The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 854 : Go to training camp (3/5)

Seigaku Tennis Club.


The hitting sound rang and the tennis shot flew back and forth.

Senior students such as Zongshen have all returned to the training camp, but Shoujia and others are still at school.

They have the idea of ​​winning four consecutive championships, naturally they will not relax just because they have won two consecutive championships.

"Thanks to Zongshen!"

Coach Ryūzaki was a little emotional.

Although Zongshen left the team, the philosophy he left behind deeply affected the players.

Even if she does not come to the tennis club to instruct, the players will not be lazy.

"Is this the Seigaku Tennis Club?"

The voice of doubt sounded.

The group of people who were training stopped and turned their heads to look around.

I saw outside the court, a man in postal clothes was holding a stack of envelopes, looking inside curiously.

"This is Seigaku Tennis Club "Seven Forty Seven"!"

Coach Ryūzaki was a little confused, but he walked over.

"Hello, this is your letter.

The man handed out the letter in his hand.


Coach Ryūzaki was a little confused.

After a glance, I found that these letters were actually addressed to Tezuka and the others.

"Everyone, stop, your letter!"

After speaking, the team members gathered around.

After receiving the envelope and opening it to see the contents, everyone's eyes widened.

"U U-17's Convening Letter!"

Kikumaru looked incredible.

Because this letter was an invitation to U-17.

"So we are going to join the U-17 training camp?!"

Oishi was blinded.

Although knowing that the International Network Federation has reformed, junior high school students can join U-17 as long as they reach the second grade.

But they have to wait until mid-March next year for them to enter the second country.

Unexpectedly, the invitation letter will arrive now.

"It seems that we are all invited to enter U-17!"

Fuji chuckled and shook the letter in his hand.

"Can I go too?"

Kawamura Takashi felt a little weird.

His strength is not strong, compared to other players, he is completely transparent.

But he didn't expect that he could also get an invitation to the training camp.

The huge awakening rushed straight into his heart, making him a little stunned for a while.

"Finally waited until this day!"

Sanada's eyes were burning.

He has been waiting for this day for too long.

Although it is said that he will win four consecutive national championships in the junior high school.

But for everyone, the U-17 training camp is the top priority.

"We are not only going to win the national championship, but also in the world arena!"

Shoujia's eyes flashed.


Yukimura nodded, completely agreeing with this statement.

I am delighted to win the national championship, but there is a huge gap with the world championship.

If you can't achieve results in the world, then you can count as ten consecutive national championships.

Hyotei Tennis Club.

A group of players also gathered together.

Several team members looked at the letter in their hands with excitement on their faces.

"Unexpectedly, we could also be invited to join the training camp!"

Mukahi Gakuto was full of excitement.

Although he thought about it, it still made him feel incredible.

"So where are we going to train in the future?'

Akutakawa Jirou asked sleepily.


Oshitari Yuushi nodded, lingering excitement in his eyes.

This is the U-17 training camp, the best training base in Japan.

If it was before, people might still disagree.

But as the team won the World Cup championship, the U-17 training camp has become a world-famous training base, which is not accessible to ordinary people.

Those who are selected are all geniuses among geniuses.

Therefore, being a member of the training camp can not only improve the strength, but also a symbol of honor.


"It's just joining, what's the big deal!"

Atobe snorted, and the corners of his mouth were curved: "Entering the training camp to seize the position of the army is our goal!"

He never found it difficult to become a U-17 player.

After all, his present time is enough to crush many high school students.

After seeing the strength and honor of an army member, squeezing into the top 20 of the army is his goal.

It even replaced Zongshen's position and became the No.1 of the entire training camp!

"this "

The faces of the team

They are not as ambitious as Atobe.

And after experiencing the Champions League, I have a better understanding of the strength of the first army players.

Faced with that kind of master, they have no resistance at all.

Rikkai Grand Tennis Club.

This school is different from other schools.

Since more than ten years ago, the minister of Rikkai University has also served as a coach.

However, as Tanegashima was hospitalized, Echizen Ryoga returned to training camp.

The entire Rikkai tennis club lost its backbone.

Although Yanagi Renji temporarily manages the affairs of the team, he does not have enough prestige and strength to overwhelm everyone.

Fortunately, Rikkai is a strong school, and even if Echizen Ryoga is gone, the team is still running normally.

Even because of the loss to Seigaku, everyone burst into full enthusiasm.

It's a pity that there is no absolute in everything.

The team has a sting like Ajutsu, and the entire tennis club is destined to be unable to rest.

When Echizen Ryoga is still there, the other party can be more honest.

But as Echizen Ryoga leaves, he becomes lawless, and no one can restrain him anymore.


Ajutsu Kichang kicked a frame away.

The newly installed tennis balls were scattered on the ground in an instant, but he didn't care, but strode towards the court.

"5.1 Damn!"

"Ajiuzin, bastard!"

"After Minister Echizen is gone, no one can suppress him anymore!"

"A shy guy like him will be taught a lesson one day!"

"Besides, this guy usually has a great appearance, but he hasn't won once in a critical time!'

A group of players glared at Ajutsu.

Now that Echizen Ryoga is no longer, they are not afraid. More importantly, there are a few people and they are not afraid of Ajutsu doing it.

"Do you want to die?"

Yajujin stopped and stared at several people fiercely like a beast.

Those words just now undoubtedly touched his painful spot.

He claimed to be powerful, but he lost again and again.

Now that I was told to my face, my face suddenly couldn't hold back, and my anger went straight into my heart.

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