The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 929 : Become a Hand (1/4)

The two sides exchanged venues.

In the second round, Niou Masaharu serve.

"here we go!"

Nioh's eyes flashed, and the aura on his body instantly changed.

"This is a handicraft?"

Fuji was taken aback for a moment.

Because they found that Niou Masaharu has become a handicraft.

The calm breath on the body seemed to be carved out of a mold with the hand.

"Nioh's appearance is getting more and more terrifying!"

Yanagi Renji's eyes flashed.

In the past, Niou Masaharu could also imitate it, but it was just a virtual chart.

But now there is more true meaning, as if I am present.

On the field.

"Hand Home" threw the ball up.


The tennis ball is flying, spinning fast in the half-delay.

Then a fierce wind shook, racquet banged on a flying ball, and the tennis shot exploded.


The speed of the ball was extremely fast and extremely tricky, and it rushed to Lal's side with warm eyes.

Rotating at high speed after landing, there was a harsh rubbing sound.

Lal narrowed his eyes and looked down.

I saw the tennis ball spin at an amazing speed, like a light and shadow.

"This is a backspin?!"

Lal's eyes flickered.

Although his body is fat, his movements are extremely agile.

Racquet quickly reached the ground, and then waved from bottom to top.


The backspin ball bounced at low altitude and was hit back accurately by him.


A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of "Hands". I didn't expect this little fat man in front of him to have such a strong ability to judge.

"give it to me!"

Yagyu Hiroshi quickly rushed out, swung the racquet, and hit the ball back.


But Lal did not move.

Because the other figure surfed the internet like lightning, quickly cutting the racquet diagonally.

A baseline diagonal kick flew out, and both of them had no time to react, so they could only watch the tennis rush out of the sideline.


Jay Ding scored!

"Sure enough, I can't underestimate it!"

"Hand's Home" flashed his eyes and continued to serve.

The tennis ball spins and bounces, which is a powerful topspin ball.

However, Lahr took a step back, twitched racquet, and hit the ball directly.


Liu Sheng rushed out in front of the net and hit a corner kick.

However, Jie Ding took Liu Sheng seriously and quickly intercepted the Internet.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tennis shots flew back and forth from both sides of the court. It didn't take long for the match to begin, but the battle between the two sides has become day-to-day.

"Laser beam!"

Yagyu Hiroshi crossed and ran with "Hands", and then quickly swung his pat.


The tennis ball rushed through the gap between Jedding and Raal in a flash.



Jie Ding took a deep breath, his eyes full of dignity.

Although the match was just beginning, he felt a pressure.

However, "Shoujia" obviously did not give the two a chance to prepare and waved racquet again.


The tennis ball flashed and shot out like an arrow feather.

Jieding and Lal shrank their eyes, only to see a cloud of golden light filling their retinas.


The impact sound came, and the golden light had already rushed out of the baseline.


"It's really like the imitation!"

Atobe pressed two fingers between his brows, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Now Niou Masaharu's imitation is no longer a fictitious chart, but a real imitation of the true meaning of a player.

"not enough!

Sanada shook his head.

He and Tezuka are teammates, knowing that the player can also hit a faster goal.

"It's already amazing to hit this kind of high-speed ball by simply relying on imitation!"

Yukimura retorted.

He hasn't seen the imitating player.

But this is the first time I have seen a full-scale imitation like Niou Masaharu.

And they witnessed Niou Masaharu's progress with their own eyes.

A few months ago, the other party could only change his own breath, and what he imitated was only appearance.

But now it's different.

Nioh's imitation now has more true meaning.

It is as if the real hands match on the court, and every move is full of calmness.

"Sure enough, the training camp can greatly enhance the players' strength!'

Fuji nodded.

Knowing that Niou Masaharu has gone through some training, his strength has become stronger.


The match on the field continues!

With a burst of impact, the hand that Nioh imitated scored another point with a high-speed ball.


match comes to match point.

"Jeding and Lal were crushed?"

"How is it possible that the junior high school students of the Japanese team are so good?"

"What are you two doing, fight back quickly!"

A group of junior high school students from the Indian team shouted.

Although Jieding and Lahr are not the strongest, they are certainly not weak to join U-17.

But now it is almost past two games, except for the one, never got another goal.

"The Japanese team is the champion of the French competition, and their strength should not be underestimated!'

The chief Sima frowned.

He is also a person who has participated in the World Cup.

Although I don’t know much about the junior high school group in Japan.

But I also know that there are several geniuses in the junior high school group.

Such as Shoujia and Yukimura.

The two played during the French competition, and they also defeated the high school students of the Tai Guo team, which made him remember.

Before the match, he reminded Jie Ding to be careful.

However, the two of them are fledgling, everything is centered on themselves, so you can hear them.

"It's okay to let them suffer a bit, so as not to be arrogant!"

A high school player said solemnly.

He knew that it wasn't just Jay Ding and Lal. 793

The junior high school players all look the same, thinking that they are the protagonists of the world.

If this defeat can wake up a group of people, it would be a good thing.

on court.

The fierce match continues.


The tennis ball spins fast.

"This ball is still a powerful topspin ball!

Jieding was extremely calm, taking two steps back and swinging quickly.

The moment he waved the racquet, the tennis ball bounced and seemed to actively hit the racquet.

"The powerful topspin ball is very aggressive. If I can return a short ball, I will be surprised."

"So I won the ball!"

His eyes flashed, and racquet cut across.


The tennis ball made an arc, swept across the net and then fell quickly.

Short ball!

"Doubles are a match for two people!"

"Tezuka" at the baseline looked calm.

The moment these words fell, a figure appeared in front of the net.

Yagyu Hiroshi!


A powerful baseline ball rushed to the baseline position.

At this time, Jie Ding and Lal were both on the Internet, there was no time to defend, so they could only watch the tennis rush out.


"this …

The two of the Indian team were dumbfounded, with unbelievable faces. .

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