The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 878 : National Middle School First Military Team (3/4)


Yukimura chuckled, then put away racquet and walked down the court.

It took a long time before Atobe woke up and looked around in confusion.

It wasn't until I heard the discussion that I woke up.

"I lost?!"

Atobe looked at the score board and clenched his fists after seeing the dazzling score.

I thought I had made great progress in the training camp and could beat Shoujia and Yukimura, but I didn't expect it was just my own whimsical.

"All middle school students gather!

A loud shout came, interrupting Atobe's thoughts.

Everyone immediately assembled towards the bottom of the villa.

The ten-group match has ended, and the quota of the first army in the middle school has been completely determined.

"After a whole morning of fighting, the seat of the first army is decided, and the group points match is over!"

Kurobe Yukio calmly said "Seven Six Seven".

And Saitō Itaru on the side also posted the list.

The middle school student, who had been quiet at first, got excited immediately and rushed towards the list.

Although I probably know who the first army players are.

But the list has not been posted yet, who can be sure.

A group of people gathered in front of the list and saw the name of Shoujia at a glance.

"Kunimitsu defeated Fuji Syusuke and was the first place in the eighth group, so he won the first place!

People talked about it, and they had no opinion on Tezuka becoming an army.

After all, everyone knows how strong the opponent is.

If even the Shoujia is not qualified to be a member of the army, then the others are even less qualified.

"In addition to the hand, everyone in Seigaku has also entered the first army!"

"It's amazing!"

"It's worthy of being a champion school, it's really strong!"

The group talked a lot.

The entire Seigaku entered the first army with a total of five people.

Tejia, Yukimura, Sanada, Fuji, and Inui Sadaharu.

In other words, everyone except Kawamura, Oishi, and Kikumaru entered the first army.

Oishi and Kikumaru's doubles are good, but unfortunately the group stage is implemented with a singles system, so they regretfully lost.

"Not only Seigaku, but Rikkai is too big to be offered.

People quickly noticed another team.

I found that Rikkai's results are also extremely amazing.

Yajutsu, Niou Masaharu, Yanagi Renji, Yagyu Hiroshi, Marui Bunta, Mōri Juzaburō!

There are six people in the entire Rikkai team into the first army, one more than Seigaku.

There are five people in Seigaku and six people in Rikkai.

These two schools alone occupied 11 places in the Army.

The remaining nine places were divided among other schools.

Tachibana kippei, Chitose Senri, Kite Eishirou of Lion Music.

Heizenyuki, Hara Tetsuya, Shiraishi Kuranosuke of Shitenhouji.

Atobe Keigo and Oshitari Yuushi of Hyotei.

Masato Mukai, the current minister of Makinofuji.

In the entire junior high school, there are twenty people in the first army, most of which are junior high school students.

"The new generation of players are really strong and outrageous!,

Kimijima pushed the frame and said.

Except for Ping Shanzhi and Mukai Masato, none of the students in Grade Three squeezed into the army.

The only students in the second grade are Maori and Hara Tetsuya.

As for the rest, they are all National One students.

"How about they are players of the golden age!"

Zongshen chuckled.

Except for a few outstanding players of their generation, they are not as good as Tezuka's generation on the whole.

From the original work, we can find out how strong the talent of this generation is.

It is only a matter of time before it surpasses the previous generation of players.

"Now is not the time to pay attention to those middle school kids, our shuffling battle will also begin!"

Byodoin snorted.

Although the middle school student's strength is good, he still can't make him look right.

Now that the court shuffle of the training camp has ended, it's also the turn of the army to choose the shuffle.

"I don't know if anyone will challenge us!"

Echizen Ryoga smiled.

Since the end of the national competition, he hasn't matched much and his hands have long been itchy.

"I guess no one is so bold, right?"

Xichuan Long said solemnly.

Although there are several strong players in the Second Army, there is a certain gap between them and the world class.

Generally speaking, even if you challenge a military player, no one will challenge the top few.

After all, there is too much difference in strength, and challenge is also a waste of opportunity.

"The first and second military players in the high school group gather!"

The voice of Kurobe Yukio came.

Forty contestants who participated in this challenge immediately walked to both sides of the court

"The challenge for the high school group is finally about to begin?"

"I don't know if the seat of the First Army will change!"

"There are also several masters in the Second Army, it is really possible to replace the position of the First Army!"

The players all around started talking.

There is no change in the current army members, and they are still the same as before the French competition.

Hand-made Zongshen, Byōdōin Hōō, Echizen Ryoga, Nishikawa Ryoma, Oni Jujiro, Irie Kanata, Tokugawa Kazuya, Tanegashima Shūji, Watanabe Keisuke, Omagari, Kiriya, Kaji Kazena, Omagari, Tsukimitsu Ochi, Kimijima, Tohno Atsukyo , Unbreakable Iron Man, Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yuho, Mitsuya Akuto.

Except Ghost and Tanegashima were hospitalized due to injuries, the other players were all on the court.

"Compare Akuto with me!"

When people were discussing, Qiu Ting Hong Ye stood up and challenged the first army.

He knows his own strength very well.

If you challenge the top ten players, there is no chance of winning at all.

So he aimed at Akuto, who was ranked 20th.

Hope to defeat him and win a seat in the army.

"It seems to be underestimated!"

Akuto pushed the frame, his expression became serious, and then walked to the court.

"If it doesn't break, let's have a match too!"

Hakamada Izo also stood out 5.1.

In the original work, he was also elected by the first army, so he was naturally unwilling to become the second army.

"I will let you know that this was a wrong decision!"

Don't break the whispers of the iron man, and don't fear the other party's challenge at all.

"Let's have a doubles match!"

Date and Banli also walked out, looking directly at the Mutsu brothers.


The Mutsu brothers glanced at each other and strode away.

The four are old opponents, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, so this battle is destined to be fierce and unusual.

A famous player looks for the player he wants to challenge.

However, Zongshen's few people looked at them eagerly.

Because the people of the Second Army did not dare to challenge the top ten players.

Especially Zongshen, the only professional player in the entire Japanese team, even if you give the Second Army ten courage, no one would dare to challenge Zongshen.

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