The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1454 : Tetsuya Kuroko equals shadow? (4)

Hyuga Junpei on the side protested.

"Coach, this match is unfair. They are so strong. How can we fight?"

After playing halftime, their score has been opened by 17 points.

Junpei Hyuga was rather decadent.

Yiyue said: "It doesn't matter, this is also a kind of exercise for us. Recently, we have indeed been a little slack in the match!"

Rin Zhisuke gave Zongshen a helpless look.

The latter's handsome and uncast face does not have much expression, even during the mid-court break, he is still thinking about the problem.

"I really don't know how the captain trains. It doesn't matter if he looks so handsome, he still plays so well!!!"

Yiyue spit out Zongshen fiercely in her heart.

Aida Riko took a look at the time: "Another five minutes of rest, the match will begin. Get ready. Match is the best thing to test your results. You must remember the place of Turnover."

A match is the best laboratory for players.

They can judge their training results during this period of time by their performance on the match field.

Kagami was sweating profusely and drank a bottle of water.

Although physically tired, his spirit is extremely excited.

147 A match made him see a miraculous thing.

Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya, the energy he possesses is really terrifying.

In the past, Kagami Taiga did not understand the meaning of "I am willing to help you!"

At this moment, she knew that Tetsuya Kuroko is worthy of the Generation of Miracles. His abilities are really terrifying.

If he had been a killer in the past, hiding in the dark, he suddenly hit at an important moment.

You are obviously likely to succeed, but it feels bad to be defeated at the moment of success.

However, Kagami did not feel it.

Tetsuya Kuroko, as the shadow of Kagami Taiga, gave full play to his abilities on court.

His ability is absolutely terrifying on court, although it is very single, but it will not be out of date!

You never know where this player is, because its non-existent body will make you unable to find him.

A person on the court suddenly disappeared. Everyone can think of the consequences of this kind of thing.

Kagami said, "Tetsuya Kuroko, your abilities are too strong. If I take it back some time ago, you are very strong. Please help me!'

(cffc) He put his hand on Tetsuya Kuroko's shoulder, which is a kind of respect for the strong.

Tetsuya Kuroko smiled: "My strength is on the court, and it depends on you to show it. I said that I am a shadow and I can help you win, but you still have to win the part."

Kagami has no arrogant temperament: "As my shadow, I will definitely let you enjoy victory!"

With such a capable assistant, Kagami is also extremely happy in his heart.

In Basketball Match, it is very important to be able to find someone who can match oneself.

Each position in the match has its own division of labor, and Tetsuya Kuroko, as the "non-existent person" on the court, you will never know everything about him.

Top coaches may use the match in front of a team to judge the tactics they use and the skills of their players.

But they can never predict Tetsuya Kuroko.

This is an unstable point on the court.

Kagami said: "If you don't have a sense of existence, it's a good thing to think about it. It won't be that era to be able to use your strength!"

Tetsuya Kuroko is also unconvinced.

"I said I will wait for you to defeat this era!"


This question made Tetsuya Kuroko stunned.

Think about it, and said: "Because they stepped back and pretended to be some people with a different concept than mine, and an era will eventually fall, and I hope to surpass myself!"

"Yeah." Kagami said, "I will help you!"

Zongshen heard the conversation between the two of them and looked at them slightly.

This is the result he wants to see.

Although Tetsuya Kuroko called him last night, he did not agree.

There is a pair of natural partners in this world, Tetsuya Kuroko and Kagami are perfect, even he can't achieve that kind of cooperation.

Rather than forcefully cooperate, let them train together.

Zongshen knows the abilities of both of them.

He never considers the true strength of these two players. One has unlimited potential, and the other is the biggest variable on the court. No one knows what their existence is like.

In the once world, they finally achieved good results, and this world has it.

It will be more colorful.

Zongshen looked at the time.

The ten minutes of mid-court rest quickly passed, and everyone came to the playground again.

The second half match is divided into two quarters, and each quarter has a ten-minute mid-court break for two minutes.

This is a rule established by the court itself.

Match is on the verge!

Both teams have worked hard. Although they are in a school, they want to prove themselves.

Especially under the threat of Aida Riko, no one can think of what the final punishment will be.

"Even if you lose in this match, you must get rid of this terrifying coach!" Hyuga Junpei said.

Thinking of the tactics that coaches are familiar with, they are desperate.

The match started, and it was Rinosuke who got the ball.

Relying on his strong jumping ability, he immediately returned to the rebound after he got the ball.

Zongshen did not choose to defend.

He just controlled Yiyue.

In this match, he is more to stimulate the power of this cooperation, he will not take out his own rights.

Otherwise, Hyuga Junpei and the others would not agree.

Kagami, but I saw the opponent get the ball and didn't give in.

He is a lunatic with obsessiveness. On court, the ball must come into his own hands.

At this time, there seemed to be only five people on the court, they were staring at each other, or moving, or defending.

Aida Riko looked at Tetsuya Kuroko closely.

As a coach, he must know the strength of each player.

Kagami's strength can be determined at the moment when he sees his appearance.

This kind of person is mostly a lunatic on the court, as long as they can't control their mood when they see the ball, they will be where the ball is, and where the ball is they will be.

However, Tetsuya Kuroko is different.

As the most variable being on the court, Aida Riko must understand its trajectory.

Only by truly mastering the person's movement trajectory and the ability to make a move can we formulate better tactics for strategy.

Their confrontation is for greater progress in their own strength, rather than a real fight between grades.

Therefore, everything is based on progress.

"Tetsuya Kuroko, the shadow on the court, how did you do it?!"

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