The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 852 : World Travel (1/5)

"Does the world travel?"

Echizen Ryoga's eyes lit up.

He has lost his parents since he was a child, so there is no one to discipline him.

Later, I followed Echizen Nanjiro, but it didn't take long to be raised by my aunt.

But obviously, not everyone is the same as Nanjiro, who knows what Echizen Ryoga wants and what he is thinking.

So after being raised by an aunt, he ran around without problems, and the country ran all over the world in a moment.

The reason why he stayed in Japan was also because he lost to Zongshen.

"Remember it's been two years since you returned to Japan?"

Zongshen asked.


Echizen Ryoga nodded, feeling a little at the same time.

He knows his character.

To say that it sounds good is to drink it off, and to say that it is awkward is to be unable to stay wherever it is.

Sometimes I feel incredible. I can stay in the same place for two years, and my life is pretty good.

"Looking at you like this, do you want to be the same as Byodoin Temple?"

Zongshen asked curiously.


"After all, walking around in the world will help you improve your strength!"

"You have also participated in the World Cup. You know how many masters there are in the world 747, and you may be able to meet these masters in World Travel."

Echizen Ryoga replied with a smile.

Although the World Cup is a world-class competition.

Don't forget, not everyone will join U-17.

When he traveled the world before, he had met many unknown masters.

And more importantly, not only peers can be challenged when traveling in the world, but some adult masters can also be challenged.

This is the true meaning of world travel.

"When you said that, I was also a little moved!"

Zongshen stroked his chin.

If you really do what Echizen Ryoga said, this kind of travel really helps a lot to improve your strength.

"Do you think the coach will let you go?"

Byodoin sneered.

The training camp now is no better than before.

The Japanese team, which won the World Cup championship, is definitely a target for teams from all over the world.

Although there is no expedition match, the exchange match is still inevitable.

And more importantly, although the Japanese team won the championship, they are far inferior to these strong teams in the country in terms of fame.

Mifune will definitely seize this opportunity when entering the road to carry out various exchange games to enhance the team's reputation.

Since there is a match, it is naturally impossible to send players out randomly.

Zongshen, as the No. 1 of the team, is expected to stay behind.

"If the instructor doesn't let me leave, then you guys don't want to leave either!"

Zongshen grinned, showing white teeth.

After all, he is just one person. If there is any match to be held, one person cannot control the game at all.

After all, this is a team match, not an individual match.

Byodoin looked stagnant.

His original plan was to hand over the training camp to Zongshen, and then travel by himself to improve his strength.

Listen to what Zongshen said, it is really possible.

If you match the strong teams of the de national team, there are not a few world-class teams, you will definitely be defeated.

He has no doubts about the strength of the top teams in the world.

After all, I understood it during the World Cup.

"No matter what, as long as you can improve your strength!"

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

Although I really want to run around the world as before.

However, whenever he saw Zongshen working hard to train, he couldn't continue to mess around.

It is clearer that as long as you stop a little bit, the Byodoin people will catch up.

It was originally not Zongshen's opponent, if it was surpassed by Byodoin, it would be too shameful.

"If it's an exchange contest, it won't be easy to win!'

Zongshen thought for a while and said.

The reason why the exchange match is called the cffb stream match is more of a trial between the two sides, and the strongest lineup is rarely sent.

But this also requires a few world-class line-ups.

After all, in the World Cup in France, the national team de had nine world-class players.

Sending out two or three is enough for them to drink a pot.

"What? Are you scared?"

Byodoin sneered.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just worried that you will lose!"

Zongshen chuckled lightly.


"It sounds like we often lose!"

Echizen Ryoga is a little dissatisfied.

"Can you deal with Polk?"

Zongshen retorted.

"this …

Echizen Ryoga and Byodoin looked at each other and looked at each other.

Although they claim to be rare masters of the same age.

But compared to Polk's monster, the two were not sure to defeat it.

After all, the opponent is a real professional player, not weaker than Zongshen at all.

"So you should stay in the training camp honestly, don't think about world travel!"

Zongshen smiled.


"It's really hard to choose!"

Echizen Ryoga was a little helpless holding the back of his head.

Although he could sneak out, he was a little unwilling to think of being able to match Polk and other masters.

"If you can really compete with a master, it's the same if you don't travel!

Byodoin said solemnly.

The reason why he wanted to go for a walk was to practice himself and fight different masters.

If there will be some exchange competitions, it would be nice to stay in the training camp.

"Let's talk about it then!

Zongshen said something.

It is not for him to decide whether to hold an exchange contest.

If it is held, he will stay in the training camp and go abroad to match with other countries.

If it doesn't, just run around the world with Echizen Ryoga.

Whichever option is good for him.

"Well, everyone, let's celebrate Seigaku's victory!"

Zongshen grinned.


"What does Seigaku's victory have to do with us!"

Byodoin snorted coldly.

"You should celebrate by yourself, don't get involved with us!'

Echizen Ryoga said unhappy.

Because Seigaku stepped on Rikkai to win the championship, and now they want them to celebrate Seigaku, is this definitely bullying?

"What does it matter, it's not the same who wins the championship, do you think it is?"

Zongshen smiled casually.

But after the words fell, let alone the Byodo-in Temple, even others glared at Zongshen.

Because Zongshen is completely showing off Seigaku to win the championship. .

But they couldn't refute it.

All the school members gritted their teeth for a while. .

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