The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1505 : Seirinvs Shūtoku (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

At the end of the match, all the spectators on the field cheered.

The two teams did give them a wonderful match.

Each team member has exhausted his best.

After Zongshen made a final three-pointer, he put his hands on his thighs, bowed slightly, and panted heavily.

Facing such a powerful team alone, although accompanied by friends and team members, match is definitely not as simple as imagined.

His physical strength was twice as much as usual.

"I didn't expect you to beat me? Maybe this is God's will. They told us that there are geniuses in this world, and they also told us that it's time to work hard."

Is Zhengbang High School weak? The answer is no.

Create a brand new tactic and integrate it into Basketball. Such a team can only be described as powerful.

However, they lost in the end by being careless and underestimating their opponents.

The other team members don't want to admit this, but the facts are in front of them.

Yancun looked at Zongshen25 and said slowly.

Zongshen stood up straight, looked at each other, smiled slightly: "If there is a next match, I will still beat you."

"In that case, wait and see for next year's match!"

The two shook hands, and each returned to their team.

"We really won, great, great!"

Rinnosuke still couldn't believe that he could win.

The situation in which their team was suppressed last year is still vivid, and those memories are like nightmares that can't be passed away, repeating in my mind.

But today the dream monsters were finally defeated and they were given a new life.

Junpei Hyuga said, "Thank you, Captain, for taking us to success!

"This victory does not belong to me, but also to you. It is not I who will lead you to success, but we will achieve success together!"

Zongshen explained to everyone.

Although he took most of the pressure of the opponent alone, it would be impossible to complete the match without other players.

"Too excited, I wanted to defeat them in my dreams, but I didn't expect it to succeed!"

"We must celebrate when we go back. We have defeated our enemies.

"Bah! As far as your ability is, how much effort has been made in the team, it is better to prepare soon, the final will begin in a while."

All the players began to prepare for the next match.

In fact, they were also a little helpless in their hearts. They didn't expect that the rules of the finals would be so ruthless, or a little disgusting.

Since we have played so far, the team will definitely not be weak, at least there will be ancient things at the bottom of the box, but the load of upgrading in two matches a day is really too large.

Aida Riko also tried to ask the committee.

But the other party did not give any response. This was originally an unwritten rule in match.

Everyone is ready to go back to the lounge.

It is necessary to recover physical strength as soon as possible, otherwise the following match will not be able to sustain it at all.

When I was approaching the lounge, I ran into Shūtoku.

The opponent also obviously won the match, and it has a big advantage.

Midorima Shintaro didn't play in the second half match, so his stamina was maintained very well.

The final final is a fateful duel.

These are all appetizers for the national competition, after all, it is still a qualifier, just to determine the name of the field.

Zongshen met Midorima Shintaro again.

"It's not bad. I didn't expect that team would lose to you. However, the good show really started. Failure is already necessary.

In Midorima Shintaro's words, Zongshen didn't respond at all, and went straight to the lounge, ignoring it.

"Captain, you are so handsome!"

The other team members looked admiringly. The opponent was Generation of Miracles. He didn't expect that he would not even respond.

Zongshen said: "People who appear provocative like this generally have no confidence. I know who the final winner of this match will be, so there is no need to talk to him."

The captain's words are irritating to others, but he does know who will win the match in the end.

He already knew the ending, he didn't panic at all, the other party just wanted to provoke.

Back in the lounge, Kagami Taiga also prepared.

The next match is when he takes a shot. After resting for so long, the surging fighting spirit in my heart could not be restrained, and it was about to explode.

Tetsuya Kuroko said, "Thank you, we won!"

He didn't play in the last match, but he was actually a bit regretful.

In order to match the final victory, the best way is to retain physical strength.

Zongshen did not live up to everyone's expectations.

Relying on the strength of one person against a whole team of Ren Wu, after this match, he is the biggest winner.

A large part of it is the audience and has now become his fan.

Shūtoku lounge!

Everyone is preparing for the next match.

The final is about to begin. It is the final battle, and no one can relax.

"Unexpectedly, the last opponent turned out to be this team. It seems that they were really underestimated. It is not just luck to defeat Kaijō."

The news of their defeat of Kaijō spread like wildfire some time ago, but most people think that it was opportunistic or not a team.

Until this moment, they really knew that this team really had the strength to challenge a strong team.

"I have already brought my lucky item. There will be no suspense in this match. The fortune of Cancer is the number one, so you won't win."

Green Arrow Shintaro sat on the stool.

Their coach, with a hooked nose and a cold expression, said: "I don't need to talk about this match, you guys know it, you must win. I don't want to be second."

No one in the world will remember the second person who landed on the moon. Therefore, there is no reason for the loser, and the successful one will truly continue the miracle.

Takao said: "Don't worry, I have fully understood it in two hours. I am confident that I can suppress him in the following match."

Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsu also truly had an opponent at this moment.

Midorima Shintaro said, "Don't you understand? Their team is not just Tetsuya Kuroko alone."

Kagami Taiga's super jumping ability and explosiveness, even some people in the team can't keep up.

Especially Zongshen, he seemed to be at the pinnacle of Japanese Basketball as soon as he appeared, and even some people don't know why he appeared.

"But I defended a main force, won't you guys win very well?"

Takao immediately retorted, not to be outdone.

"Do you know why I hate Tetsuya Kuroko?"


"Because of him, his physical fitness is obviously very poor, and he can't reach the ordinary level, but he can become our team member in a team and fight side by side."

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