The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1434 : Defeat Polk (4)


"What a terrible ball!"

Irie gasped.

They have seen how strong Zongshen is who understands the soul of the different dimension.

But he was backed by the ball, and from this we can know how terrible the ball is.

"This is a ball that contains Polk's faith."

Byodoin said solemnly.

When a person's beliefs break out, he can often show stronger strength.

As a professional player, Polk is even more so.

"Unfortunately not enough."

Echizen Ryoga leaned over the orange and said indifferently.

as predicted.

When Zongshen retreated to the baseline, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and stopped abruptly.

"Polk, you really are the strongest!

A long laugh resounded throughout the audience.

When everyone looked at it, Zongshen looked excited.

For Zongshen, it has been a long time since he has let go of a fight like today.

Now he only felt the blood in his body burning.

"Give me back!"


With a fierce step on both feet, racquet waved vigorously.


The tennis ball pierced the entire court like a cannonball, piercing the void in an instant.

"I, who bear the honor of de country, must not shrink from anything!"

Polk didn't evade.

The racket with both hands blasted towards the tennis ball.

With a deafening roar, the tennis ball spun rapidly, stirring the air around it.


The baptism of the whirlpool!


The tennis ball fell to the ground.

The ball is like a shot ball, twisting the ground into a spiral vortex under the rapid rotation.

"Mouth "

Not to mention ordinary viewers, even the Byodoin people sucked air-conditioning.

Unexpectedly, Polk's ball was so terrifying.

"If we are in court, I'm afraid we can't even catch a ball, right?"

Shiraishi looked shocked.

"This is professional grade."

Fuji gave a wry smile.

Their strength is not bad in the middle school.

But facing the world's professional-level masters, there is too much difference.


"My uncle will have this kind of strength someday!'

Atobe pressed two fingers between his brows, and said firmly.

"You are still far away."

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

But the firmness in his eyes revealed his inner thoughts.

"At the next World Cup, we must be as good as Minister Zongshen."

Kintaro said with a look of excitement.

When not participating in the World Cup, every middle school student was full of confidence.

But after this World Cup tour, everyone knows the wonderful world and understands that their strength is far from enough (cffc).

but it does not matter.

They are only country three, country two or even country one this year.

Therefore, the group believes that the protagonist of the World Cup two years later must be them.

"Then you have to work hard.

Oni Jujiro grinned.

Look forward to these high-spirited middle school students.

It was the same for them back then. After seeing the wonderful world, they knew their shortcomings, so they trained harder.


All middle school students responded with a bang.


When everyone was talking, a terrifying roar sounded.

Everyone was alarmed and looked to the court.

A substantial figure appeared behind Zongshen.

This figure was dressed in black armor with flames burning on it, his face was very similar to Zongshen, and his eyes were sharp as blades.

Different Dimensional Gods-Appear!

Previously, Zongshen had been using the Soul of Different Dimensions.

This is the first time that the real different dimension has been used in this match.

The appearance of different-dimensional gods completely changed Zongshen's momentum.


The air wave spread from under the feet and swept across the court.

As soon as Polk looked up, he saw the terrible statue and felt tremendous pressure.

"Take it, Polk!"

Zongshen drank.

Instead of hitting back with the face, you hit back with the frame.

Because he understood that this whirlpool baptism was more terrifying than any previous one.

If you hit back with a racket face, the final result will be a hole through.


racquet waved.

The tennis ball hit the racket frame with extreme spin.

Zongshen immediately seized the opportunity to swing at the fastest speed.


The sonic boom exploded.

The tennis ball turned into a streamer and shot out.

Polk's eyes shrank and he sensed unparalleled power from the ball.

The vast waves of air slammed into the body, and the surrounding scene changed earth-shaking.

I saw a god appeared, looking down at him from a high altitude.

"This is

Polk's breathing stopped.

Instantly recognized that this is a different dimension of Zongshen.


The tennis ball hit the ground, the ground trembled and the dust was flying.

After bouncing, Polk didn't give Polk a chance to react, so he blasted on the wall behind him.


There was a loud noise.

A big hole was blasted into the wall, white smoke filled it with tennis balls inlaid in it.


The noisy arena quieted down.

The national team members cheering for Polk also opened their mouths and could not say a word.

"No matter what strength you burst!"

"The victory of this match must belong to me!"

Zongshen's calm voice sounded.

Although the words are calm, they are full of confidence.


Polk woke up.


The tennis ball was tossed and racquet blasted down.

The baptism of power!

This ball is stronger than before.

"Good job!

Zongshen is fearless.

Quickly rush to the landing point, and when the tennis ball bounces, racquet hits it.


With the blessing of the power of different dimensions, a ball that just bounced flew.

The tennis ball smashed the ground.

Countless debris splashed, and also defeated Polk's hope of fighting back.


The match comes to the game point.

The audience fell silent.

Unexpectedly, the final result would be like this.

Polk, known as the philosopher leading to victory, was completely crushed by Zongshen in the World Cup final.

As long as one more goal is missed, it will be zeroed.


Polk took a deep breath, did not give up, but continued to serve.

But Zongshen did not give him a chance to fight back.

The power of the different dimension is completely exploded, with the power of light hitting, the strongest shot is hit.

"Polk, it's over!

"The ultimate winner of this match is me!"


The roar exploded.

The tennis ball turned into streamer and passed through Polk's side.

The earth trembled and the dust rose.


The match is over!

Polk, known as the philosopher leading to victory, is defeated!

The audience was silent.

Everyone looked at Zongshen blankly, and couldn't say a word anymore.

Zongshen is already invincible!'

Thoughts arise in people's minds, and shocks emerge.

"I won!"

Zongshen chuckled, putting away racquet and turning away.

The surrounding audience woke up and looked at Zongshen's back, with admiration in their eyes.

With absolute strength, Zongshen conquered all audiences!

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