The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1495 : Defend like an iron wall (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai)

"Haw, you're a fart, it's cheering me up, bastard, don't you want to settle old accounts with them? I have deposited interest for a year, which is not a small amount, bastard."

Aida Riko yelled at everyone.

Rinnosuke said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, we understand."

They also know why the coach does this, more for motivation.

Seeing the tears in the coach's eyes, everyone trembled.

"I have also met such an opponent before, and we failed miserably at that time. We have regained our strengths and are happy. We will never repeat the withdrawal of last year. We have become stronger and have this confidence. Dare to say that."

"We must win this match."

At this moment, Zongshen appeared. Because I went to the toilet just now, I don't know much about it.

Seeing Aida Riko crying, I couldn't help but ask: "Did something happen?"

"Captain, are you not nervous about this match?" a first-year student in the team asked.

"No one in this world will give you a chance to be nervous, especially your opponent. Otherwise, you can choose to defeat or you can choose to be defeated. There are only two ways.

"I see."

25 Zongshen said: "The match is about to start, let's play everybody.

After today’s competition, the team’s qualifier winner will be decided today.

This match is hundreds of times more difficult than imagined, even if they defeat Zhengbang, they will soon face Shūtoku.

Encountering a strong team twice a day, I'm afraid no one would think about this kind of thing.

Zongshen suddenly turned back when he walked out the door: "In fact, there are a lot of things, don't need to think too much, we have no reason to lose."

He also roughly guessed what the players were thinking.

After all, the plot of the story is in my heart, knowing everything clearly, the team will definitely have a little fear now.

Last year's opponents appeared again, but they were easily suppressed at the time. In this situation, everyone will have some nightmares in their hearts.

But this dream monster can not be said to be a bad thing to a certain extent, but a good thing. It can inspire a person to a greater extent.

People in the team arrived one after another, on the field, Kagami Taiga and Tetsuya Kuroko walked at the end.

"Does Kagami hate playing basketball?"

A question suddenly sounded behind Kagami, making him stunned.

After all, he hadn't thought about this question, and the questioner was Tetsuya Kuroko.

"I don't have one." Kagami likes playing basketball very much and regards it as a hobby.

Tetsuya Kuroko said: "Although the reasons are different, I can understand their mood. Even if everyone is optimistic and cheerful, it is very painful to hate something that I originally liked."

Tetsuya Kuroko said these words calmly.

His calmness made Kagami a little "uncomfortable."

After all, Tetsuya Kuroko is usually a joke, and he suddenly said this today.

"When chatting with Midorima Shintaro, although I said that the past does not represent the present and the future, they are not completely listed. This match is about whether the seniors can cross that hurdle, and it is of great significance.

Yes, this match is no longer a simple match, it is about whether seniors can continue to match in the Basketball Court.

For them this is a nightmare, if you don't defeat the nightmare, you will be defeated by the nightmare.

"Please use all your strength."

"This kind of remarks don't need your reminder. I will face every match opponent seriously. It doesn't matter to me whether they are strong or not. My goal is to defeat them."

Tetsuya Kuroko said, "Sure enough, I know Kagami. I am your shadow. I will be with you in this battle."

Zongshen suddenly came back: "Why don't you keep up with the team? The match is about to start? Why are you missing now?"

Kagami said: "We were talking about something just now, so we didn't rush over, so we went to the match.

Zongshen suddenly said afterwards: "There are some things you can do as long as you want to do it. This is my philosophy. Don't be afraid of anything. The dream monster belongs to them, and we will lead them to defeat the nightmare."

Tetsuya Kuroko looked at the captain, who seemed to have insight into everything he said, and he still can't fully guess the captain's strength.

The latter is like a bottomless pit. Whenever you think his strength has reached its limit, something new will suddenly pop out.

All the teams came to the match field.

At the beginning, Seirin High School had the strongest combat power in the team.

The hands are Zongshen, Tetsuya Kuroko, Kagami Taiga, Rinosuke, and Hyuga Junpei.

This is what they can adjust to the highest combat power during the match. This means that if this group loses, they really lose.

This match is not only a battle for honor, but also a battle for the demons of the first-year players.

If you can defeat your own demons, it is best, but you can definitely break through to a new realm.

But if you can't get rid of your own demons, but are controlled by them, then basketball is not a happy thing, it will make people miserable.

The referee blew the whistle and Basketball flew high to delay.

At this moment the match really begins, Kise Ryota is accelerating, and the match should begin.

This is a match like Tetsuya Kuroko, but Tetsuya Kuroko and the team they will encounter next are a bit strong, which makes him very worried.

Both teams have made an agreement to have a real match, so Kise Ryota doesn't want them to fall 177 here.

"It's all because you insisted on buying drinks on the way. We can't keep up now." The people behind Kise Ryota murmured.

Came to the arena.

The match has started. In the first four minutes, Zhengbang has scored 12 points.

Seirin High School didn't get a point.

Faced with this result, Kise did not dare to think about it.

After all, their team has beaten Kaijō, and even if it is weak, it is impossible to lose 12 points in four minutes.

At the beginning of the match, a person suddenly appeared in front of Zongshen, Jinchuan.

This person's ability to defend is the same as the original plot, and he can't find a trace of pickiness at all. As long as Zongshen moves, he will follow.

This also created a situation on the court, Zongshen had no chance to shoot at all.

Jinchuan also had no chance to shoot.

The two teams lost a player, but for Seirin High School, losing the captain is like cutting off the right arm.

Zongshen said: "I didn't expect that the defending ability is still good."

Jinchuan said: "Don't want to break through defend in front of me. No one has ever been able to break through my defend. I will watch you closely."

This is his task for this match.

Zongshen looked up and smiled brightly, "Really?".

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