The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 909 : Hand crushed Ryoma (2/3)

"Not an opponent at all."

"Echizen's strength is good, but he is a primary school student after all, and he is so different from his hand!"

"Shoujia is really the strongest!"

A group of middle-aged students saw this scene and started talking.

Although it was only two goals, people saw a lot of things.

In terms of light control, the player just dumped Ryoma.

"It seems that Ryoga's younger brother is not the opponent of Zongshen's younger brother!"

Irie laughed, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"I don't look at whose younger brother it is, do you think Ryoga?"

Zongshen nodded in agreement, and then deliberately glanced at Echizen Ryoga with a smile on his face.

"You guy!!

Echizen Ryoga is a little depressed.

If it was normal, he would naturally not say anything.

Instead, I’m very happy to see Ryoma deflated

But Shoujia is Zongshen's younger brother, which is different.


"ask for it!'

Byodoin snorted coldly.

In his opinion, Echizen Ryoma is the same as Echizen Ryoga, so you should beat it well, so as not to know the sky and the earth, everyone dares to challenge.

In the discussion, Echizen Ryoma got up, picked up the cap 25 and put it on his head again.


The net racquet hit the ground, and there was a bounce sound.

He has always been a person who refuses to admit defeat. Although the two goals just made him embarrassed, they also inspired his eagerness to win.

"The match has just begun!"

Echizen Ryoma drank low, raised the tennis ball, his arm slammed down.


The tennis ball bursts out like a bullet, and spins quickly after it hits the ground.

High speed irregular spin!

He fell in this trick, and naturally wanted to get up through this trick.

"Have you given up yet?"

"You should know that this trick won't work for me at all!"

Shoujia spoke calmly.

"How can I know if I don't try it!"

Echizen Ryoma raised his head, a serious smile appeared on his face.

Once he decides things will not change.


Shoujia nodded and did not persuade.

Stepping backward, as if already knowing where the tennis ball will fly, racquet swept away.


With a crisp sound, racquet held the tennis ball.

Echizen Ryoma is very smart, because this time the spin is flying in the opposite direction to the last one.

If it were other players, I'm afraid they would have been fooled long ago.

But it is a pity that he met Shoujia, one of the most powerful people in middle school students.


Racquet swept and the tennis ball flew upside down.

"I was seen through!"

Echizen Ryoma was a little unwilling.

But instead of evading, he rushed out quickly.

He has suffered twice in this trick, so he is never allowed to take it a third time.


With a loud shout, his arms waved vigorously.

There was a violent sound of breaking through the air, and his eyes shrank into needles.

Because he was vacant!

"How can it be?!

Echizen Ryoma yelled out loud and looked down sharply.

I saw that the high-speed ball did not bounce at all, but slowly stopped as it rotated, then rolled back and hit the net.


"this "

Echizen Ryoma looked incredulous.

He never dreamed that the ball would not bounce, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Zero chop!"

"Unexpectedly, Shoujia would even use this trick!"

"Echizen is in trouble, because the handist has no plans to be merciful at all!"

Several people from Fuji talked about it.

At the same time, he looked at Ryoma with some pity, knowing that the other party was about to accept the baptism of a fiasco next.

"This brat, tell him not to compare!"

Echizen Ryoga looked helpless.

He knows that Shoujia’s personality is actually very similar to Zongshen.

Zongshen is very persistent in winning, his hands seem calm but not much different.

Although Echizen Ryoma is an elementary school student, the hand family will never show mercy for this reason.

It's just like Zongshen beat Ajujin.

It doesn't matter how old the other party is at all.

"Your brother is going to be hit hard!"

Duke Watanabe laughed.


Echizen Ryoga sighed, with a headache.


On court, Echizen Ryoma looked serious, took a deep breath and beat Racquet to the ground.

The tennis ball was flying, and at the moment of the fall, the arm pressed hard.

call out!

This time he did not use irregular spin.

Although he wanted to stand up from where to fall, he was still a calm person, knowing that continuing to use that trick would only make him lose one round.


The tennis ball fell and bounced quickly.

But the sprinting speed of the hand was beyond imagination, almost before he came to tennis in the blink of an eye.

Racquet swept and the tennis ball flew upside down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The match between the two sides became more intense.

Shoujia gradually showed overwhelming strength and suppressed Echizen Ryoma.


Echizen Ryoma gritted his teeth and ran on the court.

Defend vigilantly after hitting the ball back.

But soon he discovered something was wrong.

Because the opposite hand did not move at all, even though the tennis ball rushed past him and fell on the baseline position.


A whisper spread.

I saw the invisible air current of 783 swirling like a whirlpool.

The unsmashed tennis ball was dragged by the air wave, and instantly changed its flight trajectory, rushing towards the player's side.

"what happened?!"

Echizen Ryoma's eyes shrank, and he didn't know why tennis suddenly changed its trajectory.

The huge air current vortex pulled the tennis ball to the front.

The hand's eyes flashed, and his arm pressed hard.


The sonic boom exploded, and the tennis ball came out like a bolt of lightning.

Echizen Ryoma still had an unbelievable look on his face, did not react at all, and heard a violent crash.


The tennis ball fell to the ground and swiftly rushed out of the baseline.


" So fast!"

Echizen Ryoma regained his senses, and turned his head in amazement.

After seeing the tennis ball outside the bounds, he took a breath.

He hadn't seen the ball at all. If it hadn't heard the sound, he would not know when the tennis rushed through halftime.

"Even the Shoujia realm has been used?"

"I really don't show any mercy at all!"

"I don't know how Echizen should respond!"

The people around started talking.

This trick of the field is almost unsolvable for middle school students.

Now Echizen Ryoma is not even a middle school student. It is not that difficult to break this trick.

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