The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 912 : Lose Echizen Ryoma (2/3)

Echizen Ryoma became more silent.

The ball was very strong just now. If he hadn't released the racquet in time, maybe his arm would be broken.

That kind of power is simply not something he can resist.

Now that the four rounds have passed, Echizen Ryoma's forehead is sweating, and his exhalation has begun to rush.

On the other hand, Shoujia had a calm face-not much consumption at all.


"Yes, Echizen's talent is good, but his strength is still not comparable to his hand."

"Don't forget, Echizen is a genius, and Shoujia is a genius!'

"I just don't know if the hand is showing mercy?"

"I guess not, you also know what the character of the hand family is.

Everyone talked, and then looked at the court, wondering how the match would develop.

On the field.

A trace of bitterness appeared on Echizen Ryoma's face.

He has never experienced such powerlessness since he was young, except for his own old man who can suppress himself.

"But I will never admit defeat!"

The bitter expression disappeared, replaced by firmness.

Although the current situation is very unfavorable, he does not want to give up.

The fifth game begins.

Echizen Ryoma serve bureau.

The tennis ball flew from between the fingers and then quickly swung the racket.

A light yellow light beam passed, a dull impact sounded, and the tennis ball quickly spun on the ground.

External rotation serve!

Shoujia's complexion was calm, and his body did not move.

After the tennis ball bounced, it rushed towards the face, but the trajectory of the ball changed soon.

"Combine external rotation serve and irregular spin?"

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expect Echizen Ryoma to become stronger as he fought.

He reacted quickly, stepped back and put the ball on the racket.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball turned into an arc and fell to the ground.

"Don't think about it!"

Echizen Ryoma yelled, trying to rush back.

But soon, there was a trace of disbelief on his face.

Because the ball did not bounce at all, but slowly stopped as it rotated.

Zero chop!


"Not an opponent at all!"

Echizen Ryoga sighed slightly, knowing that his brother was completely suppressed.

This suppression does not refer to a single aspect, but is completely crushed in terms of strength, speed, and responsiveness.

It is basically impossible for Echizen Ryoma to win.

"Should Kunimitsu be merciful?"

Zongshen said.

"Ha ha "

"It's not necessary, it's not bad to let him try to fail!"

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly.

No matter he or Ryoma, he is a man of arrogant personality.

How is it possible to agree to the opponent's mercy.

And he knows that his brother has always been going well.

This fiasco is not a bad thing, and it may be a good result.

In the discussion between the two, the fifth game on the field ended.

Under the suppression of the various statistics of the hand, Echizen Ryoma still never scored a goal.

At the beginning of the sixth game, the hands serve the game.

This is also the last round of the match.


Echizen Ryoma gasped.

The hair was soaked in sweat, and the chest was violently up and down.

"This guy is so strong!!

He looked up at the Shoujia and found that the Shoujia was like his old man, giving him a feeling of invincibility.

"This match should also be over!

Shoujia spoke calmly.


The tennis ball was raised and his arm waved down.

The sound of a crisp hit was transmitted, and the tennis shot went wild.

Echizen Ryoma recovered and wanted to fight back.

But the ball rubbed his racquet and rushed, letting him miss with one shot.



Shoujia serve again.

The loud hitting sound appeared, like a powerful ball.

Echizen Ryoma retreated to the baseline subconsciously, but soon revealed an unbelievable look.

Because this seemingly powerful ball did not explode the impact it should have, it swept halftime and rushed to the near corner position.

Close corner kick!



The hand jumped up, and his arm pressed hard.

"Smash serve?"

"At this height, the tennis ball will definitely rush to the baseline!"

Echizen Ryoma makes a prediction.

It's a pity that he predicted the error again, because the moment he waved the racquet, the smash turned into a chop.

After the tennis ball rushed through halftime, it quickly fell and fell to the ground.

Put short chop!


The player wins three consecutive goals in one breath, allowing the match to enter the match point.


Echizen Ryoma was unwilling and wanted to shout.

But Shoujia was a big mountain, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure and couldn't make any sound at all.


With a light swing from the hand, the tennis ball floated away, and fell quickly after passing the net.

Zero type serve!

"Don't think about it!

Echizen Ryoma rushed out, trying to provoke the ball.

But before racquet touched the tennis ball, the ball rolled backwards and finally hit the net.


The match ends.

Echizen Ryoma was lying on the ground like losing all his strength, and his eyes lost anxiety.

After a while, he took off his hat and put it on his face, making it difficult to see his expression.

But judging from the undulating chest, it was obviously extremely unwilling.

"keep working hard!

The hand looked calm, and he was not pleased with the victory.

After saying this, he turned and walked towards the field, never looking at the other party again.

"Small, go on!"

A laugh came, and Echizen Ryoga threw an orange.

But Ryoma's face is covered by the hat, where can I see it.

The orange hit his head suddenly, making him a little bit painful.


Echizen Ryoma took off his hat and looked at each other angrily.

"What? Can't you stand this blow?"

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly, his tone full of runs.


Echizen Ryoma curled his lips.

He was just a little unwilling to say that he couldn't stand it.

It is not the first time that he has matched Nanjiro since he was a child.

"Since you can stand it, stand up!"

Echizen Ryoga was relieved.

Knowing that his brother was not hit.


Echizen Ryoma saw what he was like now, with a touch of shame on his face.

He quickly got up and put on his hat again, and pressed it down, making it difficult to see his expression.

Soon he raised his head again, looking directly at his hand, his eyes burning with fiery fighting spirit.

Shoujia was the first person besides Nanjiro to make him miserably defeated.

He was obviously about the same age, but completely crushed himself.

That kind of powerful strength shocked him and yearned for it at the same time.

"Next time I must win!"

Echizen Ryoma clenched his fists and made up his mind secretly. Xi.

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