The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 859 : If you don't agree, get out (4/5)

The bus is moving slowly.

The car was silent, and everyone's face was full of unwillingness.

They just came to the training camp, and they were eliminated before they showed their skills, which makes them reconciled.

"I say "

Shishido Ryoh stood up and looked at everyone in a low voice, "Are we leaving like this? And in this way, we were expelled from the training camp!"

Others heard this expression extremely ugly.

This is U-17!

The holy land of tennis in Japan, the starting point to the world stage.

They are about to touch it, but now they are ruthlessly eliminated, how can they be willing?

"It's horrible to let us leave like this!"

"If the rules are clearly stated at the beginning, I will definitely be able to grab a tennis ball."


"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to leave like this!"

The failed middle school students shouted to vent their dissatisfaction.

But after shouting, his face was depressed again.

They have been eliminated, no matter how unwilling they are, it is of no use.


25 The sound of tires rubbing against the ground sounded.

The bus that was driving on the road stopped, and the driver who was driving turned his head and said, "Everyone get off here, and then head to the forest in front of you!"


The middle school students who had originally looked lost were taken aback.

At this time, receiving this kind of order, doesn't it mean that things are still turning around?

The group looked at each other, and there was more hope in their eyes.


Although I don't know the reason, the driver will certainly not aimlessly.

The biggest possibility now is that they still have another chance. As long as they seize this opportunity, they will definitely be able to return to the training camp.


After the middle school students got out of the bus, the bus drove away immediately.

But the group didn't care, but looked towards the forest ahead.

The eliminated junior high school students did not hesitate, and immediately followed the driver's instructions to go deep into the forest.

"I don't know where the forest leads?"

"Hope this will be an opportunity?"

"If there really is a chance, we must seize it, and then return to the training camp!"


"Everyone, cheer, go back to that place, let everyone see!"


The middle school students walked away hopefully.

After walking for about half an hour, everyone came to the end of the forest.

At the end is a cliff, and under the cliff there is a person looking at them with a gentle smile.

"You are finally here!"

Saitō Itaru covered his forehead, and then introduced himself: "I am Saitō Itaru, the spiritual strengthening coach of U-17. I have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

"Spirit-strengthening coach?"

Everyone was taken aback.

"You must be very unwilling?"

"I just came to the training camp, and I was eliminated before I could show my skills.

Saitō Itaru smiled gently.

A group of middle-aged students gritted their teeth and looked unwilling.

They came with expectation, but now they leave U-17 like a bereaved dog, which is what everyone else will do.

"very good!

A smile was drawn at the corner of Saitō Itaru's mouth: "Unwilling is the nature of human beings. Since you don't want to leave, then I will give you one last chance!


The middle school students opened their eyes wide and didn't react for a while.

"Teacher, are you true?"

Mukahi Gakuto stammered.


Saitō Itaru nodded, then turned to point to the cliff behind: "As long as you can climb this cliff, you will get a second chance!"

"certainly "

"If you don't want to, you can leave immediately."

When this word fell, everyone looked at the cliff in front of them, their eyes shining.


"We must cherish this opportunity!"

"Climb up the cliff and return to training camp!"

All middle school students yelled out, and then rushed towards the cliff.

"Really motivated!"

Saitō Itaru smiled.

But only he knew that it was just a chance to climb the cliff.

Because Mifune has already been waiting for the entrance, only by passing his assessment can he return to the U-17 training camp.

If it fails, it will still be eliminated.

But he didn't tell these things because it was too shocking.

"Hurry up!"

"No one is allowed to fall behind, you must all return to the training camp!"

"come on!"

There was a shout, and the junior high school students climbed up with excitement.

It took a full hour to climb to the top.

"We made it!"

Mukahi Gakuto yelled, his face full of excitement.

They climbed to the cliff and qualified to return to training camp.

"That kid, what is your ghost name there?!"

A rough word came, and all middle school students were startled.

People turned their heads and looked around, and then found that a dozen or so eyes were staring at them.

"Three... Mifune coach?!"

Mukahi Gakuto's eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, the Head Coach of the training camp would appear here.

"Since it's here, get out now!"

Mifune entered the road and roared roughly.

A group of junior high school students were taken aback and hurried over.

Then I found out that all the high school students who had been eliminated before came here.

"Kids listen to me!"

750 "You are all discarded garbage, because there are still some effects, so I give you a second chance!"

Mifune entered the road and swept his eyes, his eyes filled with disdain.

"What did you say?!"

A middle school student was full of anger when he heard this.

I was scolded as rubbish when I first came up. Who can stand it?

"I said you are all rubbish, why? Do you have an opinion?"

Mifune sneered in the way.

"Even if you are a U-17 coach, you can't humiliate us like this!"

The player said angrily just now.


"You are worthy of humiliation because of your trash?"

Mifune entered the Dao with a disdainful face, and then looked at the middle school student: "Now get out of here, you have been eliminated!"


All middle school students trembled when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, Mifune's entry into the Taoism is so harsh, and one wrong sentence will completely eliminate people.


The player was extremely angry.

Mifune entered the way and listened to this, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and then glanced sharply at everyone.

"Let me listen to you rubbish!"

"This is U-17, and I am the Head Coach of the training camp!"

"Everything in the training camp is under my control.

"If you don't agree, then get out!!!"

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