The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1514 : Intercept (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai)

The moment the referee blew the whistle, Kise's phone fell to the ground.

The mobile phone is still in the Daily Channel, which says: Today’s Cancer Horoscope is the number one, but if you encounter Leo, you have to be careful. The two constellations are naturally opposite each other.

Therefore, Cancer may not necessarily win!

Kise looked at the stadium, the match became more confusing, and at this period of time he was stunned, the match had already begun.

Zongshen forced a breakthrough directly after getting the ball.

Daping stopped him at the first moment: "Sorry, your opponent is me!"

Just when he thought the other party would pass to others, Zongshen turned to the left, and Daping also subconsciously followed.

When a person's body is drawn to a certain position, there will be a pause, and then change the direction, but Zongshen does not!

At the moment he turned to the left, his body immediately turned to the right and threw away Daping directly.

"How is it possible!" Daping never thought it would be so fast.

"It turns out that his hidden strength in the first half match can actually pass me." Daping smiled bitterly and immediately followed.

Although surprised, match will not give him more time to think.

After Zongshen got the ball, he got rid of everyone and made a dunk.

Midorima Shintaro did not keep up with the ball because he was on the outside.

The scores of the two sides were tied in less than a minute.

The first goal of this opening made the audience boil.

"Unexpectedly, until the match, they still have something at the bottom of the box. This team is amazing. Are they really the weak team from last year?"

"With the skills they have shown now, I'm afraid they are no different from those so-called strong teams. It's really terrifying."

"I have a feeling in my heart that they will win the championship this time."

In order to watch the match, they even held back on going to the toilet.

At this level of Basketball Match, it is generally repressive.

Otherwise, the strength of a team is too strong, or the strength of a team is too weak, even if the strength of the two sides is similar, the match will end soon.

But evenly matched like this, not only in team cooperation, but also in personal strength, as well as tactics and skills.

Such a match is absolutely rare.

"I also asked my friends to watch the match together, but he didn't come. I don't know how perfect a match I missed."

The match continues!

Just after the goal was scored, Shūtoku changed his tactics again.

Midorima Shintaro rushed up suddenly and stopped Zongshen.

"Your real opponent is me, so let's judge the winner on the next goal."

"Right on my mind!

At this time, Basketball is in the hands of a center in Shūtoku High School.

Tetsuya Kuroko seemed to have no sense of presence on the court, just like a ghost, coming behind the person holding the Basketball.

"I saw you!" Just when Tetsuya Kuroko wanted to make a move, a voice rang.


Takao, who has the eagle eye, really understands everything on the court.

"I said, you can't get the ball in my hands.

It is with this confidence that he is able to fight Tetsuya Kuroko.


Tetsuya Kuroko said in his heart, the palm of his ready to pass suddenly turned into a fist, and he flew forward with a punch.

"It's okay!" "Takao was dumbfounded.

For him, stealing from behind is already a technique that can be solved 100%.

Unexpectedly, he changed his way on the basis of stealing the ball.

When the ball was flew again, Kagami had already appeared, and after he got the ball, he rushed out immediately.

This is the two people discussed before the start of the match.

Tetsuya Kuroko did not expect that the result of this ball was much better than he thought.

"Basketball can still be played like this?"

The audience couldn't help but be puzzled.

In the hands of these truly powerful Basketball players, Basketball has become more than just Basketball, but has become a combat weapon, an indispensable part of the body.

They have developed many advanced techniques within the scope permitted by the rules.

"I knew that little Tetsuya Kuroko would not be so weak. These things are just the tip of his iceberg.

"How is it possible? The first half was so late just now. If the strength is very strong, it shouldn't be like this." The person next to him was immediately puzzled.

Kise said: "Do you know why he became the Generation of Miracles? He is an indispensable part of the team, even more indispensable than me."

"The reason for this is that his innate ability on the court determines his actions. I have been with him for three years and I know much better than you."

Tetsuya Kuroko, he has more than just pass

"You guy, there are still something hidden, which is stronger than I thought." Takao said.

"If you speak less, I think you will grow taller."

Tetsuya Kuroko made a gesture of height, and both of them belonged to the short boys in Basketball.

"You" Takao can't wait to go up and smoke him,

"Headache!" Tetsuya Kuroko shook his head.

Every word he said inherited the taunting technique completely.

Continuing to return to the match, Kagami did not continue to rush forward after getting Basketball.

Daping was in front of him. For the sake of safety, he passed the ball to the captain. Daping did not play and chose Kagami in defending.

He knows Midorima Shintaro's idea. Since the two want a real confrontation, as the captain, he can only choose to agree.

The ball has been passed, the next step is to put Kagami.

Let the two of them have a real duel.

The ball was in delay, Midorima Shintaro and Zongshen were very close, the ball flew towards them, and both of them rushed up at the same time.

In basketball, due to Kagami's strong power, it flew in a straight line, and the angle was slightly offset, but not much.

Midorima Shintaro was a little faster than the opponent, and just when he thought it was a must, Basketball suddenly disappeared.

"Explosion 5.2 is not enough!"

Zongshen is the speed at which the latecomers top the game. Although the opponent reacts fast, the acceleration is too small to compare with it.

At this moment, Midorima Shintaro had already lost half of the duel between the two.

"It's not over yet!"

He rushed up and followed Zongshen.

The other players are defending and being defended against each other. They are like supporting actors in a drama, setting off the real duel between two people.

"Who will score?!"

This question appeared in everyone's minds, and they were all waiting for the answer.

Zongshen rushed out, Midorima Shintaro followed closely, and the speed of the two quickly leveled off.

Suddenly, Zongshen stopped, and the other party immediately seized the opportunity and stood in front of him.

"Do you think I will score this goal?"

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