The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 936 : Maori is beginning to show its edge (3/3)

On the field.

Sharona's eyes were cold, and she looked to the opposite side.

I saw Maori lying on the ground, making a snoring sound, as if he was really asleep

If it weren't for the next round, I'm afraid everyone would think that Maori has given up.


He took a deep breath and spoke in English.

Maori seemed to have heard this, and stood up in a heel.


Swinging the racket in a weird posture, the tennis ball fell at a knife-drilling angle.

But Sarana predicted the tennis ball's drop point in advance, and his body flashed and intercepted ahead.


Backhand dribbled the ball and hit the ball back.

The opposite Maori closed his eyes tightly, and then jumped up.


A powerful smash smashed the tennis back.

"Already prepared!

Sharona yelled.

The figure retreated fiercely, and instantly came to the baseline.

Racquet lifted up and swung vigorously at the rushing tennis ball.


The roar shook the audience.

Racquet hit the tennis ball, a flash of red light shining on the court, and the tennis rushed out.


"It's Sarana's unique skill---Xiang Chong!"

"As long as I hit this ball, the Japanese player would never want to score!"

The players of the Indian team cheered.


The roar exploded, and the turbulent air wave swept across and hit Maori hard.

800 Maori's movements were stagnant, but while sleeping, he instinctively responded.


Racquet caught the Let ball, and terrible power swept through it.

Maori frowned in his sleep, but his instinct made him immediately racquet.

The racket face cuts across like a sharp blade.

Chi Chi!

A sharp, piercing voice sounded.

The tennis hit racquet fiercely, but it couldn't break through the restraints anyway.

The strength gradually disappeared, and the ultimate ball flew out.


"How can it be!"

"Xiang Chong was hit back?!"

The cheering Indian team looked stagnant, with an unbelievable expression on their faces.

"how come?"

Even Sarana himself opened his mouth, and he couldn't believe it.

Elephant Chong is his stunt.

I don't know how many masters have been defeated by this trick.

But now he is easily hit back by Maori, how can he accept it.

"Sweet spot technology!"

Zongshen spoke.

In a word, the key to this trick is broken back at the gross profit.

Just now Maori used sweet spot cutting, otherwise he would not be able to hit back that kind of powerball.

"Because I am sleeping (cffb) dreams, so the grasp of the sweet spot is more precise!"

Oni Jujiro thought for a while and said.

"As long as the mental power is fully concentrated, the power of the stunt can be greatly increased!"

Tokugawa Kazuya nodded.


The counter-attack has hit the ground.

Sarana immediately slapped back.

But when racquet caught the Let's ball, there was a trace of incredible in his eyes.


Unparalleled power!

This seemingly ordinary ball is actually similar to his elephant punch.

"How can it be?!"

Sarana exclaimed.

Then Juli swept through, making his arm tingle.

The five fingers that had held racquet loosened, and the tennis ball flew out with racquet.


The ground trembled and the dust rose.

When the dust dissipated, everyone sucked in air.

Because the solid ground has shattered, cracks like spider webs spread all around.

The members of the Indian team were all dumbfounded.

They were still cheering just now, thinking that Maori would never be able to catch the ball.

I didn't expect things to reverse so quickly.

The opponent just uses a chip to hit the ball back.

Moreover, the ball hit back was amazingly powerful, blasting Sarana's racquet out.


The sound of the beating awakened people.

Everyone looked and found that Maori had served.

His eyes were still closed, but no one looked down upon it now.

Because Maori has proven his strength with actions.

"bring it on!"

Sharona drank low.

He didn't believe his elephant chong was cracked so easily.

The moment the tennis ball bounced, the racquet waved swiftly.


The thunderbolt blasted and the tennis ball fell on Maori's feet like a bomb.

The terrible air wave rolled up and hit the body hard.

Maori still looked like he was asleep, facing the ball without evasive, and hit back head-on.


Sweet spot chipping!

With the cutting of the best hitting point, the power of the tennis is slowly dissipated.

After drawing an arc, pass halftime.


The ground trembles and throws up dust all over the floor.

Sharona saw this eye socket trembling, and finally believed that his elephant rush was cracked, and there was a touch of unwillingness on his face.

But he quickly recovered and assumed a defensive posture.

After all, he is still in the lead now, as long as he wins two more games.


The fierce battle continued.

But Maori who fell asleep became more and more courageous.

Although Sarana desperately blocked him, he still lost points again and again.


"Game, Mōri Juzaburō, 2 to 4!"



"game, Mōri Juzaburō, 4 to 4!"


"Game, Mōri Juzaburō, 5 to 4!"

But in just 20 minutes, Maori pulled the score back and overtook it.

"Why is this?"

"Isn't Gang オ Sarana leading? But why did he fall behind?"

"What a joke, it's not true at all!"

The members of the Indian team looked unbelievable.

Just when they thought they were going to win a round, Maori showed great power and pulled the score back in one breath.

Who can accept this huge contrast.

"Is this the real strength of the Maori predecessors?"

Yukimura took a deep breath.

I thought that he and his hand were already the strongest existence in the country.

But after watching this match of Maori, it was discovered that this was not the case.

Mōri Juzaburō, the seemingly lazy predecessor, is not weaker than them at all.

"Very strong!"

Shoujia said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he glanced at Yuan Tetsu, who was also peaceful and kind.

He can feel that the strength of these two seniors will not be weak, but they have not shown it normally.

If one day comes on stage, it will surprise everyone.

"There is no accident in this match!"

Everyone looked at each other and then said.

as predicted.

At the moment this word fell, Maori had already blasted the ball out.

Regardless of the speed and power, the ball was much faster than before. It fell to the ground with an unbelievable gaze at Sarana, and then rushed out.


The match is over!

The sleeping genius Mōri Juzaburō wins!.

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