

In other words, serve beyond 350KM/H contains certain skills

Otherwise, it is impossible to hit that kind of high-speed ball just by relying on the swing of the arm.

And the lightning strike hides the skill of instant power.

Q-P is also able to hit a 350KM/H super high-speed ball because it has learned this technique.

Unfortunately, the other party did not learn comprehensively.

It can only be used on serve, but it cannot hit a high-speed ball with the same speed on a return shot.

"Q-P this guy is really cautious, and only now uses this technique.

Bismarck couldn't help but said.

If it was someone else, they would have used this stunt long after falling into the wind.

But Q-P is not like this. Instead, it is hidden until the last moment. This kind of patience is simply amazing.

"The earlier you use it, the higher the probability of being cracked.

Polk shook his head and said.

Any stunt has the possibility of being cracked.

If Q-P uses this high-speed ball early in the morning, Byodoin will definitely find a way to fight back.

It is better to hide and give the opponent a fatal blow at the critical moment.


Q-P struck another lightning strike.

The high-speed ball surpassed 350KM/H, so that the professional master of Byodoin couldn't react.

When the impact was heard, the tennis ball had already appeared out of bounds.


The match comes to the game point.

"Why did this guy's serve speed become so fast?"

Tohno Atsukyo couldn't believe it.

"It is estimated that this has always been the case for 5.2, but I didn't use it."

Echizen Ryoga replied with an orange.

"I'm afraid this round will be lost."

Oni Jujiro sighed.

In the face of such ultra-high-speed serve, Byodoin cannot crack it.

Therefore, with Q-P mastering the serve bureau, there is no way to fight back.

"It's ok."

"Even if Q-P scores this point, it will still lead by Byodoin."

"And the next game is his serve game. He will definitely seize this opportunity and end the match completely."

The corners of Zongshen's mouth were drawn out.

He knows the character of Byodoin Temple.

Although violent, he is a delicate man.

If you find something wrong, you will end the match desperately to avoid accidents.

This kind of concealment of Q-P will not bring victory, on the contrary, it will plant trouble. .

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