The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 924 : Extinguish the Five Senses (5/5)

"If you want to crack the ball control, you can only give up the ball!"

Siwani whispered.

The realm is indeed strong, but it is the skill of following trajectories and rotations.

If you give up this point and then serve again, the field will naturally disappear.


The tennis ball flew back, but Sivani did not move, allowing the tennis ball to rush past him.


"The ball control has been cracked, can you stay in place next?"

A confident look appeared on Sivani's face, and he quickly served.


The tennis ball was shot.

But at the moment of swinging, there was a dizziness in the brain, and the ball was hit by Zongshen's side.

"what happened?"

Siwani's heart tightened.

I found my body seemed to be manipulated and not controlled by myself.

This feeling is like his mental pressure!

"Spiritual pressure?!"

His eyes shrank, and his face was covered in horror.

He didn't expect that Zongshen's mental power would be so strong, and he actually rebounded his stunt.


When he was shocked, Zongshen had already hit the ball back.

Seeing this ball, Siva 25ni's eyes flashed anger, obviously affected by this ball.

"I want to see who has the stronger mental power!"

He was cruel in his heart.

How can I not believe that Zongshen's age has such a strong mental power.


Hit the ball back.

It contains strong spiritual power.

"Want to compete with me in spirit?"

Zongshen chuckled.

He has been a man for two lifetimes, and he has never been afraid of anyone in terms of spiritual power.

Bang! Bang! Monument!

The match between the two parties is at peace.

Tennis shots flew back and forth on both sides of the court, but they were all flat balls.

The spectators around looked dull.

Because they didn't know that the two were competing for mental strength, they felt that the match was not fierce at all.

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary viewers.

Players like Flake have a solemn look.

Knowing that this flat ball battle seems ordinary, but it is more dangerous than any match.

Because this is a spiritual battle.

The spirit is invisible and intangible, but carelessness can cause a nervous breakdown.

"Unexpectedly, Zongshen has such terrible mental power at this age!"

Flake was shocked.

Before the match, he also thought that Zongshen might not be able to compare with Siwani in spirit because of his age.

But it turned out not to be the case.

"The spirit of the hand Zongshen far exceeds Siwani!"

Ryan said in a deep voice.

Because on the field, Zongshen's face was calm and calm, while Siwani's forehead was faintly sweaty.

Obviously in this spiritual matchup, Siwani fell into a disadvantage.

"Damn it, how could this kid be so strong?!"

Sivani's brows throbbed.

He exerted terrible mental pressure on the Flat ball back and forth.

I thought I could defeat Zongshen by relying on this trick.

But reality slapped him severely.

He found that his psychological depression was getting stronger and stronger, but Zongshen was calm and calm, and had no effect at all.

"It looks like you lost!"

Zongshen chuckled and hit the ball back.

Silvani was in a daze when he heard this.

The tennis ball came flying in, just an ordinary flat ball.

But in his eyes, phantoms appeared.

"not good!"

"The spirit is starting to trance!"

Siwani was shocked.

Once you fall into a trance in a mental duel, you may fall into a mental illusion next.

When all kinds of emotions emerge in the heart, the spirit will collapse.

"Must find a way!"

Sivani gritted his teeth and did not catch the ball.

I want to get rid of my mental influence by losing points.


The tennis ball fell to the ground and bounced out.


"Do you think you can get rid of mental pressure with this method?"

Zongshen chuckled.


A ball was hit and it fell heavily to the ground.

Silvani was surprised when he heard this, and just wanted to catch the ball, but found that the whole world had lost its voice.

He looked around blankly and found that the audience's mouth was moving, but he could not hear the sound.

"My sense of hearing disappeared?!"

Sivani's eyes shrank into needles, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He couldn't understand how he was affected by the opponent's spirit before he touched the tennis ball.

"This is just the beginning!"

Zongshen gave a low laugh.

The five senses became stronger in his hands.

The current five senses is a truly world-class stunt, even if a world-class player encounters it, he will suffer.


It's another ball.

The tennis ball passed Siwani.

At the moment when racquet received the Let's ball, he found that he could not sense the weight of racquet.

"My sense of touch?!"

Siwani's breathing was stagnant.

Then I soon knew why I was recruited.

That is Zongshen is above himself in spirit.

That's why his five senses will be deprived.

match continues.

However, Zongshen did not show mercy.


There was a crisp sound.

When the tennis ball fell in front of Siwani, his vision disappeared.

Sivani's eyes widened.

At this moment he seemed to be in a deadly place.

Can't hear, can't touch, can't see!

There was darkness and silence all around, as if being in nothingness.

"My vision has also disappeared?!"

Sivani returned to his senses, and this thought came to mind 790.

He wanted to step out of this dark place.

But before he raised his footsteps, great fear emerged in his heart.

It seemed as if there were scourges hidden all around, once they stepped out, those monsters would swallow him.

on court.

Siwani lost his focus and stood on the court in despair.

"That's it!"

Zongshen whispered softly.

After the words fell, the match ended within ten minutes.

The spectators all around were dull and didn't know what was going on.


"Sivani, this idiot must be playing a fake match!"

"Yes, I stood still and didn't serve or fight back!"

The audience called out.

There are a lot of spectators betting on Siwani.

With the defeat of the opponent, many people lost a lot of money.

However, the organizers obviously ignored these callers.

Ordinary audiences can't see the doorway, how could some masters in Duel City fail to see it.

Knowing that the two were fighting a mental duel, it was not a counterfeit match at all.


Zongshen ignored the roar in his ear, but looked at the host.

Since you want to match, it's more fun.

Today, he will continue to compare until his physical strength is exhausted!

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