The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1788 : Xiangbei, sure to win

The explanation said: "Before the start of the match, who would have thought that they would be so crazy, who would have thought that this team would have such strength."

Two and a half minutes passed quickly, and there was still the last half minute. The match in the third quarter had become the climax of the audience.

In the last half minute, everyone is also looking forward to more exciting things happening.

Yuzhu got Basketball, without Zongshen's barriers, his strength has been 100% in front of everyone.

Not only is Field Goal's high accuracy, but his physical flexibility and jumping ability are all-very powerful.

His performance is once again worthy of the name of genius.

Last time!

Akagi was standing under the basket and waiting. For him, everything he encountered was beyond his expectation.

This is a wonderful basketball world, and every time he encounters a strong opponent, he is excited and excited.

There are many powerful teammates in this world, and he has also found someone he can trust.

This comes at a price. If you are not strong enough, you will become the object of being devalued and criticized by others.

Sometimes, the loss is more than the gain.

However, as long as you make up your mind and have a belief that you will not admit defeat, there should be nothing you can't do.

Yuzhu quickly came under the basket.

Sakuragi Huadao's obstacles by Mumu himself did not achieve the desired effect. In the end, it was still a confrontation between two people.

"Which one do you think will win this ball?"

Xian Dao asked Zongshen, as if at this moment, the two are no longer rivals, but old friends who have made many years.

"Akagi Takeken." He said his answer without hesitation.

This result will not be the slightest surprise.

Because, from the moment he became a team member with them, he believed them incomparably, and it was more than just that.

The real strength of Akagi Takeken lies in his physical fitness. In a limited space, the body's functions are increasing infinitely.

The fish jumped up high.

With the same action as Goo, Akagi Goken followed.

The two people attracted all the eyes of the match field.

What will be the result this time.

Akagi Gangxian roared: "Xiangbei, we must win!"

He jumped higher than before, and this ball is bound to win.

This is a genius. At the most critical moment, it can often stimulate one's own potential and make a deadly blow.

At this moment, the audience was quiet, and everyone didn't know what to say.

If the geniuses were defeated before, they must be very excited, because it means that stronger people will appear.

But this is not the case. This time, the genius seems to have been defeated by the weak.

Akagi said: "There is nothing in this world that cannot be surpassed. If there is, it should be yourself."

In his opinion, the biggest obstacle in this world is yourself, not others, because your heart will be blinded by many things, and outsiders can see clearly.

For their guidance and advice, you will make a disregarding attitude, because you feel that you are the strongest, but you have been blindfolded.

If you can't break this cage, you will encounter a stronger enemy. If you can't break through, your life has already failed.

This is a thing that cannot have both ends.

Many people actually understand this, but they know that they are proud, they are arrogant and feel that they are invincible.

Yu Zhu laughed suddenly, he hadn't felt this feeling for a long time.

Since joining Lingnan, the strength of their team has been known to everyone, and there have been few failures.

And these experiences made him truly grow.

"I think sometimes failure is a good thing, at least for you." Zongshen said.

"I understand what you mean, but it takes a lot of perseverance to walk through failure."

"Anyway, my goal has been achieved, and the next match is about to begin. That will be our final match."

Xiandao said: "To tell the truth, I still have some desire. With an opponent like you, I don't know what the final result will be."

"In fact, we already have an answer in our hearts, but we just don't want to admit it. The real strong in this world is invincible!"

"So, next is the time to decide the last strong one?"

"You can think of it this way, but our team needs a victory in this match. We have to decide on this match!"

………For flowers…

"Sometimes it's not a good habit to speak big words. I admit that you are very strong, but you should leave it to after the match."

He is very excited to have such an opponent.

Who doesn't want to meet a stronger opponent, if you only match with a weaker opponent, then the game itself is meaningless.

For Zongshen, the world is like a huge game.

He is the protagonist of this game, he has a lot of things in his hands, but the same, there are also many uncertainties.

Although everyone has their own historical trajectory, they do not necessarily develop according to their original trajectory, and even a small thing may change.

But life is more exciting because of this.

"If you beat me, I will return. One day I will beat you." Yuzhu suddenly said to Akagi Gangxian.

Saying such a thing caught the opponent off guard.

Because he never expected that the haughty Yuzhu would say such things.

"A person who experiences failure will often experience a lot of things from it."

He returned to the rest area with Ikegami behind him. This match also made him understand a lot.

Sometimes because of him, victory will paralyze a person's heart, and appropriate defeat is also a good thing.

Their coach also understood the meaning and smiled on his somewhat gloomy face.

"You guys did a good job in this match. They didn't disappoint me, at least they are not ashamed."

Yuzhu said: "In this match, I showed up in Turnover. I will train hard when I go back. I will work hard."

Xiandao also bowed his head guiltily: "We will have to train well when we go back. This time we found a lot of deficiencies. Although this team is very strong, we are not weak, but we have been suppressed."

The coach said: "It's good if you can understand this. It seems that sometimes failure is not necessarily a bad thing.

To be able to make these two players say such a thing, he knows that the meaning of this match has been realized.

Because for them, life has only really begun, and there will be more exciting matches in the future.

It would be a shame to abandon the more exciting part of life for the victory of a small match.

In order not to let people have any regrets, we must cheer.

Believe that there is no end to bravery! Pills.

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