The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1733 :Crazy block

"Not so good!" Sakuragi curled his lips.

In the match just now, he never shot at all, and none of his teammates let him touch the ball.

Zongshen said: "Since they won't let you touch the ball, then you go grab it!

"Grab!" Yingmu Huadao showed a sly smile.

After the break, the match starts again.

Tanaka took Basketball and passed it to a person next to him, intending to interact with each other in position, trying to get rid of Zongshen.

But Basketball was delayed until he was suddenly intercepted by a figure.

With red hair, you don't need to think about it to know who it is.

This guy endured for 20 minutes in the first half match, and now he finally broke.

Sakuragi Flower Road rushed towards Basketball like a vicious dog rushing for food, holding her hands fiercely.

Seeing that it was this guy, Tanaka immediately roared: "Hurry up and pass Basketball to the person next to you, it's none of your business!"

"I'm on the court, this is my business!" Sakuragi Huadao hugged Basketball and started sprinting under the gaze of the audience.

Zongshen came under the rebound at this moment, waiting for Sakuragi Flower Road.

Sakuragi frustrated for so long and finally got Basketball, and his explosive power and speed reached the limit in an instant.

Almost instantly, he had reached the position of the three-point line.

Zongshen still stood expressionlessly under the rebound.

He did not choose to attack, nor did he choose to defend, as if waiting for Sakuragi Huadao's slam dunk.

Sakuragi Flower Road jumped up from the position of the three-point line. The position alone made the audience take a breath.

In this position, even the long jump may not be able to reach the rebound.

Sakuragi's body leapt in delay, like a vicious dog, rushing to the frame with Basketball in both hands.

In his eyes, it is no longer a simple basket, but a stable kennel belonging to him.

"I don't believe in a small ball frame, you can't even get a goal."

Sakuragi Huadao was already close to the ball frame, holding Basketball in both hands and threw it forcefully.

Just when he thought that the ball was ten or nine in ten, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

Without any warning, it was almost instantaneous.

Zongshen was just waiting under the rebound, and now he is delaying to meet Sakuragi Flower Road.

"Want to beat me?!"

Sakuragi Flower Road is about to split, he doesn't want to be blocked by others at this moment.

You have to know that there are at least a hundred girls around you watching. If you fail at this time, you will really be embarrassed.

Under the blessing of this belief, his strength has increased a bit.

Zongshen smiled. He is already in front of Zongshen, the next thing to test is the strength of both sides.

The right hand stretched out and intercepted Basketball at the delay.

Sakuragi immediately felt the power emerging from the opponent's body. With his hands clasping Basketball, he couldn't match Zongshen with one hand.

"What kind of monster is this guy?!"

Sakuragi Flower Road is clear about his own strength, but this guy looks a little thin, but there is such a powerful energy hidden in his body.

Zongshen said: "It's not enough, it's still far away."

The right hand increased a bit of strength, which was like the last straw that crushed the camel, and Sakuragi Huadao could not maintain the balance of the body, and fell heavily to the ground.

He sat on the ground and didn't get up for the first time, but was reminiscing about what happened just now.

"Basketball is not as simple as you think. There are many things in it that you can only understand when you really learn it. You are still far from it.

Sakuragi Huadao looked at her hands.

Just now the opponent's strength was too strong, causing his current hand to feel a little painful.

Basketball is nothing for him, but he is a little unwilling to be completely defeated by such a person.

"I will beat you one day!"

Hearing this, Zongshen smiled and shook his head: "Choose a place that I am not good at? If this is the case, you have already won."

Sakuragi Huadao shook his head.

He stood up firmly, the eyes of the two of them were looking at each other with delay.

At this moment, Sakuragi truly realized that Basketball is not as simple as he thought, and his goal is to beat the man in front of him.

Sakuragi looked stern and said, "I will beat you in the way of Basketball!!

"If there is such a day, I will be waiting for you, but looking at it now, you and I are still a thousand miles away."

"There will be a day when one hundred and eight thousand miles are finished!"

"I'll wait for you!" Zongshen said.

Sakuragi Huadao did not expect that this was just an aggressive method to deal with him.

In the next thing, he will get acquainted with Akagi Haruko, and then fall in love, and find the motivation to learn Basketball.

...For flowers...

But that kind of progress is too slow, and there will be a lot of unpredictability in the middle.

If you want to win the next match, you must pay close attention to every minute and every second.

Basketball Match is a team sport, and it doesn't make much sense to rely on him alone to win.

So after seeing Sakuragi Flower Road, he has always had this idea in his mind.

In order for Sakuragi Huadao to have the energy to learn Basketball, he must establish an opponent that cannot be defeated and can guide him.

Rukawa Feng is a good choice, but he hasn't appeared yet.

And as far as the development of things is concerned, nothing good will happen after the two of them meet.

In the end, Zongshen decided to become his opponent, let him beat himself, and gain the power to learn Basketball.


Although it's a radical technique, Sakuragi Flower Road likes this one very much.

Sakuragi Huadao's hands were waist again, and then she used her arms, "You just wait for my Sakuragi Uncle to defeat you!"

Sure enough, this guy was serious for less than a second, and he immediately showed his true shape.

The conversation between the two people stopped the match temporarily.

Tanaka couldn't help sighing when he saw the wonderful duel between the two people just now.

Basketball is different from other sports. Talent and hard work are really indispensable.

Hand Zongshen, like a god, has endless trump cards, strong physical abilities, and most importantly, a charming appearance.

Such a powerful person will never be an unknown person.

Tanaka can be sure that it will not take long for this person's name to spread throughout Japan.

The duel between the two people just now gave him some understanding of Sakuragi Flower Road. It is no longer just the beginning. Basketball is a waste.

At the beginning, I just thought that he simply had a height advantage, but he didn't expect his jumping ability and speed to be so strong.

Compared with Zongshen, he is like a piece of uncut jade, without carving

It takes a long time for a piece of jade to finish carving, but as long as you can persist in this process, the moment of success will definitely shine.

"It's no wonder that Zongshen wants to teach Sakuragi, this guy hates us that we are not talented enough!"

That said, but there is no reason to refute it, after all, the strength lies there.

No comparison! Pills.

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