The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1465 : Zongshen shot (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai)

PS: A new book is opened, Prince of Tennis: Rikkai is big, please support.

Kise Ryota jumped up and Kagami Taiga followed closely with the rebound.

The movements of the two are surprisingly consistent, but one prefers feminine techniques, the other is arrogant and powerful.

"How is it possible!" Although I didn't want to admit it, the moment Kagami jumped up, Kise Ryota was also shocked.

Faster speed than before, stronger jumping power than before.

Kagami Taiga's hands are already higher than Kise Ryota's. Although it is only a little bit, it is enough.

"You Kise Ryota can't believe it.

At the beginning, Kagami was still unable to compete with him. After a match, it has grown to this point.

"This person's talent is not even lower than Generation of Miracles, but his skills are a little worse."

Kise Ryota didn't dare to think too much, because now he seems to be failing.

The two are at the same position in delay, and now they are competing in the air force.

This has always been the best point of Kagami Taiga.

"How can there be anything invincible?!" Taiga roared, giving Kise Ryota a big block.

Under the impact, Kise Lai Ryota's body was out of control, watching the basketball in front of him, and fell to the ground severely.

Huang Ze shook his head on the ground and said, "Speaking of whom Tetsuya Kuroko is looking for, it's really not that simple!"

Kagami laughed loudly: "It's not just simple, I will definitely defeat your era, just wait for me."

Kise Ryota stood up and looked at Tetsuya Kuroko.

"For the time being, admit that you have found a nice person, but I still hope you can follow me."

"There are certain things that someone has to do. This is my path. I chose it myself. Whether it fails or succeeds, it's my own path."

Tetsuya Kuroko's voice is as firm as ever.

Huang Yan Ryota knew that the latter had made up his mind and it was difficult to get it back, and he was not trying to force it.

After he heard the news of Tetsuya Kuroko at Kaijō Middle-School, he hoped that he could help himself. Only his former teammates knew the true ability of Tetsuya Kuroko.

Kise said: "Since there is nothing wrong with this, I will leave first. There is no way you don't want to leave with me.

Kise's face was obviously depressed.

My best friend in junior high school didn't want to leave with me. I'm afraid there is nothing more sad than this.

"When I came, I didn't even say hello. I wanted to take away the people from our school. Then, if I failed, I planned to leave in despair.

A voice suddenly appeared behind Kise Ryota.

This voice instantly became the focus of the audience's attention.

Because everyone knows who the source of this sound is.

Captain, hand Zongshen.

Aida Riko looked at Zongshen puzzledly, not knowing what medicine he sold in the gourd.

In his impression, Zongshen will always play a mature role, and this will not happen.

"I came to see Tetsuya Kuroko, do you have any comments?

The eyes of the two met in delay, and they immediately faced each other.

Tetsuya Kuroko hurriedly said: "Captain, he didn't mean anything. He really came to me. We used to be teammates."

"I know!"

Aida Riko also said: "Captain, if there is nothing wrong, let him go back first. They are from Kaijō Middle-School, and I want to play a friendly match with them recently."

"Friendly match?" Kise Ryota frowned. "I can't decide this matter. I have to go back and ask the coach."

Zongshen said: "I'm not discussing this with you now. I don't say hello when I come. If I leave, I want to leave like this?"

Kise Ryota was also a little impatient.

"Then what do you want to do? Is it possible for me to sign you?"

This answer made everyone present laugh.

Aida Riko couldn't help but hide his face and smiled, saying: "Just let him go, I'll go back and discuss with their coach.

"I said when the team was founded, you are responsible for the training of the students, and everything in the team is left to me."

Aida Riko was slightly startled by what Zongshen said.

When he spoke, his expression was cold, and he couldn't tell from his face what he was thinking.

Aida Riko simply did not speak.

Zongshen continued: "In short, it won't let you leave easily, and Seirin High School didn't come just because you wanted to.

Aida Riko winked, she wanted the latter to know that Kise Ryota could really come as she wanted.

With his strength, no matter which high school he goes to, he will be welcomed.

"Then you make a request, as long as I am able to help, I will help."

When Kise Ryota said such words, the girls suddenly wanted to get crooked.

"Our captain doesn't like boys, no wonder he never talked to girls before and ran away when he saw them." A girl said.

"You only like girls! He is being chased by fans. These two people are so handsome and definitely not allowed to be together!" Another retort appeared immediately.

Zongshen has a black line.

He really admired the imagination of these girls.

With just these two sentences, they have already brainstormed a movie about house rot in their minds.

Zongshen picked up Basketball on the ground.

"Well, I didn't go out to greet you when you came, and we would compete against each other, which is my hospitality."

"Where is the hospitality like this?"

Kise Ryota looked at the basketball in the opponent's hand, thinking in his heart, it's not that they want to fight the wheel and consume themselves to death.

"You didn't notify us in advance when you came. It's an apologize for us, let's get started."

Zongshen entered the state immediately.

"I just finished a match, do I have to fight you again?"

Huang Set Ryota pointed to the sweat on his finger.

After a match, he was also a little exhausted. If he played another match, I was afraid that he would really be inseparable from this school.

"One ball!" Zongshen said.


Since the other party said such things, he couldn't refuse.

When going out, he represents the face of Kaijō Middle-School. If you refuse such a condition, you will really be laughed at.

It has just failed once, and it is absolutely impossible to fail this time.

In his opinion, although Kagami Taiga's strength is strong, it is only in terms of potential. This kind of ordinary school must have insufficient skills.

The reason I failed just now was because the other party was two people.

"Although you are the captain of this team, I will not release water." Kise Ryota reminded.

"Our way of hospitality is to use our best.

"In that case, let's start!"

Two people stood on the Basketball Court.

At this time, if you look from above, they are on both sides of the mid-court.

Zongshen threw the ball to him: "Let me do what the landlord likes, let you come with this ball."

"If that's the case, then I'm not welcome."

Kise Ryota did not support the big, the opponent is the captain, and the strength will not be weak if he wants to come.

He also had a match before, which was physically exhausted. It is hard to say who loses and who gains advantage.

"Today is really an interesting trip." Kise Ryota patted Basketball and stared at Zongshen closely. .

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