The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1509 : Block Midorima (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai)

"The following match, let me adjust it back immediately, and have a team battle with them, so that the other two people can't spare time."

The coach immediately arranged tactics.

If the team does not return to their original state, they may really be defeated by this weaker.

Midorima Shintaro suddenly said, "Can the match under the captain give me all the balls and let me take shots.

"No!" The coach immediately made a decision.

His scoring method has been completely seen by Seirin High School. If it continues, this match may be completely suppressed.

"Coach, please trust me. In the next ten minutes, give me all the passes. If I fail, I will lead myself."

The players all looked at the coach at the same time.

"Well, I said I allowed you to be willful three times a day, and today is the third time." Eighty-three"

"Don't worry, coach, since I do this, I must be sure."

When Midorima spoke, he pushed his glasses and the opponent did crack his three-pointer, but don't forget that his strength is more than just the three-pointer Field Goal.

Daping said: "I can't help the coach say that, but if you fail in this match, it's more than just admitting mistakes."

For them, this match is very important.

Because there are already some third-grade students in the team, this is their wish before leaving.

"Relax!" Midorima Shintaro was as calm as ever.

He is like this, no matter how big things happen, there will be no waves.

"This match started so wonderful, I don't know what will happen later, but if it's just like this, it seems that Shūtoku can't be defeated."

Shūtoku High School can become one of the three kings and naturally has their strength.

More importantly, now they have the scorer of the era of miracles, everything has become more confusing.

Kise Ryota said: "Little Midorima's strength is more than that, but being able to crack his three-pointer has greatly exceeded my expectations. Maybe you can really fight them."

"Tetsuya Kuroko is also good, Kagami is explosive, and their captain can even be said to be versatile.

After thinking about it, I found that this team was terrible.

You can't find a way to crack this team.

Junpei Hyuga is also a marksman, he occupies a very important position in the team, no one will look down on him. Rinnosuke, Kanai, each of them has its own characteristics.

Kise said: "The match is still going on, and there are many things that can't be concluded yet."

"I heard that your captain in the Age of Miracles is very powerful, so how does this captain compare to him?"

Kise Ryo wants to remember the past.

The real leader on the court, his figure is extremely tall, as long as he stands there, he can make people feel at ease inexplicably.

"He is the god on court!" Kise said abruptly after returning for a long time.

Although Zongshen is very strong, their captain has surpassed the human category.

The people around Kise whispered, "Is it really that strong?


Kise's answer is beyond doubt, even with a tone of worship.

Seirin High School, all the players are resting.

The match is much more difficult than imagined. What we have to do now is to maintain our strength and meet the next match.

Kagami Taiga's physical strength recovered very well. He only competed in the first half of the previous match, so the physical exhaustion was later replenished.

But this is not the case with other players, especially Hyuga Junpei.

Their foreheads are already covered with sweat.

Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya said: "I didn't expect the captain to be so strong, he could actually compete with Midorima like this."

"Luck!" Zongshen humbled a bit. He didn't get the final victory. He didn't want to say anything.

His eyes have been closed, regaining his energy.

"You also said to others, what's the matter with your pass that runs through the audience? Why didn't you tell me?" Kagami grabbed Tetsuya Kuroko by the ear.

"No. This is what I just thought of, but I have used it before. This one is still great for Midorima.

Tetsuya Kuroko and Kagami Taiga, but they are not as powerful as the other, there is no chance at all.

"In the future, you have to tell me in advance about such things, otherwise I don't know what your real strength is. What if I can't handle it on court?"

"I know you will catch it!" Tetsuya Kuroko said suddenly.

The other party was also taken off guard by this answer

Aida Riko said: "The opponent is definitely not the case. As the king, how could they not have a hole card? We have to be careful in the next match."

Kagami said: "Their three-pointers have been cracked by us, how do they play? They must be suppressed by us!"

"No." Tetsuya Kuroko affirmed: "Midorima Shintaro's strength is not only that, what we see is just the tip of his iceberg."

"Then, is there any other six-seven-pointers?" Kagami pressed Tetsuya Kuroko's head.

"But as far as I know, he will be fully prepared for a match. He is very confident about his possession. Part of the reason for his confidence is his strength."

"But we just concluded that he must still have something to do with it?"

"It's not a conclusion, it's affirmation. It can make him fall into a passive position. In addition to three-pointers, he is also very physical."

Zongshen said: "If the match is really that simple, they won't be the king."

"Regardless of their strength, we will continue to play steadily in the next match and just keep our current advantage."

The performance of the players was beyond his expectations, especially the captain.

At first he was worried, but now he feels that this team really has the power to compete with the king.

"Zongshen, where is the limit of your strength?" Aida Riko looked at Zongshen's data through his own eyes when they matched.

The 5.2 data of the latter shows genius in normal times, that is, the overall level has reached the level of genius, and the physical fitness is also very good.

However, whenever he passes and shots on the court, his physical data will instantly soar to the unknown.

According to Aida Riko's analysis, this kind of unknown will generally exceed the load of the body and cannot be used several times.

But the opponent has insisted on a whole match, and now it is in the second match, no accidents happened at all.

Such players can only be described in the word terror.

This is their luck, otherwise the match would never be so simple or so fun.

The time for time out is very short. The players have added some water and will continue to the arena. Both sides are ready. .

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