The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 890 : A combination of Duke and Ryoga


Harry and Nelson were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the tennis ball.

And just in this daze, the ball had fallen to the ground and bounced out of bounds quickly.

"not good!"

Harry narrowed his eyes and wanted to fight back.

But the masters lost a few miles in the duel.

In this short time, the tennis ball has been played out.


"Interference tactics?"

Harry frowned, feeling a touch of thorny.

If the two can cooperate perfectly every time, they cannot predict the position of the tennis, and it will definitely cause a series of Turnovers.

Because most players make predictions through actions after the opponent hits the ball.

Now the process of Ping Shanzhi's hitting is secret.

In this way, the time left for them to prepare will be reduced by half, creating an interrupted time difference.


Ping Shanzhi continues to serve.

After the two men from the US team responded, they used the same method again.

One intercepted in front to block the line of sight, and one hit the ball behind him.

Because the time for prediction and preparation was shortened, the two of the US team turned over again and again.



Harry and Nelson frowned, but they couldn't figure out a solution.

"We won this round!"

The monster of flat good screamed, and then continue to serve.



But within a few minutes, the two used the time difference tactics to win the seventh game.

"Senior Pingshan and Yuanzhe are really amazing!"

"Now finally gaining an advantage!"

"As long as you keep going, you will definitely win!"

The Japanese team cheered.

The fierce match continued, but the two of the American team were unable to crack the time difference tactics, and they lost points repeatedly under the interference of this trick.



The match ended and the Japanese team won.

"Lost? Lost?!"

All the members of the American team looked at each other.

The combination of Harry and Nelson is not weak.

However, these two Japanese players defeated them and won the first match.

"The Japanese team really should not be underestimated w.!"

Ralph took a deep breath, his face serious.

"In addition to the hand Zongshen, the other players are also very good!"

Du Du whispered.

Hearing this, the group nodded.

If someone told them before the match that Harry and Nelson would lose, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"Feel sorry!"

Harry walked off the field with a guilty expression on his face.

This was the first match, but they lost.

"It's ok!"

Ralph shook his head, knowing that they had tried their best.

As he said, he glanced at the team.

Now the team loses one game first, so the doubles in the second round must win, otherwise the next situation will be very unfavorable.

"Tempel, Joseph, the doubles are up to you!"

Ralph's eyes were fixed on the two of them.

Both of them didn't deal with him normally.

But Temple and Joseph are now the first doubles of the US team, and both are half-step world-class strengths.


Joseph whispered back.

Although it usually violates Ralph's arrogance.

But this match is about the honor and face of the team, he will not deliberately mess up like a fool.

Because it was not only Ralph's face, but also his own.

Japanese rest area.

Heyzenyuki and Hara Tetsu also walked off with a relaxed look.

Although the time difference is not invincible, it has achieved great results from the two Harrys.

"Good job!

Zongshen praised.

The victory in the first match was a great boost to the morale of the team.

"The U.S. team is not so good now!"

Tohno Atsukyo laughed, his eyes filled with disdain.

Before the match, he thought that the US team would be the same as before, being a rare strong team in the world.

But it seems that way now.

"Don't underestimate your opponent!"

Akuto pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice, "As far as I know, Harry and Nelson of the U.S. team are both middle and lower players in the team, not very strong!


Zongshen nodded, then looked aside: "Duke, Ryoga, the second match is handed over to you!"

Duke Watanabe, known as the king of destruction, ranked fifth in the team.

Echizen Ryoga, known as the little samurai, ranks third in the team.

One is world-class, and the other is world-class.

Zongshen did not underestimate the American team and directly sent the strongest lineup.

"Leave it to us!"

Duke Watanabe laughed.

He joined the Japanese team, although everyone agrees.

But after all, he still didn't contribute much to the team.

This match is his first game with the Japanese team, so he must win.

"Don't be so serious?"

Echizen Ryoga bumped the orange in his hand, and then took a bite.

He wanted to have fun, but didn't want to end the match so quickly.

*"1 Hurry up and warm up!

Zongshen interrupted.


Echizen Ryoga sighed and could only pick up the racquet and walk to the side.

Ten minutes later, both sides finished warming up.

"The Japanese team is playing against the U.S. team, doubles a match, please play with both players!"

The referee blew the whistle.

"elder brother?"

"Brother, come on!"

In the audience, Echizen Ryoma saw his brother coming on stage, and couldn't help yelling out again.


Echizen Ryoga looked up.

After discovering that it was his own brother, a bright smile appeared on his face, and his arms swayed in that direction.


The four came to the net and stood far away.


Echizen Ryoga looked at the two Josephs, put Racquet on his shoulders, and smiled frivolously: "I advise you to give up early, otherwise you will get hurt!"

Although he didn't want to end the match so soon.

But Duke Watanabe doesn't think so.

The opponent (Zhao Zhaohao) is known as the king of destruction, and even he feels frightened with a powerful ball.

Although I don't know the strength of the two Josephs, they are definitely not Duke's opponents.

"You are too arrogant!"

Joseph's face was a little ugly.

After all, I was asked to admit defeat as soon as I came up. I'm afraid everyone will be angry.

Looking at the frivolous Echizen Ryoga, he made up his mind to teach the two a profound lesson and let them know what is so great.


"The players on both sides are in place, the American team serve!"

The referee interrupted the conversation between both parties.

The four of them looked at each other, and then immediately formed a cross formation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was an orderly bounce sound.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball flew out like a bullet.

"bring it on!"

Duke Watanabe grinned, his eyes full of violent demons.

He came to the Japanese team without success, this match is exactly his battle of merit!.

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