The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1596 : Enter the zone again!

Hearing the meteor slam dunk, the players ignored him again.

However, he has just performed well on the court.

Zongshen said: "The final match is the finale, and the staff has to change it."

Looking at Tetsuya Kuroko, he has a strong sense of existence and cannot continue to match.

Tetsuya Kuroko said, "Then I am here waiting for your victory!"

He believes in his teammates, this is a team with infinite possibilities.

And he has given all of his own, and used all his abilities on court.

In the thirty-minute match, they pulled the score ten points apart, which is a very good weight in the second half match.

They are the side with high scores, and they can easily deal with each other without head-on confrontation.

"The next match is to defend, Zongshen, you have to defend Aomine Daiki, not let him score, the final victory is ours..."

Aida Riko quickly arranged tactics based on the situation on the field


The players are ready.

Kagami even began to fantasize about the final after the match.

In the audience seat, Akashi Seijūrō suddenly stood up: "The match has already come out. I don't need to watch it. I'm going back."

"But Captain, this match is not over yet, maybe the final result will change." Kise Lai Ryota said.

"For me, this match is over, and the final outcome will not change. I have to go back and do it and prepare for tomorrow's match."

After speaking, he left alone.

Huang Yan Ryota said: "What happened to the captain today? Even if you can't finish the match, Aomine Daiki still has a chance."

In his opinion, the difference between the two sides is only ten minutes. Such a score is not without a chance to catch up in ten minutes.

Midorima Shintaro said: "The captain is right. This match doesn't make sense anymore, but it should be a good thing for you." "

"What's the matter with me, it has nothing to do with me, I didn't play a match?"

"Aomine Daiki's personal strength is very strong, and he has the deepest obsession. He will definitely enter that mode in this match, and you will have the opportunity to learn again."

Kise said: "In this case, wouldn't his chances of victory be greater?"

Midorima Shintaro shook his head: "As long as he enters that mode, Zongshen will definitely enter. The end of this match is set."

"Maybe what you said is right.

After listening to his explanation, Kise Ryota also knew the result of the match.

It's just that in his heart he is reluctant to admit that Generation of Miracles will all be defeated.

Including this mysterious captain, also failed in the last duel.

Midorima Shintaro said: "Watch the match well, you should have a good chance next."

"Okay." Kise Ryota also yearned for power.

After these few matches, he already knew the feeling of failure.

As Generation of Miracles, he has a good team of teammates, but after coming to high school, everything has changed.

No one will always win, even if they used to be an era.

The best way to keep yourself victorious is to make progress and defeat all those who stand in the way.

He can clearly feel that he is only one step away from zone mode.

He has entered that mode with half his foot in the last match. Looking at the state of both sides, there may be progress.

The two-minute break soon passed, and the match started again.

This wonderful match made the audience's voice very loud.

"The strength of the two sides is too strong, it's been a long time since I saw such a wonderful match."

"One is the team in the Age of Miracles, and the other is the dark horse team. The match they broke out was really extraordinary."

"I don't know the final result yet, and I don't know who will miss you?"

A large part of the audience just loves Basketball and does not have a deep understanding.

This match is full of unknowns for them, and they don't know who will win.

Both sides came to the arena again.

Aomine Daiki said directly, "Let's have a real contest, ten minutes, and see who of us lasts longer!"

"If it's more than time, I think you have already lost. As a man, I can't be shorter than you."

What Zongshen said made the players cough.

"Don't be crooked, I'm talking about your own charm. I will definitely hold on to this match for longer."

Aomine Daiki said, "I didn't expect you to have such an unknown side. I'm sorry, the car is good."

Zongshen smiled and said, "My driving skills are very good. I am a little worse than you. I have to work hard."

Aomine Daiki laughed suddenly. Since the last failure, he has been eager for this match for a long time.

In the past, he thought that the happiest thing was to defeat each and every powerful opponent, but now the most enjoyable thing is to defeat the person in front of him.

Aomine Daiki's fists were clenched fiercely, and veins appeared on his arms.

A powerful force rushed from his heart to his limbs, and his eyes were also shining at this moment.

The match has just begun, the referee's whistle fell, and he has completely entered that mode.

Momoi shook his head: ""This person is really his nemesis, and he can enter the zone in this state.

She has conducted research for a period of time before, and zone is more of an opportunity. Sometimes the more you want to enter, the harder it is to enter.

However, there are often exceptions. Aomine has entered this mode entirely by relying on his own will and strength.

Aomine Daiki said: "The match now really begins. There is no end between us. This time I will beat you."

Zongshen's head was lowered slightly, and his voice was very soft: "Are you sure you want to beat me this time?"

He slowly raised his head when he spoke, and the red light in his eyes was looming, not the dark red, but the clear red.

"Sure enough, miracles do not appear individually. Geniuses are all in groups. There is one more exception."

Momoi knew from the beginning that this person could enter the zone with his own power, but he didn't expect it to be easier than Aomine Daiki.

Qingguang Daiki had to mobilize the power of his whole body to barely enter, but Zongshen just raised his head.

There is a good saying that people are more popular than people.

Kise Ryota in the audience seated this scene tightly.

This time, the two people entered in a very special way, and it was this special way that made him think.

He is confident that he can enter this mode in the next match.

On the field, after the two people entered the zone, their momentum changed drastically, and the entire field was like their throne. .

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