One minute later, the match ends.

The score gap between the two sides was too big, and Tong Huang had no chance at all.

Seirin High School won the final match and successfully entered the final.

Aida Riko stood there, feeling that everything was like a dream.

She did not expect that her team would come to this point and stand on the final field.

"Congratulations." Aida Riko said silently in her heart, and she was sincerely happy when the players came to the present.

For these successes, they put in too much effort.

The narrator said: "Congratulations to this high school for its final victory. We have witnessed the birth of miracles step by step. They have gone from an unknown team to the present.

The audience gave the two teams warm applause.

In the end, the match will have a victory or defeat. There is no alternative. Both teams deserve their respect.

"Seirin High School, you didn't live up to everyone's expectations, and you were not lucky enough to let down your dreams. You have finally reached the present 25. It will definitely be possible."

"In the end, there can only be one winner in the match, but the way you work hard for your dreams is already in our minds.

"This is their youth!"

Zongshen stood alone in the center of the arena, and the other players stood around him.

Kiyoshi Teppei said: "We are now in final!!

"Yes, we really waited a long time for this day, and now we finally enter the final match."

Zongshen only knows what Zongshen paid.

He became a basketball genius in one year, and reached such a height, he has put in dozens of times more effort than others.

Kagami said: "Captain, the match is over. Let's go back and have a rest, and we have to prepare for the next match.

Just when he was about to leave, Imagi came over and stretched out his hand and said, "Congratulations on becoming a winner, and you will work hard in the future. By the way, take our share and work hard together.

"Of course." Zongshen shook his hand.

"I will meet again on the court in the future, and I will meet again in the winter regular season in the second half of the year."

"At that time, we will still win!"

After Imagi finished speaking, he left, and Zongshen also took the players to the resting place.

"Congratulations on your victory in this match, but it can't be resolved. There is still a final." Aida Riko gave the players a break.

Matching with such a team will waste a lot of energy, they are exhausted.

Especially Zongshen. After he enters that mode, his body's strength will disappear at a speed of geometric multiples. It is already a very good thing to be able to stand here now.

You should know that he only lasted for three minutes in the last match, and finally couldn't continue the match.

Zongshen said: "Everyone must cheer! After the final victory, I invite everyone to dinner."

"Since the captain said so, we must win for this meal."

Everyone laughed when they heard this sentence.

After leaving the match, they are just a group of first-year and second-year high school students, and they are also around 16 or 17 years old.

"We still have one day tomorrow. Rakuzan High School should become our opponent. Go back and keep studying."

Everyone cleaned up their things and just walked out of the city sports center, they saw a group of fans.

Zongshen was stopped by a group of people as soon as he came out, and the girls frantically surrounded him.

Several girls stood in front of Tetsuya Kuroko and asked him something.

Kagami shook his head and stood next to him: "Sure enough, I still don't have any fans, why? Isn't my meteor slam dunk on court not handsome enough just now?"

Just as he sighed, a little boy suddenly appeared in front of him.

The little boy held paper and pen in his hands and said, "Big brother, you looked handsome just now playing on court, can you sign me?"

"Yes." Kagami Taiga almost cried with joy.

Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected surprises, basically my first fan, although he is a man or a child, it is also gratifying enough.

"I finally got a fan too!" Kagami was particularly concerned about the little boy in front of him.

Soon, everyone came to the Basketball department.

Aida Riko did not ask others to train, it is time to discuss the next plan.

"Rakuzan is a famous and powerful high school. Their strength is second to none in the high school basketball world, and their opponent is an ordinary high school entered by luck, so the victory can be imagined.

This means that they must be facing Akashi Seijūrō.

"It's the guy who challenged us last time. He was not defeated by our captain. According to reason, we will definitely defeat them."

They felt that if the two main players failed in a unilateral test, the team would definitely be defeated.

Zongshen said: "It would be great if this is the case. Their captain is very strong and has a team role."

"We are talking about this matter, Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya also has the most say." Aida Riko said.

Everyone in the team looked at Tetsuya Kuroko. After all, he was the captain of his junior high school. He must know something.

"In junior high school, what do you think of your captain's strength in the match? And what can he bring to the team?"

Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya said: "The biggest impression the captain gave me is that their family is richer."

When Kagami heard it, he ravaged his hair fiercely: "We are discussing his characteristics, not rich or not."

"In that case, he is not only handsome and good at playing skills, but 243 is also a rich man." Aida Riko said.

"Man, why are you talking nonsense, hurry up and talk about the match time, we are running out of time."

"Just kidding, Tetsuya Kuroko, tell us what you think of Akashi Seijūrō. Although I have watched his video, there are some things in it that confuse me.

"When you watch the match, do you have a feeling that he is not playing basketball alone, but two people."


Aida Riko really has this feeling, and it is very strong. His performance in every match video is not completely consistent.

According to cognition, the formation of a player's path takes many years to complete, and once selected, it cannot be changed.

But Akashi Seijūrō's state completely exceeded this point.

He showed two completely different powers on the court, which surprised Aida Riko, so he couldn't help asking.

"This is a very normal thing, because he is different from what we think. He has a dual personality, which sounds incredible, but his ability to play on the court is indeed very high.

Aida Riko was surprised, she knew what this event meant.

Dual personality represents two ways to play, you don't know which one, how to make a plan?.

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