The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1485 : First-round opponents (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

Running, sit-ups, the most basic Field Goal training.

Repeat these every day.

At the same time, Zongshen and Aida Riko look for their weaknesses, which means that the players have to work harder where they are vulnerable.

Baiyun Canggu, time passed by in a flash.

More than ten days will soon be over.

During this period of time, everyone can say "a worthwhile trip", no one has let up, and no one has ever called hardship.

This is their own way.

Training hall.

The players finished their morning training and just prepared to rest when Aida Riko walked in.

She didn't jump out when she walked into the room this time, but with a serious expression.

"I remember the last time I met my opponent, the coach was jumping around. Why is he so serious this time?"

Aida Riko came over: "Of course the formal match should be more serious, you think they are all the same as you!"

Her expression is very solemn.

Zongshen asked: "The opponent to match should have already appeared, right? Who is our first opponent?"

25 "No matter who the first opponent is, we will definitely win." Kagami was the first to express his opinion.

In his dictionary, the word failure is really rare, or not. It is not that he is arrogant and feels that no one in the world can beat him.

In his opinion, if a person does not even have confidence in himself, what can he do?

"This time the difficulty of the match was beyond our imagination, and the opponent in the first match was very difficult."

Although Zongshen already knew who his opponent was, he still asked: "Who is our opponent? You won't lose in the first match."

"Your answer is really possible."

This series of performances puzzled the players. In their memory, the coach has always been very confident.

Unexpectedly, the first opponent in the national qualifiers made him show such an expression.

"Of course, relying on our strength, it's normal to defeat them. In short, it depends on luck!"

"Could it be that they also have Generation of Miracles in their team?"

Someone issued his own question.

Aida Riko said: "Generation of Miracles doesn't have one, but they do have a very strong person in their team."


"This high school is called Xinxie High School, and their team has invited a foreign aid. I will let you take a look at the photos first."

Aida Riko took out his pink phone.

There is a photo of the new player he just found. The reason for the horror is the player's height.

Zongshen took the cell phone, and the team members were surprised after seeing it.

"so cute!"

"By the way, is such a cute cat our opponent in the next match?"

Aida Riko couldn't help holding his forehead, "Sorry, it's the next one."

Opening the next photo, a black man appeared in front of him.

If it is at night, it is absolutely impossible to see what this person looks like.

His skin is black like ink, the only white ones are the whites of his eyes and teeth. His lips are thick, and his facial features can only be described as miserable.

It may be the reason for the different aesthetics. At least this group of team members don't like it. Everyone looks nothing special, it's just a bit dark.

"He is two meters tall, the tallest player I have ever seen.

Imagine on the court, the same basketball, facing opponent, his height is more than ten centimeters than yours, which means that you have to jump more than ten centimeters.

This gap is natural.

It is possible to make up for the efforts of the day after tomorrow, but for some people, they will never be defeated in a lifetime.

The players still couldn't imagine the concept of two meters. Tetsuya Kuroko looked at Kagami subconsciously.

Kagami's height is 1.9 meters, which is nearly 20 centimeters higher than him, so the black man is 30 centimeters higher than him.

Comparing it with your hands, this height is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Of course it doesn't matter to him.

After all, everyone's division of labor is different, and its division of labor is to get the ball from other teams. No matter how strong the opponent is, he will never dribble over two meters.

"His name is Papa, Embe, Sic. From, I also forgot which country.

"How could there be such a name?"

Zongshen said: "You can't remember such a name. It's better to give him a nickname. This task will be given to Tetsuya Kuroko."

Tetsuya Kuroko thought for a while and said, "It's Oudsang."

In Japanese, this means dad.

The name is just for memorization, and everyone didn't care.

"This person's strength is not bad, he doesn't have much advantage in skills, but his height has left us behind."

Kagami said: "What's so great about being tall? I will definitely give him a block when he comes to the match field.

Aida Riko said: "By the way, I remember, this person is an international student from Senelga.'

"Senel is so high," Hyuga Junpei said subconsciously.

People who are tall are really a natural advantage in Basketball, and people who are not tall are easy to be targeted by others.

Of course, in history, many people have achieved certain achievements by virtue of their weak heights, but such achievements are rare.

"Isn't it just higher?" Kagami didn't think there was anything.

Match is to meet all kinds of opponents.

If you retreat just because you are tall, you don't deserve to play Basketball.

"Recently, many schools have recruited foreign aid. After all, foreign aid like this kind of terrifying height will directly improve their overall ability of 170 after joining the team."

Aida Riko said, he told the players about the recent high school match.

Because a foreign aid can bring a strong deterrent and a substantial increase in strength, many schools have acted like this.

However, the Basketball Association requires that a school team cannot have more than two foreign aids, but one has already caused a qualitative change.

A height of two meters like this is definitely a killer in the Basketball Court.

Although this behavior is shameful, it does improve their performance.

"This person's characteristics are not only tall, but his hands are also very long, in short, give full play to the advantages of the body." She said at the end.

Zongshen said at this time: "Since such an opponent has already appeared, we have no reason to back down, let's fight!"

If you blindly praise others for being strong, it will hurt morale. Of course, Zongshen does not allow this to happen.

"No matter how strong the opponent is, we can't just sit back and die." Kagami said.

"I never said that we will sit back and wait, no matter how strong the opponent is, we can't give up."

"Same as I want to say.

Zongshen smiled and said, "In that case, let's go and take a look at the opponent we met in the first match."

"We have to beat them." Tetsuya Kuroko continued.

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