The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1499 : The Fall of Zhengbang (New Book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

In the last period of time, the two people completed the end with super tacit cooperation.

Of course, this is only the last moment of the first half, and the second half match is still waiting for them.

The match was still not over, Kagami Taiga looked at the captain triumphantly.

I expected the latter to be able to give a compliment, but Zongshen said nothing and silently returned to his seat.

"Why do you want to be praised by him? Can't I praise him?" Kagami touched his head.

For those who came up with this idea, there are some doubts.

He has never been like this before. In his world, especially Basketball, no one can completely beat him.

Why is it said that it is perfect, because only the person who defeated him, did not defeat his heart, he can stand up again and again, until one day he defeats his opponent.

Maybe Kagami Taiga didn't know it himself. At a certain moment in "One Seven Seven", he had already admitted the captain.

At least for the time being, he was convinced.

"The performance just now was very good!" Tetsuya Kuroko nodded to himself.

"I don't want you to praise me yet!"

Kagami touched Tetsuya Kuroko's hair and came to the captain.

At this time, the audience came back to their senses.

The cooperation between the two people is like a miracle, making everyone look at it.

"The pass just now is so handsome. It actually relayed directly in delay. This team should be the biggest dark horse in this match."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, their strength is really good, but Zhengbang High School has achieved good results for several years in a row. I think it is still unknown who will be the winner. At least for now, their score is not big."

"Each team will have its own hidden strength, and I don't know which step each other will push each other to."

Both teams have a chance to win, but Zhengbang High School is a little confused now.

Because of the last trick just now, nearly half of their team members were conquered.

This kind of conquest is not from the body, but from the soul. I have to admit that this is very strong for me, especially their captain, which is unreasonably strong.

"This kind of person was definitely not an unknown person, why haven't I heard of it?" Iwamura said.

Although he has been in high school, he has somewhat heard of Generation of Miracles.

The strength of the miracle age was indeed very strong, and it was the strongest strength of Japan in that era.

According to the truth, other geniuses will be defeated by them, or they will become part of them.

I have never heard of such a genius in this school. Regardless, they have completely lost in the first half match, both physically and mentally.

Iwamura said: "The second half match takes out our tactics and lets them know about our strength. It's a price to underestimate people."

They have just paid a heavy price.

Jinchuan is still remembering that step just now.

It's too fast, how could it be possible to burst out such a strong force in such a short period of time.

The human body is like a car starting, from the first second to the tenth second, there will definitely be an increase in speed.

Zongshen's speed can be reached by many people, even half of the people on the court can do it.

But this was done after a period of running.

In the first second, such a speed broke out immediately, first of all, the body could not bear it.

But looking at the other person's appearance, nothing happened at all.

Jinchuan could see that the opponent was not bracing, otherwise, after a few times, his knees, including joints, would wear out.

It is impossible for such a situation to come to the end.

"Jinchuan, can you try to defend their captain in the next match? He is really strong, so please."

Jinchuan scratched his head, only to realize that he had no hair, and rarely said seriously: "His speed is too fast, I can't stop it."

"There are too many weird things in this team." One of the team members said suddenly.

Some things are very scary to think carefully.

Kagami made crazy progress, Tetsuya Kuroko's invisible presence, Zongshen's strong suppression, and other players played steadily.

At least for now, they can't find weaknesses.

Everyone's comprehensive strength has reached a certain stage, coupled with a little tacit understanding, such an opponent is too terrifying.

"I also know that he is not good at defending, and if it were I would not be able to stop him, so I beg you to use all your strength."

"Okay." Jinchuan thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Originally, he didn't want to be like this. He had to save his tricks until the end, when he was fighting for the winner of the final.

Unexpectedly, this situation would happen, and the opponents encountered at this time were so strong.

"It looks like he's going to use his own trick." When he spoke, he scratched his head subconsciously.

This time the opponent really exceeded his expectations.

Iwamura said: "To be honest, it's the first time I have experienced the oppressiveness of my opponent in such a long time. I know it will be difficult to win this time, but I hope everyone will not give up."


The players are high-spirited, as if they have won the match.

The key to the success of a team lies in fighting spirit. Individuals may depend on skills and strength, but groups are not.

Only by maintaining high morale can progress be made.

On the other side, all the members of Seirin High School also sat together.

Aida Riko said: "Each of you is beyond my expectations. I thought this match would be extremely difficult, but I didn't expect it to be suppressed so easily."

"It's not as good as the coach's leadership." Kagami flattered abnormally.

"If you say this again, I won't let you participate in the next match."

"No way, no way." Kagami shut up immediately.

The coach can only listen to the game, if you change him, you can cry without tears.

"Second half match, they should give their full strength, everyone is ready to meet the real match." Zongshen said.

Others also know what it means. In this 5.2 match, most of the first half were trials.

Although Zongshen mobilized the entire team and gained the advantage of the first half match, the second half match would not be the case.

That is the real showdown.

"No matter how strong the opponent is, we will fight back." Ryanosuke was also very excited, and the feeling was uncontrollable.

Thinking of the insults he suffered last year and being able to bring back his dignity at this moment, he was extremely excited.

Only those who have really experienced great pain can experience the great excitement after success.

This is something that every powerful person must experience.

There has never been a lack of geniuses in the world, but only those few people have truly reached the pinnacle.

Not because of the fall of genius, but because their desire to win fell on the road.

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